Pussy Hat Feminists

Dennis Prager: the feminization of America harms the whole world

A while back, I wrote a post that I really enjoyed writing about the movie High Noon. In it, I talked about the conflict between Marshal Will Kane and his new wife. He wanted to stay and protect his home town against outlaws who are coming to kill him and raze the town. His new wife cannot understand why he has to stand and fight, she wants him to run away with her. In the end, she helps him to defeat the outlaws, saving his life.

That post was inspired by something I heard Dennis Prager talking about on his radio show. He was talking about a survey of boys and girls done by the toy company Mattel. Well, I wanted to blog about his comments, so I ended up writing the High Noon post. But then Dina found an article about the Mattel survey on National Review. I think this is one of the wisest and most perceptive articles I have ever read, and it will really help you to understand what has happened in the last 50 years to this country.

Prager writes:

Last week the New York Times published an article, “Sweeping Away Gender-Specific Toys and Labels,” that contained three sentences that explain one of the most important phenomena in American life. In discussing the increasing move to do away with gender-specific toys — something the New York Times approves of — the article quoted Tania Missad, the “director of global consumer insights” at one of the world’s largest toy manufacturers, Mattel:

Mattel’s research showed some differences in what girls and boys wanted in their action figures, Ms. Missad said. “For boys it’s very much about telling a story of the good guy killing the villain. . . . [Girls] would tell us: ‘Why does the good girl have to kill the villain? Can’t they be friends in the end?’”

Prager comments on the part in red:

This difference may be the most important of all the sex differences. Indeed, it can actually shape the future of America and of the world.

[…]When women get married, they are often influenced by their husbands with regard to political and moral issues, just as married men are influenced by their wives on a whole host of micro issues. As a result, married women are more likely than single women to prefer to fight villains than to befriend them. Unfortunately, more and more American women are single.

Meanwhile American boys are increasingly raised by single women and taught almost only by female teachers. In addition, they are often taught to be ashamed of their masculine natures and to reject traditional masculine virtues.

As a result of the above two trends, the amount spent on national defense will continue to decline (while the amount spent on welfare will continue to increase), and America will confront the world’s evils less and less. The consequences will be disastrous for millions of people around the globe.

When America retreats from killing bad guys, bad guys kill more innocent people.

We’re seeing this now in Biden’s retreat from Afghanistan, and his weakness with Russia and China. He’s the candidate of anti-masculine voters. He doesn’t believe in good and evil.


Whenever I see on a car the liberal bumper sticker “War Is Not the Answer,” I look to see who is driving. In years of looking, I have seen one male driver.

Both women and men have flawed natures. They share human nature, which is deeply flawed, and the sexes have their own particular natures, which are also flawed. That is one reason men need women and women need men. Men need women to soften their intrinsic aggressive nature and to help them control their predatory sexuality; and women need men to, among other things, better understand that evil people and regimes must be fought, not nurtured.

So, there is something in male nature that thinks that it is acceptable to use violence as a last resort in order to defeat evil. Evil might be things like criminals, terrorists… even wolves and bears, if they attacked innocent people.

So what are the solutions?

Here’s what we should do:

  • We should stop paying women money to have children before they are married, so that boys have fathers to raise them who have made a commitment before they got handed free sex.
  • We should rollback no-fault divorce, which leads to fatherless children. People should be less emotional about who they marry, and not think “there’s an escape hatch if I feel unhappy”.
  • We should try to get more male teachers into classrooms, and maybe allow parents to pull boys out of failing schools and put them into all-male schools if they think those work better.
  • We should try to vote for policies that empower law enforcement, national security, and our armed forces to detect, attack and defeat evil. For example, we invest in defense spending, and avoid undermining the morale of police and armed forces with political correctness.

I guess the list could be longer, but that’s a start for the issues that Prager raised.

We need to work against the forces that demean male nature and male roles, and work to promote male nature and male roles.

5 thoughts on “Dennis Prager: the feminization of America harms the whole world”

  1. Look no further than the Gabby Petito saga to confirm how destructive it is when a woman chooses the bad boy. Where were the dads of both Gabby and Brian when they decided to do this trip???


    1. Yes, that guy was her “boyfriend”. She chose him out of all the other boys in the world. Why? And why wouldn’t she listen to the men who warned her?

      We made this society, where women do not focus on marriage, do not choose men based on marriage ability, do not listen to good men who warn her. It’s feminism, but no one wants to roll it back.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The powers that be, want feminism. Every woman has benefited from some form of it! The women do not have the capacity to separate the equal rights from the Marxist aspect of it!!! Repeal no fault divorce and abortion????? Good luck with that!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I tend to like Prager, but I wonder what time line he lives in! Does he not see the way the vast majority of women dress and act today????
    They espouse raw sexuality. You would have to be totally gay to
    not see that. Even then, I wonder. He wants to soften men’s predatory sexuality. Today’s women default to “feral”, not Ephesians 5-22!!!!!
    I wonder what he thinks would happen if he were to hold a raw steak
    in front of an uncaged hungry Tiger!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m doing the “Wild At Heart” Bible study. It is about the demasculation of the male and how the male characters in the Bible were men’s men, including Jesus Christ. Christ was gentle with those who need gentle, but when a whip was called for, he wove one and put it to good use. He also held nothing back when speaking with the Pharisees, frequently calling them vipers.

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