Betreff: [reality101] A PROPHET in OUR OWN TIME--Dr JOHN COLEMAN
Von: Tim White
Datum: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 14:17:09 -0700 (PDT)



compiled by Dee Finney


Did you know? Public Law 87-297 calls for complete
disarmament so the UN can "maintain internal peace".
51 million American acres are now UN designated!
Military capacity of US is 65% and UN is 800% of
our 1991 levels. The UN Children's Rights takes
responsibility away from parents and gives it to the
state. No mention of God in the UN Charter. AIDS
was UN-induced for population control (House Bill
15090.) HB 666 crushes our 4th Amendment Rights.
UN command of US troops (PDD 25).

Several days ago, I was looking for a radio show to
listen to on the 
internet while I was
doing some other writing for a web page, and came
across a show by Dr. John 
on the website.

He so much echoed a lot of the information I had
been gleaning over the 
years about the
men behind the scenes of the political and social
actions I've seen take 
place.  I've quoted
a few statements from the radio show below to show
how much he cares about 
Constitution of the United States of America.

I had conversations as long as 30 years ago about
some of these topics, but 
as families
go, I was put down and shut up rather than listened
to and learned not to 
bring up certain
unpleasant topics that people don't want to hear
about because they are too 
busy with
mundane life. And as things go, as soon as people
hear the word 'conspiracy' 
think you are a loony.

I'm aware that people need to work, take care of
babies, keep the roof over 
their heads,
have a balanced life with playtime, exercise, mow
the lawn, etc.  However, 
when one
doesn't take the time to look at the news behind the
news and the reasons 
why events
happen as they do, one cannot be certain from one
day to the next what is 
going to
occur.  One can't be certain either that they are
making the proper 
decisions for their
life if they don't know what's really going on.

Dr. John Coleman who is a Constitutional scholar,
fits that bill perfectly.  
He has spent
many, many years studying the topics he speaks

He has written a book titled  "The Committee of
300", along with others,  
lectured on
South Africa and the Boer War, and the butchery done
on those people by 
He has alerted the world through his magazine 'World
in Review Magazine' 
prophecies he makes about the social issues of the
world. Since he began his 
career in
1972, he has made 650 predictions and of those 97%
came true.  The other 3% 
slightly inaccurate ... not wrong ... just slightly
inaccurate.  That rate 
of prophecy is
better than any psychic I've ever heard of.  Dr.
Coleman doesn't do 
channeling. He
gathers his information the same way that you and I
can, through study, 
learning who is
who and what they are doing and what they have done
historically. During his 
he has served in 15 different countries, so he is
not just blowing smoke.

The March/April 2001, issue of ' World in Review
Magazine"  is headlined 
Cecil John Rhodes. - The world united under British

The British may not have won their war with us when
we originally fought for 
independence in the American colonies, with their
pretty 'redcoats' and 
tight white
pants and shiny black boots on our shores, but they
have not given up.  
notice how the ex-Princess Fergie started out
telling us how to lose weight 
now she is advising us on what to buy in the
stock-market? Wait until you 
hear what
Dr. Coleman has to say about the way Britain is
still waging the war on the 

It was rumoured that Princess Diana was to marry one
of our political 
figures a few years
back. That would have tied Great Britain to America
in more than one way.  
Did you
know that the Queen of England owns land in
Colorado? The British still run 
How much of a stretch would it be to move the border
a little further south?

And where was the first place the President George
W. Bush went after he 
took office?
To Mexico to confer with President Vincente Foxx to
open up dialogues of 
trade and
immigration to the United States. For those of you
who aren't aware, there 
are now more
Mexican people in California than there are white
people ... not all of whom 
are citizens.
Spanish is always used in any legal instructions to
patrons of offices and 
stores, and on the
telephone. Some schools do not even teach classes in
English. It is a 
similar situation and
sometimes worse in all the southern states along the
Mexican/US border, 
particularly in
Texas.  Notice how well President George W. Bush
speaks Spanish.

Woodrow Wilson was inducted into a secret British
government group during 
Presidency and was instructed to tear down the trade
barriers between 
countries to
make the United States part of the One World Order, 
which is totally 
against the
betterment of the people of the United States.  Many
of our industries were 
by the policies of Woodrow Wilson.   Nafta and Gatt
follow those original 
Note that President Clinton had been heavily
involved in the World Trade 
and trying to push it on the people of The United
States.   Do not be fooled 
into thinking
this is good for business, such as Woodrow Wilson
tried to do to this 
country.  Wilson
stated to a joint meeting of  Congress that trade
with other countries was 
'good' for

I read that as ... cheaper goods, cheaper import
taxes ... less business for 
companies.  Remember the slogan ... "Buy American!"

Try to buy a car that is made all in America.  Or an
electronic gadget.  
Nintendo is
based in Kyoto, Japan. 40% of American homes have
Nintendo in them. I had 
of them myself. My grandchildren knew how to play
when they were three years 
and did nothing else. Their parents said they would
cry if they didn't let 
them play.
Oh really?   They also make Pokemon cards. Most of
the other homes with 
in them probably have the Sony Play Station. And
where is Sony located?  
Toyota?  Japan. Toyota is now the 4th leading
manufacturer of automobiles in 
U.S. Yes! They do have factories here. Who do they
buy these North American
Licenses from? Who really benefits?. Where is Honda?
Japan Mitsubishi? 

I don't mean to besmirch any of the products. I've
owned them all myself at 
one time or
another. I really liked them when I had them. I'm
just pointing out a few 
facts here.

