How do I cancel my vacation package reservation?

You can cancel online through your Costco Travel account up to 1-hour before your flight departure or hotel check-in (whichever is earlier). We recommend that you review the terms and conditions on your invoice for details on penalties and nonrefundable fees.  

To cancel your package online: 

  1. Log in to your Costco Travel account
  2. Expand the account menu (upper-right corner) and select Bookings

    Bookings is the second menu option under the Account dropdown.

  3. On the Bookings page, click Upcoming
  4. Locate your reservation and click Cancel

    The Bookings page allows you to view all your Upcoming, Past and Canceled reservations.
  5. On the Review and Cancel page, review the Cancellation Timeline so you're aware of refund amounts

    The Cancellation Timeline shows you the dollar amounts of your trip that are refundable before your travel starts.
  6. Select the reason for your cancellation

    The dropdown lists preset options for canceling, such as, Decided not to travel.
  7. Click the "I acknowledge the total amount of my refund..." box
  8. Click Cancel Booking

    The Refund details show you your total refund amount and total non-refundable amounts. You must acknowledge that you agree before you can cancel.

  9. The Reservation Details will state "This booking was canceled on [today's date]"

    The Reservation Details page will state in red font, "This booking was canceled on, and display the date it was canceled".
  10. You'll also receive an email confirming the canceled reservation
  11. Refunds may take 7-10 business days to post to your account

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