Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


List ofReferences


... by using what modes and media?

When & how often?

... for what purpose?

... about what?

Who exchanges (gives & gets) feedback?

How do they interact?(incl. training & follow-up)

Feedback Taxonomy

  • The aim of the feedback taxonomy is to guide and inspire educators to incorporate feedback into curriculum planning, course and task design.
  • By clicking on the different buttons, a variety of options for pedagogical feedback designs will unfold.
  • Feel free to explore them!

Info & How to

How to cite this website: Schluer, J. (2024). Feedback taxonomy (interactive web version). https://tinyurl.com/FeedbackTaxonomy/. Last update: 16/04/2024

Note & Contact

Reference:Brück-Hübner-A., & Schluer, J. (2023). Was meinst du eigentlich, wenn du von "Feedback" sprichst? Chancen und Grenzen qualitativ-inhaltsanalytischer Scope-Reviews zur Herausarbeitung von Taxonomien zur Beschreibung didaktischer Szenarien am Beispiel "Feedback". Themenheft "Forschungssynthesen in der Mediendidaktik". MedienPädagogik 54 (Research Syntheses), pp. 125–166. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/54/2023.11.29.X

Feedback Provider



Learner/ Student

Group of Student Peers

Student Peer


Supervisor/External Expert

Affinity Group

Group of Learners/Students



Group of Teachers

  • By clicking on a button, you will obtain further details and inspirations.

Who gives feedback?

General Considerations

Feedback Provider

How many persons will provide feedback?

Will the feedback provision be assessed, evaluated or graded?

Will there be any training for the feedback provider?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Which status will the feedback provider have?





Feedback Provider

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design


What are advantages of having only one feedback provider?

To what extent is the feedback provider culturally competent in providing feedback to a diverse group of learners?

How effective is the feedback provider in communicating their observations and suggestions?

How well does the feedback provider's approach align with the overall goals of the learning experience?

To what extent does the feedback provider demonstrate empathy towards the learners?

Feedback Provider

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Group of teachers

What are advantages of having more than one feedback providers?

To what extent are the feedback providers culturally competent in providing feedback to a diverse group of learners?

How effective are the feedback providers in communicating their observations and suggestions?

How well do the feedback providers' approaches align with the overall goals of the learning experience?

To what extent do the feedback providers demonstrate empathy towards the learners?

Feedback Provider

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design


What are advantages of having mentor as the feedback provider?

To what extent is the mentor culturally competent in providing feedback to a diverse group of learners?

How effective is the mentor in communicating their observations and suggestions?

How well does the mentor's approach align with the overall goals of the learning experience?

To what extent does the mentor demonstrate empathy towards the learners?

Feedback Provider

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design


What are advantages of having tutor as the feedback provider?

To what extent is the tutor culturally competent in providing feedback to a diverse group of learners?

How effective is the tutor in communicating their observations and suggestions?

How well does the tutor's approach align with the overall goals of the learning experience?

To what extent does the tutor demonstrate empathy towards the learners?

Feedback Provider

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are advantages of having a student peer as the feedback provider?

To what extent is the student peer culturally competent in providing feedback to a diverse group of learners?

How effective is the student peer in communicating their observations and suggestions?

How well does the student peer's approach align with the overall goals of the learning experience?

To what extent does the student peer demonstrate empathy towards the learner?

Student Peer

Feedback Provider

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Group of Students/ Peers

What are advantages of having groups of student peers as the feedback providers?

To what extent are the student peers interculturally competent in providing feedback within/ to heterogeneous groups?

How effective are the student peers in communicating their observations and suggestions?

How well do the student peers' approaches align with the overall goals of the learning experience?

To what extent do the student peers demonstrate empathy towards other learners?

Feedback Provider

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are advantages of having a learner/ student as the feedback provider?

To what extent is the learner/ student culturally competent in providing feedback to a diverse group of learners?

How effective is the learner/ student in communicating their observations and suggestions?

