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Associated Students (A.S.)                      Committee Application Form 2024-2025
Hello! Thank you for your interest in becoming a student-at-large in the various A.S. committees. Please fill out this form accordingly especially If you are interested in serving in one or more committees! There are a variety of committees, including:

1. A.S. Committees: The purpose of these committees is to carry out the specific duties of the Board of Directors. A.S. Committees are typically chairs by an A.S. Board Director and is composed of student-at-large members, Board Directors and Staff Advisors.

2. A.S. Students' Election Commission (SEC): The purpose of the  SEC is to conduct an engaging, fair and unbiased student government election. The SEC plans elections with the help of various students-at-large, as well as officers in specific roles.

Benefits of Serving on Committees:
- An opportunity to be a part of Associated Students and the greater campus community
- Make your voice heard on different issues on campus
- Have an opportunity to advocate on behalf of the students at San Jose State University
- Gain valuable leadership and collaboration skills that can be transferred to your professional career  
- Have training and leadership seminars to gain new abilities
- Meet fellow Spartans with a similar mission to improve the campus community and support A.S. operations

For specific and in-depth descriptions, please visit the following links:
For A.S.  Students' Election Commission and all A.S. committee descriptions and details:
-A.S. Committees:
-A.S. Bylaws:

Please read through the application thoroughly and ensure you can make the meetings times. Please note, some meeting times and dates have not been chosen yet and will be discussed further in interviews. If you are interested in more than one committee, please follow the steps throughout this google form. We highly recommend students sit on two committees maximum.

This form was last updated on : 6/11/24
This form is open for: the 2024-2025 academic year

Questions? Concerns? Please contact Abby Escobar at  
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