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Twitter set for its mainstream telly moment on Jonathan Ross's comeback show

This article is more than 15 years old
Jonathan Ross hits screens again on 23 January. Photograph: BBC/Hot Sauce
Jonathan Ross hits screens again on 23 January. Photograph: BBC/Hot Sauce

Twitter could be facing a mainstream telly milestone on 23 January when dedicated Twitterer and geek pin-up Stephen Fry joins newbie Twitterer Jonathan Ross in his first post-Sachsgate scandal Friday night chat show back on BBC1.

We're not sure Lee Evans and Franz Ferdinand will want to join in, but we face the very real prospect of Twitter get some prime-time Friday night mainstream telly action is Wossy carries out his threat: "Will see if Stephen wants to Twitter on the show..."

'Fakelebrities' don't last very long on Twitter these days; Wossy phoned Jeremy Clarkson to confirm that really was him on Twitter, and he knew nothing about it - though any more than a fleeting glance at 'his' profile would've made that obvious. Stephen Fry very sensible Tweeted right at the start that he had linked to his Twitter account on his own, and Wossy's posted a photo of him grinning in front of his Twitter account. Either that, or someone's found a very good double...

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