How well does the learner's/ student's approach align with the overall goals of the learning experience?

To what extent does the learner/ student demonstrate empathy towards the learners?

Learner/ Student

Feedback Provider

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Group of Learners/ Students

What are advantages of having group of learners/ students as the feedback providers?

To what extent are the group of learners/ students culturally competent in providing feedback to a diverse group of learners?

How effective are the group of learners/ students in communicating their observations and suggestions?

How well do the group of learners/ students' approaches align with the overall goals of the learning experience?

To what extent do the group of learners/ students demonstrate empathy towards the learners?

Feedback Provider

How does the self-feedback process contribute to the development of a growth mindset?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

How can self-feedback be aligned with individual learners' goals and aspirations?


Feedback Provider

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Supervisor/External Expert

What are advantages of having supervisors/external experts as the feedback providers?

In how far might teachers and students interact differently when external experts or supervisors are involved?

Feedback Provider

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Affinity Group

What are advantages of having an affinity group as the feedback provider?

What challenges do you see with regard to affinity groups as feedback providers?

Feedback Provider

How do the technology-assisted feedback mechanisms align with the overall learning objectives?

How interactive is the feedback system, and does it promote student engagement?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design


Feedback Provider

What are advantages of having only one feedback provider?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

To what extent is the feedback provider culturally competent in providing feedback to a diverse group of learners?

How effective is the feedback provider in communicating their observations and suggestions?

How well does the feedback provider's approach align with the overall goals of the learning experience?

To what extent does the feedback provider demonstrate empathy towards the learners?

How many persons will provide feedback?

Feedback Provider

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

How closely aligned is the expertise of the feedback provider with the subject matter or skills being assessed?

What level of authority and influence does the feedback provider have in the learning process?

How does the feedback provider balance their authority as an expert with collaborative and inclusive approaches to learning?

How does the feedback provider recognize and acknowledge the existing expertise of the learners?

Which status will the feedback provider have?

Feedback Provider

How much time will you spend on training the feedback providers?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Will the training occur only once before the feedback process starts?

What materials will you use to train the feedback providers? (e.g. handouts, video tutorials, live demonstrations)

Will there be in-process coaching of the feedback providers?

Will there by any training for the feedback provider?

Feedback Provider

What criteria will be used to assess the quality and effectiveness of feedback provision?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Is the assessment of feedback provision primarily formative, summative, or a combination of both?

How can consistency be maintained in the assessment of feedback provision, especially when multiple providers are involved?

How timely is the assessment of feedback provision, and how does the timing impact the improvement cycle?

Will the feedback provision be assessed, evaluated or graded?

  • By clicking on a button, you will obtain further details and inspirations.

Feedback Recipient

To whom is feedback given?



Learner/ Student

Student Peer

External Expert

Study Program Coordinators

Fictional Person

Group of teachers

Group of learners/ students

Group of student peers

General Considerations

Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design




Will there be any training for the feedback recipients?

How many persons will receive feedback?

Which status will the feedback recipient have?

Will the feedback reception be assessed, evaluated or graded?


Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design


What are advantages of having only one feedback recipient?

Will there be any training for the feedback recipient?

Will the feedback recipient's performance be assessed, evaluated or graded?

Which status will the feedback recipient have?

Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are advantages of having more than one feedback recipient?

Will there be any training for the feedback recipients?

Will the feedback recipients' performance be assessed, evaluated or graded?

Which status will the feedback recipients have?

Group of teachers

Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are advantages of having only one student peer?

Will there be any training for the student peer?

Will the student peer's performance be assessed, evaluated or graded?

Which status will the student peer have?

Student Peer

Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are advantages of having more than one student peer?

Will there be any training for the student peers?

Will the student peers' performances be assessed, evaluated or graded?

Which status will the student peers have?

Group of student peers

Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are advantages of having only one learner/student?

Will there be any training for the learner/student?

Will the learner's/student's performance be assessed, evaluated or graded?

Which status will the learner/student have?

