Evangelical Center and Deliverance Spiritually Mont Carmel in the World

Welcome to a  Journey of Faith at Mont Carmel 

Steered by a powerful belief in the works of the Holy Spirit, the Evangelical Center and Deliverance Spiritually Mont Carmel, known in short as C.E.D.S.M., is a global Pentecostal church. Our site offers an in-depth understanding of the principles guiding our community and the profound impact we have on the world.

The overarching aim of our celestial Father, God, is to unite nations and mold them into a single church, a body in Christ. Our church stands firmly on this belief, which is the common faith in the confession derived from Matthew 28:18-19. These verses narrate how Jesus, with all the authority in heaven and on earth given to him, instructs his followers to make disciples of all nations. He urges them to baptize these disciples in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and to teach them to obey everything he has commanded. The church is thus erected on this prophetic foundation, with Jesus Christ as the Chief cornerstone.
Alongside our spiritual endeavors, we are deeply committed to providing social support to our Christian community.
We extend our support to orphans, abandoned children, the sick, prisoners, the elderly, and widows.

Our work involves spreading the gospel in communities to contribute to their spiritual life and moral education of children. We promote studies and religious teachings, in line with our goal.Our social projects are designed to give hope to the hopeless by empowering them with different skills. We assist farmers in achieving their dreams by providing them with grains and equipment. Through these initiatives, we aim to manage our international community effectively and guide all Christian behavior, thereby spreading the gospel worldwide.
Social Projects
Summary of the Evangelical Center and Spiritual Deliverance Mont Carmel

The church is a Pentecostal institution that believes in the works of the Holy Spirit. and managing the international community effectively.

  • Their purpose is to change the world for Christ, spread the Word of God, win lost souls, conduct Biblical seminars for spiritual growth, and testify the Gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • In terms of faith, they believe in one eternal God, the creator, and the Holy Spirit who enables and empowers them with spiritual gifts. They trust in the return of Jesus Christ and the promise of everlasting life in Him.
  • The church's mission is based on Matthew 28:18-19 and Acts 2:1-14, emphasizing discipleship, baptism, and the unity of believers.
  • The church's social projects include supporting orphans, assisting the sick, prisoners, elderly, and widows, and spreading the Gospel in communities.
  • They aim to contribute to the spiritual life and moral education of children, promote studies and religious teachings, and give hope to the hopeless by empowering them with different skills.

Statement of Faith
Our Faith
At C.E.D.S.M., we believe in one eternal God, the creator. We are enabled and empowered by the Holy Spirit, who gifts us with spiritual abilities, including speaking in new tongues and performing miracles in the name of Jesus Christ. We hold the steadfast belief that Lord Jesus Christ will return as he promised. We trust in the promise of everlasting life in Jesus Christ.
Our Purpose
The Christian ministry at the heart of C.E.D.S.M. aims to change the world for Christ by spreading the Word of God. We are committed to winning lost souls by bringing them to Christ, our Lord and Savior. We conduct biblical seminars for the spiritual growth of believers and strive to be a dynamic spiritual entity united in the Body of Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we testify the Gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ with the goal of winning lost souls.

Donation Amount

  • Congo-Kinshasa

Request for Support and Prayers We appreciate your support and prayers and would love to hear from you. If you could kindly send us an email, we can provide more information.