Old Dominion University

An Exploration of the Perceptions of Advocacy Needs for Counseling Professionals


The purposes of this form are to give you information that may affect your decision whether to say YES or NO to participation in this research, and to record the consent of those who say YES. The title of this study is “An Exploration of the Perceptions of Advocacy Needs for Counseling Professionals” and will be conducted remotely by four researchers from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. 


Principal Investigator: Dr. Jeffry Moe, Ph.D., Department of Counseling and Human Services, College of Education and Professional Studies

Co-Investigator: Ajayla Evins, Doctoral Student, Department of Counseling and Human Services, College of Education and Professional Studies

Co-Investigator: Catalina Kraft, Doctoral Student, Department of Counseling and Human Services, College of Education and Professional Studies

Co-Investigator: Hank Crofford, Doctoral Student, Department of Counseling and Human Services, College of Education and Professional Studies


Due to the increasing focus and attention on the practice of advocacy within the counseling profession, it is critical to come to a better understanding of the the knowledge and awareness that counseling professionals have about multicultural issues, as well as survey what needs the counseling profession might have as it engages in advocacy. This information could help members of the counseling profession as they seek to become more effective advocates in their respective roles within the profession. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between counseling professionals multicultural beliefs and their perspectives on the needs of the counseling profession as it engages in advocacy. 

If you decide to participate and say YES, then you will participate in one round of data collection.  You will first indicate how true the 32 items of the Multicultural Knowledge and Awareness Scale are as they apply to you. Then, you will answer 24 questions of an advocacy needs assessment for the counseling profession by indicating how much you agree or do not agree with the statement. After completing these questions, you will indicate your primary role(s) in the profession and then answer another list of 10 questions specific to the role(s) you indicate. Participation in this survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes of your time.


Being less than 18 years of age and not identifying as either a Masters level counseling student, Licensure-seeking counselor, Licensed counselor, or Counselor educator.


There is no risk of participating in this study. However, as with any research, there is some possibility that you may be subject to risks that have not yet been identified.

There are no direct benefits to participating in this research. However, your participation will contribute to the expansion of the counseling literature and increased understanding of how the counseling profession perceives its advocacy needs. You may also benefit from increased awareness through reflecting on what barriers may exist in your own advocacy practices.


The researchers are unable to give you any payment for participating in this study at this current time. 


If the researchers find new information during this study that would reasonably change your decision about participating, then they will give it to you.


This survey is anonymous and your and no personal identifying information will be collected. Your responses will be aggregated with other participant responses, meaning no individual participant can be identified in any analysis or report. The collected data will also be kept in a computer with dual-authentication access and can be accessed only by the researchers. 


You have the right to refuse to participate or to withdraw from this study at any time, without penalty. If you do withdraw, it will not affect you in any way. If you choose to withdraw, you may request that any of your data that has been collected be destroyed unless it is in a de-identifiable state.


If you say YES, then your consent in this document does not waive any of your legal rights.  However, in the event of harm or distress arising from this study, neither Old Dominion University nor the researchers are able to give you any money, insurance coverage, free medical care, or any other compensation for such injury. In the event that you suffer injury as a result of participation in any research project, you may contact the principal investigator, Dr. Jeffry Moe at or Dr. John Baaki (the Chair of the DCEPS Human Subjects Review Committee at Old Dominion University) at or 757 -683-5491, or the Old Dominion University Office of Research and Economic Development at 757-683-3460 who will be glad to review the matter with you.


By signing this form, you are saying several things. You are saying that you have read this form or have had it read to you, that you are satisfied that you understand this form, the research study, and its risks and benefits. The researcher should have answered any questions you may have had about the research. If you have any questions later on, then the researchers should be able to answer them. Please contact Dr. Jeffry Moe at

If you want to download the informed consent document, please click the link. 

And importantly, by signing below, you are telling the researcher YES, that you agree to participate in this study.