ASME 2020-2021 Mentorship Application
ASME mentorship is all about making new connections with new people in order to bring us all closer as one family. It is an extremely useful resource for mentees, as you can get a lot of guidance and help from your mentor, and not just engineering or school stuff.
In this program, a mentor will be responsible for a group of mentees (your mentor group), and you will be paired with one other group to be a family. Mentors will be responsible for planning family and group socials..
The time commitment will be around 1-2 hours every other week but can be more (and is encouraged) depending on your group’s schedule and availability. (sorry that was still kinda long)

If you have any questions, message us on facebook, instagram, or email us! Or you can message Reilly Terao on facebook ->

Thank you for your interest in the ASME Mentorship Program! The purpose of ASME Mentorship is to help create those personal connections and bring fellow members and engineers together that normally would never have met! ASME Mentorship is built off the three core principles:

Community: The social branch has been working hard to create fun events and a space for the community to come together but it can only go so far. It is up to the individuals within the community to connect with different members to integrate them into this community. By becoming a mentor/mentee, we believe you represent the community well and will help build it even more. Especially in these times, it is super helpful to have a special mentor/mentee relationship to give you a personal connection that can help guide you through not only your academic career but life in general.

Retention: The social branch motto has been “Come for the projects, stay for the family” and we want this program to try and exemplify this. Especially during this unprecedented time, members are losing out on opportunities to connect with ASME as a whole. The mentors will be their main connection to the community. Members can easily fall out of this space just from sheer distance and we are hoping to prevent that by continuing contact and community building.

Vision: Social Directors before us have been wanting to start this program before but did not have the organization that we have today. We have the biggest family in ASME history, from a big class of underclassmen/transfers to those boomers that have seen ASME transform over the centuries. Our objective is to continue integrating these two sides into one family. Next, we want to continue a growth mindset for these young engineers. We want to provide a resource for them to learn about their future career as an engineer and help them create/achieve goals they have for their academic/professional aspirations. Lastly, we want to provide both of you with a friend that you might not have found otherwise. Countless times, you find companions in unprecedented situations so who says this is not one of them. We want to provide yet another outlet for people to talk and get to know one another but this time on a deeper level. You are paired with this other individual for a reason. Get to know them and if you genuinely care about what they say, they will reciprocate. Talk problems out with them, hangout whenever, and just be a friend. That is the ultimate goal of this program.

Below is what the program will look like for a mentee and a mentor. Read whichever position you are interested in (or both if you want). If you have any questions, message us on facebook, instagram, or email us! Or you can message Reilly Terao on facebook -> 

As a mentee, you will be gaining a super helpful resource! Ask them and your fellow mentees anything you have questions on. Need help studying for Physics Midterms? Your mentor might have practice tests. Need help picking classes? Your mentor will have great resources to help you out! Curious about other clubs and experiences on campus? They’ll have unique experiences and connections to help find you the answers you need.

How it is set up:
As a mentee, you will be paired with a mentor and 1-2 other mentees (depending on how many mentors and mentees we have). Your mentor will be responsible for you and the other mentees in your group, and they will be there to help guide you through this year. Alongside your mentor group, you will have a mentor family made of your mentor group and one other group. These families will be participating in Mentorship Games and Family Socials together! The people in your family will bring a new dynamic and set of experiences so be sure to get to know them as well!

Your mentor will plan multiple socials with you and your family over the quarter. This will be a 1-2 hour every other week commitment on average, but your group can have more (always encouraged) depending on your group’s commitments and availability!

As a mentor, your role will be to guide and help your mentees in whatever ways you see are applicable. In general, the requirements are very loose, and as long as you’re fulfilling the objectives mentioned, you’re doing your job! However, as a mentor, you may have to step out of your comfort zone and reach out to them to lead the conversation. You and your mentee(s) are paired up because you have compatibility; explore what each other’s interests and personalities are.

How it is set up:
You will have 2-3 mentees (may change depending on the number of mentors and mentees) that you will be responsible for. You will also have a second mentor (possibly a third) that you will be paired with, and both groups will be combined to make a “family”. These families will be used for mentorship events and family socials. The families will provide more exposure to others for the mentees, and if you are less comfortable leading socials on your own, your partner can help support you.

You and your family partner will be responsible for planning socials throughout the quarter. At a minimum, these should be once every other week, but it is encouraged to do more. Of course, this is a general guideline, and as projects and school gets more involved, feel free to change the schedule accordingly. This will be a 1-2 hour per week commitment, but you can put more (always encouraged) depending on your mentees’ and your availabilities and commitments. The IVP will also be involved in the families, so if you ever get busy, the IVP will be able to help cover for you.
As a mentor, you will also be responsible for taking screenshots/photos of your socials to help build a collection of photos for mentorship

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