Learner/ Student

Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are advantages of having more than one learner/student?

Will there be any training for the group of learners/students?

Will the group of learners'/students' performance be assessed, evaluated or graded?

Which status will the group of learners/students have?

Group of learners/ students

Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are advantages of having self as the feedback recipient?


What prior training might be required?

Will you provide scaffolding, and if so in what ways?

Will you combine self-feedback with other feedback directions or feedback sources?

Will the self-feedback be assessed, evaluated or graded?

Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

External Expert

Will there be any training for the external expert?

Will the external expert's performance be assessed, evaluated or graded?

Which status will the external expert have?

Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are advantages of having study program coordinators as the feedback recipient?

Study Program Coordinators

Will there be any training for the study program coordinators?

Will the study program coordinators' performance be assessed, evaluated or graded?

Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

How can technology be utilized for such purposes?

Fictional Person

What are advantages of a fictional person as the feedback recipient?

In what ways could fictional persons as feedback recipients be useful for feedback training?

Feedback Recipient

To what extent were the feedback recipients trained?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Was there any training for the feedback recipients?

In what ways did the feedback training occur?

Was it conducted once? For how long?

Was there also ongoing coaching?

Was the training effective? How could this be measured?

Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are advantages of having only one feedback recipient?

To what extent is the feedback recipient culturally competent in receiving feedback from a feedback provider of a different cultural background?

How effective is the feedback recipient in communicating their needs and wishes?

How well does the feedback recipient's attitude align with the overall goals of the learning experience?

To what extent does the feedback recipient rely on empathy from the feedback provider?

How many persons will receive feedback?

Feedback Recipient

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

How closely aligned is the expertise/previous knowledge of the feedback recipient with the subject matter or skills being assessed?

What level of authority and influence does the feedback recipient have in the learning process?

How does the feedback recipient balance the feedback provider's authority as an expert with their own autonomy?

How does the feedback recipient recognize and acknowledge the existing expertise of the feedback provider?

Which status will the feedback recipient have?

  • By clicking on a button, you will obtain further details and inspirations.

Feedback Content

What does the feedback refer to?


Course/University experience


General Considerations

Feedback Content

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are the assessment criteria for product?

What are the assessment criteria for process?

Is there a central evaluation survey that your university utilizes?

Will the evaluation be paper-based or online?

Feedback Content

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design


What are the assessment criteria for multimedial product?

What are the assessment criteria for written product?

What are the assessment criteria for verbal contributions?

What are the assessment criteria for texts/quizzes?

Feedback Content

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are the assessment criteria for individual learning process?


What are the assessment criteria for teamwork process?

What are the assessment criteria for interaction?

Is the feedback directed at the recipient's individual working processes?

Will the feedback focus on the recipients' interaction?

Is the feedback directed at a collaborative work among multiple feedback recipients?

Feedback Content

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

How closely does the feedback content align with the learning objectives of the course?

Course/University experience

Will there be effort put towards creating a comfortable and safe learning environment for the recipients to accept feedback?

How might the assessment and feedback impact the recipient's learning ability and motivation?

How closely does the feedback content align with the learning content?

How closely does the feedback content align with the learning environment?

How closely does the feedback content align with the course design?

How closely does the feedback content align with assessment/grading?

How closely does the feedback content align with communication and interaction?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Feedback Content

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are the assessment criteria for product?

Originality/ Creativity


Language and style


Formalities (e.g. citation, layout)

Feedback Content

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are the assessment criteria for process?

Attitudes & views(self-reflection)

Learning activities


Ability to work in a team


  • By clicking on a button, you will obtain further details and inspirations.

Feedback Purpose

What is the purpose of the feedback?


Improvement ofteaching/ teachingskills

Improvement of the(feedback)methodology/ training

Learning support

Study programevaluation/accreditation

Collection of information


Increase of transparency/assessment

Promotion of multi-perspectivity

Promotion of feedback competencies


General Considerations

Feedback Purpose

What are specific aims or intended outcomes?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Can the feedback objectives be measured?

