Shadow of the Rainbow – Uncensored Case of “Transgender Children”

1 year ago

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COMPLETE VIDEO - Expert Hearing in the EU Parliament:
Shadow of the Rainbow – Uncensored Case of “Transgender Children”

Dear fellow citizens,
Two weeks ago, I invited numerous international experts from pediatrics and adolescent medicine as well as affected persons to a symposium around the topic "Transgender regarding children and adolescents" to the EU Parliament.

For all those who missed this interesting expert round in the live stream, I am now making the complete video recording available on YouTube and Rumble.

Get unbiased insights into the topic of "transgender" with scientific explanations, studies, background info, reports from those affected and questions from the audience, beyond the left-wing's woke propaganda.

Speakers are:

➡️ Andre Van Mol, M.D.: Co-chair of the American College of Pediatricians’ Council on Adolescent Sexuality

➡️ Quentin van Meter, M.D.: Adjunct associate professor of Pediatrics at Emory University School of Medicine and an Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Morehouse Schools of Medicine

➡️ Laura Haynes, Ph.D.: Licensed Psychologist, Tustin, CA

➡️ and many more

I appreciate your interest.
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)

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KOMPLETTES VIDEO - Expertenanhörung im EU-Parlament:
Shadow of the Rainbow – „Trans-Kinder“: Aktenzeichen unzensiert

Liebe Mitbürger,
vor zwei Wochen lud ich zahlreiche internationale Experten aus der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin sowie Betroffene zu einer Fachtagung rund um das Thema „Transgender bei Kindern und Jugendlichen“ in das EU-Parlament ein.

Für alle, die diese interessante Expertenrunde im Live-Stream verpasst haben, stelle ich ab sofort den kompletten Videomitschnitt auf YouTube und Rumble zur Verfügung.

Erhalten Sie unverfälschte Einblicke in das Thema „Transgender“ mit wissenschaftlichen Erklärungen, Studien, Hintergrundinfos, Berichten von Betroffenen und Fragen aus dem Publikum, abseits der links-woken Propaganda.

Referenten sind:

➡️ Andre Van Mol, M.D.: Co-chair of the American College of Pediatricians’ Council on Adolescent Sexuality

➡️ Quentin van Meter, M.D.: Adjunct associate professor of Pediatrics at Emory University School of Medicine and an Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Morehouse Schools of Medicine

➡️ Laura Haynes, Ph.D.: Licensed Psychologist, Tustin, CA

➡️ und viele mehr

Ich freue mich über Ihr Interesse.
Ihre Christine Anderson, MdEP (AfD)

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