
Welcome to BPS Pipeline Programs' First Newsletter Issue!

Meet Luis!

Luis Hernandez is a teacher candidate in the Accelerated Community to Teacher program (ACTT) and wants to be a teacher because “I love working with kids and I want to inspire others.” He is currently serving as a 1:1 paraprofessional at the McKinley South End Academy, a school specifically designed to support students with severe social-emotional needs. With strengths in establishing relationships with young people, Luis has been working as a 1:1 paraprofessional in BPS since 2009. He supported one student from middle school through graduation from Brighton High School. He learned about ACTT from friends in the ALANA (African, Latino, Asian, and Native American) Educators Program at BPS.
Luis particularly enjoys the sense of belonging fostered by the community-based approach of ACTT. Support from cohort members and staff has been empowering, and Luis received lots of positive feedback from school leaders after presenting his poetry lesson on DemoDay, saying, “I felt very proud!” Time management has been his biggest challenge, as he has to push himself to study for MTELS in the evenings after a full day of work and “after the kids are asleep!” Luis says the most important thing he’s learned this year is the value of self-reflection, “having the heart to care, and being true to yourself.” As he looks forward to becoming a teacher with his own elementary classroom, he feels that participating in this program has given him the confidence to truly believe, “I can do this!”
When he was a young child, Luis’s family immigrated from the Dominican Republic. He attended bilingual classes and faced many challenges as he moved through the Boston Public Schools, including a hearing impairment that wasn’t diagnosed until after he’d graduated with very poor reading skills. Because he was quiet, spending much of each school day “in lala land,” Luis never got the attention he needed and is now determined to give to his students. 

Profile of Luis Hernandez written by Amika Kemmler-Ernst, Ed.D.

Ready to make a career shift like Luis?

Kickstart your teaching career in a training program that best fits your needs. We offer teacher licensure programs for people of all backgrounds and levels of experience, especially those who reflect and celebrate the racial, cultural, and linguistic diversity of our students. 

Learn more about BPS Teaching Fellows and First Year Teacher Cohort currently working towards their Initial Licensure here and get you and your family and friends on the path to a career in teaching by applying through the link below!

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