Will the specific aims or intended outcomes be made clear to the recipient(s)?

Is the feedback purpose objective and clear?

Feedback Purpose

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design


How do you point out the wrong/ correct answers?

How do you increase the quality/improvement in performance?

How do you display the misconceptions?

Feedback Purpose

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Learning support

How do you support problem solving & revision process?

How do you promote learning success/comprehension?

How do you learn from (your own or others') mistakes?

How do you promote self-regulation/ learning behaviour?

How do you promote reflexivity & self-evaluation?

How do you gather practical experience (e.g. language practice)?

Feedback Purpose

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design


How do you promote postive attitudes & perceptions?

How do you foster motivation/ encouragement?

How do you develop self trust/ external trust?

Feedback Purpose

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Study programevaluation/accreditation

Collection of information


Increase of transparency/assessment

How do you promote participation (of the learners)?

How do you promote interaction (between feedback providers and recipients)?

Feedback Purpose

What are specific aims or intended outcomes?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Study programevaluation/accreditation

Collection of information

Increase of transparency/assessment

Promotion of multi-perspectivity

How will you foster that kind of multi-perspectivity?

How will you formulate your feedback so that it might foster students' multi-perspectivity?

Feedback Purpose

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Study programevaluation/accreditation

Collection of information

Increase of transparency/assessment

Promotion of feedback competencies

What are specific aims or intended outcomes?

What are possible ways to promote feedback competencies?

Do you want to focus on seeking, providing, or utilizing feedback?

What linguistic feedback skills need to be developed?

What (inter-)cultural feedback competencies need to be developed?

Feedback Purpose

What are specific aims or intended outcomes?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Study programevaluation/accreditation

Collection of information

Increase of transparency/assessment

Improvement of the(feedback)methodology/ training

How can the (feedback) methodolgy/ training be improved?

Who is responsible for the improvement of the (feedback) methodology/ training?

Feedback Purpose

What are specific aims or intended outcomes?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Study programevaluation/accreditation

Collection of information

Increase of transparency/assessment

Improvement ofteaching/ teachingskills

How can the improvement of teaching/ teaching skills be assesed?

How can teaching/ teaching skills be improved?

Feedback Purpose

What are specific aims or intended outcomes?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Study programevaluation/accreditation

Collection of information

Increase of transparency/assessment

Study programevaluation/accreditation

What are the possible ways to evaluate a study program?

How can the study program evaluation/ accreditation procedures be improved?

Feedback Purpose

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Collection of information

About attitudes and motivations?

About learners?

For the joint construction of knowledge?

Feedback Purpose

What are specific aims or intended outcomes?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

Increase of transparency/assessment

How can the transparency/assessment be improved?

How can the increase of transparency be evaluated?

Feedback Purpose

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What are specific aims or intended outcomes?

Increase in quality/ improvement in performance

Pointing out the wrong/ correct answers

Promotion oflearning success/comprehension

Promotion of attitude &perception

Gather practical experience (e.g. language practice)

Promotion of reflexivity & self-evaluation

Promotion of self-regulation/ learningbehaviour

Learning from (your own orothers') mistakes

Promotion of motivation/ encouragement

Promotion of self/ external trust

Promotion of participation (of the learners)

Support in problem solving & revision processes

Display of misconceptions

About learners

Joint construction of knowledge

Promotion of interaction

About attitudes and motivations

  • By clicking on a button, you will obtain further details and inspirations.

Feedback Media

How is feedback provided?





General Considerations

Feedback Media

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

How is feedback provided?

How can feedback media impact the effectiveness of feedback for different types of learners?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using different types of feedback media?

Feedback Media

Written/ Visual

Is the feedback written on paper?

Is the feedback provided via e-mail(e-mail text and/ or attachment)?

Is the feedback provided as an electronic file (and what type of file)?

Is the feedback provided through correction/evaluation software?

Is the feedback provided through a quiz survey?

