Family Life Ministry Survey '24
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How many children do you currently have living in your household?

◦ 0-6 years old 

◦ 7-12 years old

◦ 13-16 years old

How long have you and your family been attending our church?

By yourself...


As a family...

What is your current family structure:     

Who is the main caregiver of your child(ren):
Qn 1: On a scale of 1 (not important at all) to 5 (extremely important), how important is it for your family to incorporate the following spiritual practices into your daily life? 
Prayer as family
Not important at all
Extremely important
Reading Scripture as a family 
Not important at all
Extremely important
Family devotions or discussions about faith 
Not important at all
Extremely important
Attending Christian related activities 
Not important at all
Extremely important
Qn 2: How frequently does your family participate in spiritual activities together
Prayer as a family
Reading Scripture as a family
Family devotions as a family
Attending Church services/ Grace Star (for the children)
Qn 3: How does your family typically communicate about important topics, including faith?
Qn 4: How close do you feel your family is emotionally connected and supportive of each other?  *
Qn 5: What are some of the challenges your family faces when trying to make time for faith practices in your daily routine? (Select all that apply) *
Feel free to share any other challenges not mentioned above:
Qn 6: What are your top 3 priorities as a parent in nurturing your child(ren)'s faith? 
(Rank 1-3, with 1 being most important) 
Priority #1  *
Priority #2  *
Priority #3  *
If there's anything else you think is a priority and hasn't been mentioned yet, please share!

Qn 7: What types of support or resources would be most beneficial to your family in nurturing and living out your faith? (Select all that apply)

Feel free to share any other support or resources not mentioned above:

Qn 8: What challenges do you encounter when integrating your faith into your family life, and how can our ministry provide better support in this regard?

*[Note] If you have selected this option and need assistance or wish to speak with someone, please reach out to
Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected.
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