2024 Care Package Ministry
Please complete this form with information for a college student or deployed military member who wishes to receive goodies from Holy Family's Care Package Ministry during the 2024-2025 school year. If a particular question does not apply to you, please leave it blank. Please email youthministry@hfec.org if you have any questions. Have a great year!

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Name *
Preferred pronouns
Birthday *
Complete mailing address including zip code and student mail code if applicable *
Email *
Phone number we can text *
College name
Branch of military
What is your connection to Holy Family? *
Favorite shops(s) to eat or drink (Taco Bell, Starbucks. etc.)
Do you use Uber, Lyft, or another ride share company? If so, please list which you prefer.
Please list any electronic payment apps you use such as Venmo or PayPal and your username for each.
Please add any additional information you'd like to share with us.
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