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how to handle stress
Manage your emotions. Take a break to clear up your mind.
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Innovation is creating or introducing new ideas to produce a product or service which could be applicable or would give solution to problems at the present times
what contributes stress to a person? The things that contributes stress to a person are work, relationships and society  
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Stress can be accumulated by a persons experiences. But it can be managed if the person is having a positive outlook in life or a positive mind set
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Financial freedom  and the demands of the society are factors causing people to over think at times.
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stress can affect our emotional problems, such as depression, anxiety attacks, panic attacks and other worries. In terms of physical problem, it may cause high blood pressure, chest pain, headaches and also problems in sleeping at night
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A lot of people experience stress because of their negative working environment
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Using Microsoft Teams for Online Teaching and Assessment
Microsoft Teams gives a leeway to educators to discover new skills and strategies to facilitate distance learning
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