Old photo research – Mons Officer Cadet School November 1951

On another of my recent travels I found this old photograph in a second hand shop in Ipswich in Suffolk showing the Mons Officer Cadet School dated November 1951 and I have been carrying out some research to see if I can possibly reunite it with a family member or anyone that might be interested in it.

Mons Cadet School 1951

As part of this research I posted the photograph on a military related Facebook page and was thrilled to be contacted by a gentleman called Alan who shared some fascinating information about one of the men shown in this 1951 photograph – CSM D J (R) HUXLEY MM

Chelsea Pensioner soldier

Mons Cadet School 1951 names

Alan found the Citation for CSM Douglas John Huxley and discovered that he died on 19th July 2011 and sent me this link to a website. http://www.arborfield-september49ers.co.uk/huxley-dj.htm that has lots of information about his fascinating life and military service.

Here is his MM entry in the Gazette

The entry for Douglas’s MM in the London Gazette 12th July 1945

Douglas ended his days as a Chelsea Pensioner and Alan is now very kindly helping me to try and locate a relative, who may be interested in the old photograph.

It is always a great sense of satisfaction to me when something that one person has given away or discarded may be reunited with someone else who will value and treasure it.

Simon Last

http://www.charnwood-genealogy.com                 charnwoodresearch@virginmedia.com

About charnwoodgenealogy

I am a genealogist running a business called Charnwood Genealogy who loves to search Postcard Fairs for old social history photographs with possible clues that I can research and possibly reunite with their original families via this blog
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7 Responses to Old photo research – Mons Officer Cadet School November 1951

  1. Ian says:

    I was interested to see the Mons OCS photo of the Royal Artillery passing-out troop as I was there as an officer cadet in 1965. I googled a few of the more unusual names but didn’t find anything very interesting; O/cdt (Junior Under Officer) Colin Cunniffe retired from the army for medical reasons as a Captain in 1961 and Leslie Dembo was Chairman of a company which was wound-up in Bristol in 1981 (both from the London Gazette). Many (if not all) can be found with their full names given in the London Gazette on the occasion of their being granted their commissions at-
    https://www.the gazette.co.uk/London/issue/39432/supplement/

    With their service number (the 419nnn series) you can do further searches in the Gazette and trace each individual’s career, if you are interested!

    My passing-out photo did not have the names printed below so apart from one chap from my own regiment, I can’t remember any of the other cadets’ names!

    • Thank you for all this information which is very much appreciated – I would like to reunite the photo with someone if possible as like you say it is special with all the names shown underneath – maybe they’d is an archive I could donate it to?

  2. Ian says:

    There was a Royal Artillery museum in Woolwich but this appears to have closed in 2016 with its successor being planned to be opened in Wiltshire but I’m sure if this has happened yet or not.
    The Regimental Headquarters of the Royal Artillery is at Larkhill in Wilts and they may be grateful for the photo or suggest where you can send it(!) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larkhill

  3. Ian says:

    Sorry, that should read …not sure…

  4. Many thanks for these links Ian, which I will check out and hopefully find a new home for this great old photo

  5. Dan Holloway says:

    Douglas Huxley is my Great Uncle. I had the pleasure of visiting and staying with him in the late 90’s during a college semester abroad program. His sister (Sheila), my grandmother, and brother (John) came to America after WW2 settling in Wisconsin. My grandmother has passed but his younger brother John is still alive. Douglas does have a son in England, however I no longer have contact information for him. Douglas spent the later years of his life as a Cheasea Pensioner as you surely found out. If you did not find a home for the picture, I would be interested. Thank you,

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