Crip Mentoring
Sign up for 1-1 networking sessions where I will provide you with personalized advice and support related to research, scholarship, networking, and career advancement. My expertise is in Disability, technology, ethics, and policy. I will be hosting 3 sessions per week for one year. These are meant to compensate for the loss of networking associated with not attending CHI in Hawaii, however I have opened them up to any interested.
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Autocaptions will be provided in Zoom or similar conferencing platform, however if you require CART for full participation, please let me know so that I can source CART for you.
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Do you identify as marginalized, underrepresented, or otherwise disadvantaged in the field of HCI?
How did you hear about this event?
What are your research and career interests and concerns?
Use this space to tell me specific topics you'd like me to cover or questions you want me to address.
Use this link to book a time. If these times do not work for you, specify alternatives below and I will contact you.

Are you planning to attend CHI 2024 despite the call for non-participation by native Hawaiians?
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