Creator: Voice of Akasha || First Published: 08/03/2019 || Players: 2 || Size: 23x19
Categories: S-Rank, Global League, Hall of Fame, Standard
Rating: 6.97 in 172 ratings
For design map discussion or to get suggestions from other users, visit the AWBW Discord Chat!
ichbinsehselber (08/31/2019 07:01pm):
The map looks like a great league quality map to me. It has everything you wish for. Well balanced, some choices in the cap phase, contested cities....
Nicodemia (08/04/2020 03:36am):
Looks like map where attacking is not easy in the middle, but theres 3 lanes of war that needs to be defended/attacked and can
be breached with planes/mechs. Fun stuff, i approve.
Zeronix (09/30/2020 12:25pm):
This map has proven itself in tourney play. S rank
UmbralLegendN (08/02/2021 04:40pm):
Yeah I'm a gamer

JohnLocke77 (08/09/2021 06:08pm):
Wanna play?
Cobraaahhh (08/11/2021 02:54pm):
In the middle of a match on this one now, very fun. Three lanes of combat makes the decisions of what to build where very
MontySigurdson (08/14/2021 02:24pm):
Great map, all games I've played on it so far have been very fun. 10/10.
laserbacon (08/16/2021 12:40pm):
Great map. My only complaint is the dumb looking road arrangement around the top-left and bottom-right factories. It just looks
JustTesting (09/23/2021 11:43pm | Edited: 09/23/2021 11:48pm):
Sami should be banned in this map during League games. From experience I know that during a match, no matter how much your advantage, Tanks, BCopters, APCs. Once she pops her SCOP, the Funds/capture amount will change by 4-8k
Maybe I'm not pro enough to comment, but in a map such as this, where unit movement is hindered, and your units cannot
camp/protect your cities. Sami has the advantage.
Juampy (10/04/2021 07:21pm):
the-deadly-shadow (10/13/2021 11:19am):
I was playing a league game on this map as Sasha against my opponent who played as Eagle. I lost the game, so I might be biased. My opponent was very reluctant to fall back and just let me come closer to his bases, where I would not be able to sustain a presence. I made some mistakes myself, but I still think that there are a number of features that make the map more defensible even regardless of the contested city.

During most of the game, I had more properties than my opponent and I had more income. However I could not find possibilities to break his defensive position. I will list the features that make this map so defensible.

1. The airports are in a position such that they are extremely useful at defending the lonely base.
2. The distance from the 2 bases towards the lonely base is large. This is augmented by the fact that if you try to do an attack, you need to send a force there. Your opponent could see it coming and decide to build a heavy tank to shut down your aggressive move.
3. Your ground army from the 2 bases needs to choice between two paths. There is one in the center with a contested property and one in along the edge that leads to the lonely base. If you want to attack the lonely base, you need to sacrifice your position in the center. Basically you can't do well on both sides.
4. The mountains give excellent positions for rockets.
5. Both armies will be positioned in roughly vertical lines, which means there are less possibilities to hit an opposing unit from 2 sides.

So if your opponent does have the better SCOP, he can just fall back a little when under pressure and wait for his SCOP. I think this map suits the casual play category better.
SonjaTheSuperior (10/21/2021 11:35pm):
TDS, Hellraider actually analyzed your game on stream in detail:
You may be interested in his thoughts.
eagle!!!. (10/22/2021 07:33am | Edited: 10/22/2021 10:59am):
the-deadly–shadow,how about we switch the co? I select Sasha, you select Eagle.
x123456789 (10/22/2021 11:21am):
Yahoo! Fight again!! I will cheer for the one who choose Eagle!!!
shoeLv3 (10/22/2021 01:37pm):
Hey JustTesting let's fight.

Show me why Sami needs to be banned.
Tmi489 (11/04/2021 02:52am):
Hey UmbralLegendN let's fight.

Show me how you're a gamer.
Tomate (11/08/2021 05:19pm | Edited: 11/08/2021 05:19pm):
I didn't really enjoy this map at first, but after a few games on it I'm starting to appreciate the design.

You basically have to defend your 1-base side while also launching a strong attack with your 2-base side. Sounds easy enough, but it gets really tricky when you also have to manage attacks on the center and opponents air units coming to your weak side by savely passing through the mountain ranges.

