The "New" Surprise Arizona West Stake Emergency Preparedness Newsletter

First Monthly Edition


Each month you will receive an Emergency Preparedness newsletter. If you have not been preparing,  Do not wait any longer. Procrastination will not serve you this time around.

Not sure where to start? I will have the perfect articles for you each month. I have a very tight budget,  "I have no room for food storage", "I don’t know how to store water for long term," "I can’t afford expensive water containers. " I want to buy a generator, but not sure which one." "How much food exactly do I need for my family of 5, for 30 days, 60 days, 1 year? "Can you give me a shopping list for all of this?” “What about solar power?” 

Each month I will answer all these questions and much more. We have been asked to study the signs of the times by our Prophets, and to prepare for perilous times ahead. I am here to help you and your Ward leaders with that preparation. Also check out the new Stake website emergency preparedness site.

Mark Taylor, Stake Emergency Preparedness Coordinator


"If preparation is our key to embracing this dispensation and our future with faith, how can we best prepare?

For decades, the Lord’s prophets have urged us to store food, water, and financial reserves for a time of need. The current pandemic has reinforced the wisdom of that counsel. I urge you to take steps to be temporally prepared."

President Nelson, October 2020 Conference


3 Month Food Supply: Ultimate Guide to Getting Started (list included)

"Food storage planning and budgeting can feel overwhelming and discourage many from taking action, even prevent them from starting to build any kind of extra food supply at all. For others food storage may not even be a thought in their mind because let’s face it, there are a lot of other things to spend money on such as a kid’s birthday, rent, a mortgage, or a new car. Quite honestly, my wife and I both put off building a food supply for a long time because even though we knew that we needed it we both felt overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start. I’m here to tell you that getting started on building a 3 month food supply is not as difficult or as expensive as you think!"


Each month I will feature local and national disasters that could  happen in our Stake. These are reminders to be prepared, one disaster at a time. This week just 50 miles away, 10,000 people lost power for 4 Days in 110 degree heat due to a Monsoon storm . What would you and your family do for 4 days with no power?

Mark Taylor


Power restored to Eloy residents days after monsoon storm FoxNews:"The Pinal County Board of Supervisors has declared a State of Emergency related to this week's storm damage and power outages in Eloy and Arizona City. This follows the City of Eloy declaring a State of Emergency yesterday," the county said in a July 19 tweet.


9 Spaces to Store Food in Your Home


20 Items To Start Your Food Storage Today

"Have you asked yourself lately, where or how do I even start a food storage list? "


How do you store large amounts of water? Long-Term Water Storage


5 “Inexpensive” Food Storage Proteins AND Recipes


Many people forget about protein in their food storage. Your meat in your freezer will not last long. It is important and critical  to have canned meats for your food storage. It will last years beyond the date on the can. Mark Taylor


Each month I will feature a website that has great ideas on emergency preparedness and self reliance. This month’s pick is one of my favorites:

Food Storage Mom’s 

Food Storage Moms


11 Ways To Light Your Home When The Power Goes Out


35 OTC Medications You Should Store


50+ Prepper Supplies You Can Get at The Dollar Store


How To Keep Chest Freezer or Fridge Running During Power Outage

"Your deep chest freezer, or even your fridge /refrigerator freezer may have LOTS of $$ money worth of valuable food inside. The LAST thing you want is for it to spoil during a long lasting power outage! So, let's talk about two things… How long to run a generator for a freezer (or refrigerator) during a power outage, and, what size generator to use."


100 Non-Food Survival Items To Store Now


 Some Church members opine that emergency plans and supplies, food storage, and 72-hour kits must not be important anymore because the Brethren have not spoken recently and extensively about these and related topics in general conference. But repeated admonitions to prepare have been proclaimed by leaders of the Church for decades. The consistency of prophetic counsel over time creates a powerful concert of clarity and a warning volume far louder than solo performances can ever produce. " Elder David A Bednar, General Conference, Oct 2020

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