Being a woman in 2019 means certain things: You are a survivor. You have made it through the gauntlet of your young adulthood, your crazies, your first bad mistakes and you’re “not-so-great” choices. You’ve gained wisdom. Perspective. Answers. And still, life isn’t easy.

In fact, it’s hard.

As much as you have learned, sometimes it feels like you’re literally creating your future out of thin air. Who will you be tomorrow? What will the world, men, relationships, your career, and your world demand of you next?

And who do you want to be to the world?

As young women, many of you changed as the wind blew. Inventing yourself and trying to be the “right” partner, lover, employee, friend, and daughter the world told you to be.

As a grown woman, you get to decide. You get to choose.  That is the gift of growing up. Whether you’re 30 or 70, it is your right and privilege to be the person you want to be.

If happiness is what you crave, you’ll only live a happy life when you love the life you live. An evolved modern woman knows what she wants, and loves the life she has.

Flaws and all.

Conflict and all.

Not in comparison with the women she sees on social media or in the magazines, but in gratitude for the woman she sees in the mirror.

The woman who loves her life doesn’t bend (and sometimes break) with the wind, she flows with it, rooted to the earth confidently and bravely. She is a force to be reckoned with who no longer allows the thoughts that rule her mind and heart to lead her to poor choices or harmful decisions out of fear, or lack of worth, or obligation.

A woman who loves her life values herself equally with others without sacrificing her very self-worth to gain a whisper of acceptance or connection to another.

This was my path to true self acceptance and a life filled with pride, joy, passion, adventure, and love.

If you want this (or your own version of it), I can teach you how to get it.

Because truthfully, if you’re over the age of 25 and still struggling to feel comfortable in your own skin, free of the burdens of your family, your obligations, or your past, then it’s time to break out of this subpar existence.

I’m here to tell you that you can fall in love with your life, FINALLY.I know because I’ve done it.

I'm Debra Smouse. I have been a life coach for over a decade, but beyond being a life coach, I'm a woman in my fifties living a life that I love.

And that, my dear, is no small feat in this modern life.

If you’re ready to finally create the life you love, full of all the gifts the universe can bring you, join me for a week of digging into this topic beginning on Thursday, September 19th 

Let me tell you that this Master Class is completely FREE.  How it works:

When you sign up below, you'll receive a daily email September 19, 2019 through September 25, 2019

Each email contains a lesson to help you grow. It’s also includes an inspirational quote, and/or downloadable worksheet to help you wherever you are on this journey.

Some of the topics included are:
  • Exploring the excuses you’re unknowingly (maybe a little knowingly) that are keeping you from living the life you desire.
  • How to use jealousy and envy to get clear on what you need and desire.
  • Making You Matter - what to do and how to cope when you feel invisible in your own life    
  • How to make life feel easier so you your feelings lead you into the direction of living a healthier life, even when it’s hard!
I’ll be with you LIVE on Facebook and/or YouTube Live at various times between September 19th and September 27th  to answer your questions and guide you through what it takes to finally get rid of what's in your way so you make greater progress loving yourself and your life.

Just know that I’m open to adding more times to chat if you're interested. Replays of all video calls will be available.

You may wonder if there's a catch to the FREE Master Class.  Here's the transparent truth:

During our time together, I will share the details on my new course - Finally Love Your Life - which begins on September 29, 2019.  This is an 11-week course designed to help you go from surviving to thriving in your own life.

I am not a fan of long sales pages nor a fan of hard sales so I can promise you that I will not inundate you with emails asking you to join that course. 

The thing is, I believe that if you can be just a little happier today, that energy flows out to everyone else around you. Including me.

That's a win-win in my book.

Here's the details if you're interested in joining me in the inaugural running of Finally Love Your Life

* indicates required

Hi! I'm Debra Smouse. I appreciate you being here. I am a life coach and author and will use the information you provide on this form to share lessons, worksheets, and inspirational ideas in my Free Master Class: Inspire Happiness in 7 Short Days. In addition to the course material for: Inspire Happiness in 7 Short Days, I will send you a small number of emails about the sister course to continue this journey in "Finally Love Your Life", an 11 week course that begins June 1, 2019 as well as future offerings of both of these coures. Please let me know all the ways you would like to hear from me by checking the boxes below:

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