Is the feedback provided through a text/chat message?

Is the feedback provided through a posting/comment?


Feedback Media

Oral/ Audio

Is the feedback provided with a phone call?

Is the feedback provided through voice mail/audio recording?

Is the feedback provided through bug-in-air?


Feedback Media

Audio-Visual/ Multimodal

Is the feedback provided during a physical meeting?

Is the feedback provided through video message/recording?


  • By clicking on a button, you will obtain further details and inspirations.

Feedback Mode

In what manner is feedback exchanged?


Not criteria-focused

Implicit/ indirect



Not Anonymous



Explicit/ direct


General Considerations

Feedback Mode

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

How is feedback provided?

In what specific context does the feedback exchange occur?

How does the nature of the learning environment influence the dynamics of feedback exchange?

In what language(s) will the feedback exchange take place? How proficient are the learners in that language? Will you provide any training, scaffolding and coaching regarding linguistic aspects of feedback communication?

Feedback Mode

Audio-Visual/ Multimodal

Is the feedback personalized?


What are the advantages of personalized feedback?

How can you make your feedback messages more personalized?

What feedback modes or technologies could help to make the feedback more personalized?

Feedback Mode

Audio-Visual/ Multimodal


Is the feedback standardized?

What are the advantages of standardized feedback?

How can you make your feedback messages more standardized?

What feedback modes or technologies could help to make the feedback more standardized?

What are potential challenges or disadvantages of standardized feedback?

Feedback Mode

Audio-Visual/ Multimodal

Is the feedback anonymous?


What are the advantages of annymous feedback?

How can you make your feedback messages anonymous?

What feedback modes or technologies could help to make the feedback anonymous?

What are potential challenges or disadvantages of anonymous feedback?

Feedback Mode

Audio-Visual/ Multimodal

Not Anonymous

Is the feedback non-anonymous?

What are the advantages of non-anoymous feedback?

What are potential challenges or disadvantages of non-anonymous feedback?

What feedback modes or technologies could you use for non-anonymous feedback?

Feedback Mode

Audio-Visual/ Multimodal


Is the feedback synchronous?

What are the advantages of synchronous feedback?

What feedback modes or technologies could you use for synchronous feedback?

What are potential challenges or disadvantages of synchronous feedback?

Feedback Mode

Audio-Visual/ Multimodal


Is the feedback asynchronous?

What are the advantages of asynchronous feedback?

What feedback modes or technologies could you use for asynchronous feedback?

What are potential challenges or disadvantages of asynchronous feedback?

Feedback Mode

Audio-Visual/ Multimodal


Is the feedback based on certain assessment criteria?

What are the advantages of criteria-focused feedback?

What techniques, tools or technologies could assist you in making the feedback criteria-based?

What are potential challenges or disadvantages of criteria-focused feedback?

Which assessment criteria are relevant for the task and learning goal?

Feedback Mode

Audio-Visual/ Multimodal

Not criteria-focused

What are the advantages of unfocused feedback?

What are potential challenges or disadvantages of unfocused feedback?

Feedback Mode

Audio-Visual/ Multimodal

In what language(s) will the feedback exchange take place?

Implicit/ indirect

How proficient are the learners in that language?

Will you provide any training, scaffolding and coaching regarding linguistic aspects of feedback communication?

What are the advantages of implicit/ indirect feedback?

What are potential challenges or disadvantages of implicit/ indirect feedback?

What interpersonal or intercultural challenges do you see?

Feedback Mode

Audio-Visual/ Multimodal

Explicit/ direct

In what language(s) will the feedback exchange take place?

How proficient are the learners in that language?

Will you provide any training, scaffolding and coaching regarding linguistic aspects of feedback communication?

What are the advantages of explicit/ direct feedback?

What are potential challenges or disadvantages of explicit/ direct feedback?

What interpersonal or intercultural challenges do you see?

Feedback Mode

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

In what context does the feedback exchange occur?


Extended private space


  • By clicking on a button, you will obtain further details and inspirations.

