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Leonard Hamilton does the decent (and smart) thing vs. UNC

Miss America gives shout-out to Aaron Rodgers

By Reid Cherner, USA TODAY

Aaron Rodgers is out of the playoffs but he seems to be in with Miss America.

So he has that going for him.

Laura Kaeppeler, a 23-year-old from Kenosha, Wis., who majored in music and vocal performance, sang opera, wore a bikini and an evening gown and made the center of her campaign children of incarcerated adults.

She also seems to be a Packers fan.

"If you're watching, Aaron Rodgers, call me," she said when introducing herself to the audience.

Kaeppeler will spend the next year raising money for the Children's Miracle Network.

TELL US:  What was weekend's top NFL performance?

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Tell us: What was the NFL weekend's standout performance?
Leonard Hamilton does the decent (and smart) thing vs. UNC
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