Photo Credit: Lisa Fotios

50 Blogging tools to help you work smarter, write faster and become irresistible to your readers

Hi Tiffany!
The Writing Cooperative


When I started writing, I didn’t use any tools. All I had were my laptop, notes, and head.

I thought that was all you need to publish something great, which is true. That is all you need. But the time and work you invest into one post isn’t enough to become an influential writer — it actually takes many exceptional posts to build a fan base who can’t wait to read your next piece.

And the best way to pump more “wow” into your post is to use the right blogging tools.

I’ve been blogging for 1 1/2 years now and tried hundreds of tools to accelerate my success on blogging. Most of them I’d cut out from my life. A few I’d saved.

What I’ll be sharing here are the special few I still use in my everyday writing, which also includes ones that reputable writers had recommended me.

Brainstorm blog topics

1. Portent Title Maker

Enter a subject and get a captivating headline for your posts in a split-second!

Portent Title Maker

2. Blog About

Whip up creative titles for these topics: Saving time, saving money, productivity, a challenge, management, customer service, preparation, growth, your opinion and improvement.

Blog About

3. Quora

Answer people’s questions in your area of expertise and grow your presence at the same time. You can write about it on a blog post, then link it back onto Quora.


4. Tweak Your Biz

Generate hundreds of blog titles with one topic.

Tweak Your Biz

Write smarter and faster

5. Grammarly

Guarantees that everything you write is “easy to read, effective, and mistake-free.”


6. Hemingway

Highlights segments of your writing that’s hard to read, so you can simplify it.


7. Title Capitalization

Automatically capitalize your blog title.

Title Capitalization

8. Egg Timer

Does a countdown of how much time you should spend writing.


9. Moom

Easily moves and zooms windows from one display to another so you can see everything that you’re doing on your MAC. It’s $10, but worth every minute of your day.


10. Calmly Writer

Write without distractions with this simple (but professional) text editor.

Calmly Writer

11. The Readability Test Tool

Calculates the readability of your blog posts, which tells you how easy your content is to digest.

Readability Test Tool

12. Coschedule Headline Analyzer

Analyzes the overall structure, originality, and readability of your headlines.

Coschedule Headline Analyzer

13. Trello

Keep track of your work by organizing it from the big picture to the small details.


14. Evernote

Create notes across your computer and mobile device and share them with others, wherever you are.


15. WorkFlowy

Organize your notes, ideas, and lists into one place.


Create an email list

16. Rabbut

Collect emails on Medium and your personal site. Rabbut automatically sends newsletters to your subscribers the moment you hit “publish.”


17. Mailchimp

Manage your subscribers, send emails, and track your results.


18. Campaign Monitor

Send beautiful, customized email marketing campaigns to your subscribers.

Campaign Monitor

Find free, high-quality images

19. Unsplash


21. Pexels

22. Getrefe

23. Albumarium

24. LibreStock

25. Lifeofpix

26. Fancy Crave

27. Magdeleine

28. Death to the Stock Photo

Customize images, quotes & art

29. Canva

Create beautiful designs and professional graphics by simply dragging-and-dropping. Perfect for blog posts, ads, social media, and web presentations.


30. Pablo

Create nice designs for your social media: Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google + and Linkedin.


31. Stencil

Turn images into visually appealing designs for your blog.


32. QuotesCover

Turn ordinary quotes into stunning quote pictures. Use it for social media, e-cards, desktop or mobile wallpaper, posters, or print designs.


Create infographics

33. Piktochart

Create high-quality infographics using 500+ professionally-designed templates.


Record videos & GIFS

34. Screencast-o-matic

Record and share what’s happening on your screen. Free if recording is under 15 minutes.


35. Licecap (for MAC), Licecap (for Windows)

Create animated GIFs by recording the content on your screen.


Mass-promote your content


Build or choose pre-built scripts to automate tasks with the statement, “if this, then that.”


37. Zapier

The same purpose as IFTTT, except geared more towards businesses.


38. Buffer

Share content on your social media platform (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google +, Pinterest, and Instagram) by pre-scheduling your posts. You can schedule up to 10 for free, at any time.


39. Tweet Jukebox

Now called Social Jukebox. Recycles your tweets and schedules your post to Facebook and Linkedin, automatically.

Tweet Jukebox

Outreach to influencers


Search for people’s emails by their IP Address, domain name or website. Use this as last resort when outreaching.

41. Alexa

Pinpoints the ranking of a site across the world.


42. Click to Tweet

Create a tweet CTA link for your blog post or email.

Click to Tweet

43. Bloglovin

Follow and connect with bloggers in the same industry as you.


Track Analytics

44. Google Analytics

Tracks where and how much traffic your blog is getting and generates reports to help with your marketing.

Google Analytics

45. Google Webmaster Tools

Gives you detailed information and statistics on how Google sees and crawls your website.

Google Webmaster Tools

46. Typeform

Get user feedback through conversational surveys, quizzes, contests, product feedback, landing pages, and much more.



47. iA Writer

A simple and clean text editor that’s designed to bring you a focused writing experience for business proposals, essays, white papers, poems, novels, etc.

iA Writer

48. Butterick’s Practical Typography

A practical guide on how to use typography and format your posts.

Butterick’s Practical Typography

49. Pixelmator

Enhance your photos with Pixelmator’s advanced features: Painting, effects, layers, vectors, color adjustments, retouching and much more.


50. PicMonkey

Completely turn your idea into reality by designing, editing your photos and putting them together in a collage.

Want a hard copy of this blogging tools list to take with you wherever you go? Sign up below, and you'll get it in your inbox within a week. 

Did I miss any blogging tools you think is worth being on this list?

Drop it in the comments below! I may consider adding it to this list. :)

I’m Tiffany Sun, creator of Rabbut.

I write. I workout. I cook. I hustle. I believe there’s always room to improve no matter how incredible you think you are. If you think so too, follow me to see more inspirational stories!

Thank you so much for reading. 🙂



Walking through the second chapter of my life by asking: What can I do for the world? You’ll find the answer at