I have to say that Sami is quite busted on this map though. So many open properties to defend makes it really hard to not end up with a 10k income deficit after her victory march.
Witte711 (11/24/2021 04:28am):
I'm a big fan of this map. The mountain ranges make it play very unique. It's a bit defensive but I
still find it very enjoyable.
The main mistake I see people make (myself included) is building too many tanks on their 1
base side. They're only really pressuring a couple cities, whereas the 2 base side pressures alot
more. It's better to build air on your one base side and then send it over the mountains once the
fronts shift.
m98 (12/10/2021 12:48pm):
One of my favorite league maps so far
Jo_Slamma_Jamma (01/23/2022 11:10am):
Never build neotanks on this map, they're literally useless and a waste of funds. Air units seem useless as well (at least in
my experience). As soon as I see my opponent build a neotank or air unit, I know I've already won, the strategy I win with is
always the same. Build a single arty in the lone base to defend the area around 13,13/09,05, build a tank, AA, and medium
tank, and just spam infantry from then on and it's already defended well. Then I just spam medium tanks and tanks/AA
(depending on what opponent builds) and make them think I'm going for a hard push for their lone base. Once they start
getting air units in response shift the fighting to the center and blitz through and capture the contested cities with superior
army composition and numbers. By the time their air units arrive it would be too late to do anything effective with them.

I also think Kindle is broken here (take that with a grain of salt, seriously), especially with the strat I always do to win. It's
very difficult fighting Kindle while avoiding cities you don't want falling to your enemy, and her COP Urban Blight virtually
makes it even harder to push her out or cap any of her cities. Kindle will just slowly bleed out your army and eco until you
can't resist anymore. If I remember right I've only lost once on this map playing Kindle, every other match with her has been
a win for me.
Tmi489 (02/04/2022 12:09am | Edited: 02/04/2022 12:11am):
You say to shift the fight to the centre, the place where air units defending the 1b can easily swap to?
Air units, like any remotely competitive map, are still useful in an all out (mid) brawl. In any case, a single copter (a tank) forces
a single AA (a not tank).
Lost and Found (04/03/2022 08:23am):
I think neotanks on the 2b side are perfectly alright later on in the game, for what that's
It's easy to build them too early though.
walkerboh01 (08/03/2022 03:14am):
Added to Hall of Fame for being one of the most influential maps of its era, 2020-2022.
AA01blue (09/11/2022 08:32pm):
But where is the Hall of Fame tag :thinking_lin:
Ness1000 (01/24/2023 09:18pm):
Kyle loves Milhouse
DorrisSrinivas (01/25/2023 09:53pm):
That's not true
HaxDotCombo (04/19/2023 07:42pm):
This map has D-Pads on it o.o
Valior (05/02/2023 08:09am | Edited: 07/30/2023 06:33pm):
ban piperunners, one missclick on that and it's pretty much game over, also you can play koal, this map is great.

this map is soooo good, it's amazing, 10/10, one of my favorit maps with CF, we need another Categorie wich would be like
'' the top10 '', i bet this one would be in that.
Lani337 (05/22/2023 04:31am):
I love how important the center is on this map due to the fact that you cannot frontshift without controling the center.
Therefore, it is extremely important to not split up your troops, but focussing on your strong side to take the center.
There are a lot of contested properties and you can actually get Airport blocked by a fighter if you're not careful, forcing you
to buy a missile to unlock the airport. This map is very good for COs that focus on their Super Powers, so Drake, Olaf and
Eagle are solid options here. In Tier 1, you may consider using Sasha to block the enemy CO Powers and holding your
income advantage. This is very effective because Javier isn't that good on this map due to comm Towers being contested.
Overall, great map with a lot of interesting matchups
Twaifu (07/30/2023 04:55am):
I hate this map
dision (10/23/2023 01:21pm):
Love this map, thanks for bringing it back
TheAntithesis (01/21/2024 07:29pm):
Oh yes, this is the good stuff! I love how the 2b has to cover both the enemy 1b and the centre, leading to split armies similar to mixed base (but without as much chaos!). A healthy mix of plains, roads and contested cities makes for a fun terrain dynamic which allows for a decent amount of diversity in T4. The contested comm towers also allow for a powerful threat if a player can take over the centre and start attacking the 1b1a side unopposed, leading to a strong win condition that can prevent stalls.

This is my favourite map in AWBW!
Meta Rexy (02/09/2024 12:43am):
This map is great at teaching players the importance of reading the map properly and
understanding where you need to control, where you can watch and wait, and where
you can mostly ignore because it isn't important.

As other comments have pointed out, building too many vehicles from your weak base
is a recipe for disaster here, since you must control the central pivot for them to be of
any use in offensive pushes.

Advance Wars is (c) 1990-2001 Nintendo and (c) 2001 Intelligent Systems. All images are copyright their respective owners.