Feedback Timing

When is feedback given?



General Considerations

Feedback Timing

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

What might be the optimal timing for feedback, considering factors such as the nature of the task, learner proficiency, and learning objectives?

How often is feedback exchanged?

Will you combine formative and summative feedback, and if so in what ways?

What are the advantages of having a time delay, and what are the disadvantages?

Feedback Timing

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design


How does the immediacy of feedback impact learning outcomes?

Is the feedback timing simultaneous?

Is the feedback timing immediately afterwards?

Is the feedback timing delayed?

Feedback Timing

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

How does the immediacy of feedback impact learning outcomes?


Is the feedback timing simultaneous?

Is the feedback timing immediately afterwards?

Is the feedback timing delayed?

Feedback Timing

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

How often is feedback exchanged?







  • By clicking on a button, you will obtain further details and inspirations.

Feedback Interaction

How do they interact?(incl. training & follow-up)




General Considerations

Feedback Interaction

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design

To start a feedback dialogue, what are possible ways to request feedback, and from whom?

During the feedback exchange, how could providers and recipients interact?

After the reception of feedback, how could you encourage learners to interact with the feedback and the feedback provider?

How could you support the learners during all these stages? What resources and instructions might be beneficial?

Feedback Interaction

Is the role of the feedback recipient in the process passive?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design



Is the role of the feedback recipient in the process proactive?

Is the role of the feedback recipient in the process passive-active?

Feedback Interaction

Is the role of the feedback recipient in the process undirectional?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design


Is the statement clear?

Are there any possible follow-up queries?

Is there feedback on feedback?

Is a discussion of feedback possible?

Is there a reflection on the feedback? How has it been received?

Feedback Interaction

Is the revision obligatory/required?

Reflective Questions for Pedagogical Design


Is the revision not possible?

Is the revision voluntary?


Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jennifer Schluer

Hier geht's zur deutschsprachigen Version

Access the English version of the map here





How to cite this website: Schluer, J. (2023). Digital Feedback Map. https://tinyurl.com/DigitalFeedbackOverview/Last update: 22/03/2024


Pedagogical feedback design & Curriculum planning:Access the feedback taxonomy



Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jennifer Schluer

Hier geht's zur deutschsprachigen Version

Access the English version of the map here




How to cite this resource: Schluer, J. (2023). Digital Feedback Map. https://tinyurl.com/DigitalFeedbackOverview/Last update: 30/03/2024

Feedback taxonomy: Guiding questions for pedagogical design





Personal Conversation (1:1)

Group Conversation/Conference

Forum Posting

Blog/ E-portfolioComment

Social Media

Instant Messenger

Learning platform



Commented Videography of a Performance



Online Text Editor

Electronic Handout

Offline Text Editor

Contact Us

Do you have any further tips or suggestions? Would you like to share your own teaching experiences with us? Give us feedback: tesol[at]phil.tu-chemnitz.deChemnitz University of Technology Faculty of Humanities English Department Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)/ Advanced Academic English Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jennifer Schluer Reichenhainer Str. 39 D-09126 Chemnitz, Germany https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/phil/english/sections/tesol/

Feedback Media

Feedback Mode


Evaluation/ AssessmentSoftware

Tutoring Software

  • Additional categories and reflective questions might be added over time.
  • Existing categories might be revised.
Contact us if you have further suggestions! tesol[at]phil.tu-chemnitz.de

This feedback taxonomy is a dynamic resource which will be updated continuously.

Please note:

TESOL TU Chemnitz (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jennifer Schluer)


Instant Messenger

Learning platform

Contact Us

Do you have any further tips or suggestions? Would you like to share your own teaching experiences with us? Give us feedback: tesol[at]phil.tu-chemnitz.deChemnitz University of Technology Faculty of Humanities English Department Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)/ Advanced Academic English Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jennifer Schluer Reichenhainer Str. 39 D-09126 Chemnitz, Germany https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/phil/english/sections/tesol/