Here's another fact. I wanted to learn to do
quilting last year. I got 
catalogues and
magazines to buy patterns, fabric, thread, needles,
etc.  The quilt I wanted 
to make would
cost in cash lay-out about $350, not to mention the
time involved to do the 
Then a product catalogue came in the mail ...
similar to ones that get 
stuffed in your
mailbox every other day.  The same quilt I was going
to make for over $350 + 
my time cost
only $49 in the catalogue.  Guess where it was made.
 China.  Those poor 
little ladies need
the work desparately and probably get paid 2 cents
an hour in American money 

Are you getting the picture? Why would I spend $350
to make a quilt by hand 
when I
can buy the same thing from China for $49?  See
where this is leading?

But, back to Dr. Coleman. This is who teaches us
what is really going on 
behind the
scenes that lets me buy a Chinese-made quilt for
$49. I shouldn't complain 
right? Just
wait until 'your' household income is what the
Chinese take home. Get the 
picture now?

Dr. John Coleman neither promotes the Democrats or
the Republicans, or any 
party, but the Constitution.

As politics go, it makes no difference whether we
have Democrats or 
Republicans in
office. They are all the same, either to the left or
right of the center of 
policy and each
side tries to promote themselves as close to center
as possible to get into 

Dr. Coleman stated on the radio show, "I've often
said that the most decent 
in the world are the average American and British
citizen. You can't find 
kinder, nicer,
more decent, more wonderful people in the world ...
and yet they've been 
lied, cheated to and betrayed in the most disgusting
and horrible manner, 
and it's
going on in an increasing tempo today, and it
doesn't make a scrap of 
difference who
is in the Whitehouse or who 'will' be in the

"They should have their eyes fixed on the treason
that's going on inside our 
by the United Nations, immigration, gun control, the
President assuming the 
of the Commander in Chief without the delegated
powers of the Congress 
the title upon him."

"We are a great deal worse off today than we were in
1921, when the doors of
immigration were opened to the anarchists and those
imported into this 
from Eastern Europe and they came with the concerted
intention of destroying 
United States Constitution and they very, very
nearly succeeded in 1921."

"Instead of the United States Congress and the House
Republicans and Senate 
worrying about tax-cuts or diversions, they should
be thinking about kicking 
the U.N.
out of the United States."

In the last 10 years, our entire Constitution was
called into question and 
on and kicked, particularly by President Clinton,
and anyone who paid 
attention to
the last election between Gore and Bush, knows that
the election in Florida 
never have been decided by the Supreme Court.

Please listen to Dr. Coleman speak on these and many
other topics: Click 
If this link doesn't work, please go to the 2001
archives of the Sightings 
shows. Click here.
Dr. Coleman - December 30, 2000 Click Here:
The 2000 archives of the Sightings shows: Click Here

To purchase any of Dr. Coleman's books
(NOTE: the enhanced and updated 4th edition of
"Conspirators' Hierarchy:
The Story of the Committee of 300" is only available
directly from Dr. 
his news magazine World in Review or any of his
monographs, please telephone


World In Review is a 40 page bi-monthly publication
and is
the only political, science and economic news
magazine that
carries no advertisements!

If you call during normal business hours,
Dr. Coleman usually answers the phone himself
and you will be able to speak to him briefly.



A Review of the book:

John Coleman
ISBN: 0-922356-57-2
ISBN: 0963401947 (1997)

The author, a former intelligence agent of British
M16, rips the lid off the 
conspiratorial group that knows no national
boundaries, is above the law of 
all countries and controls every aspect of politics,
commerce, religion, 
industry, banking, insurance, mining, and even the
drug trade. Learn how 
this small elite group, which is answerable to no
one except its own 
members, has pulled the strings on all major world
events and why, until 
now, few people have been aware of its existence,
let alone power, in 
manipulating the events of the entire world. All
these members are revealed, 
as well as all the corporations, government agencies
and various movements 
that "they" have developed and control to further
their own aims for world 

Can you imagine an all powerful group that no knows
national boundaries, 
that has set itself above the laws of all countries,
one that controls every 
aspect of politics, religion, commerce and industry,
banking, insurance, 
mining, THE DRUG TRADE, the petroleum industry, a

To the vast majority of us, such a group would
appear to be beyond the 
realms of possibilities and capabilities of any
given organization. If that 
is what you believe, then you are in the majority.  
The concept of a 
secret, elite group exercising control of every
aspect of our lives is 
beyond our comprehension. Americans are prone to
say, "it can't happen here, 
our Constitution forbids it."

That there is such a body called " THE COMMITTEE OF
300 is graphically told 
in this book. When most people attempt to address
our national problems, 
they speak or write about "THEY." This book tells
precisely who "THEY" are, 
and what "They" have planned for our future. It
tells how "THEY" have been 
at war with the American nation for 47 years, a war
that we, the people, are 
losing. It tells what methods "They" use and exactly
how "They" have us all 

If you are PUZZLED AND PERPLEXED as to why things
are occurring that we as a 
nation don't like, yet seen powerless to prevent,
why it is that the United 
State always seems to back the wrong house, WHY OUR
300 will clearly 
establish that these condition have been
deliberately created to bring us as 
a nation to our knees.

Once you have read the appalling truths contained in
this book, 
understanding the past and present political,
economic, social and religious 
events, will no longer be a problem. This powerful
account of the forces 
ranged against the people of the United States, and
indeed, the free world, 
can longer be ignored.

On page 139, John Coleman makes the following
statement: "America is  run 
not by 60 families but by 300 families and England
is run by 100 families, 
and as we shall see these families are intertwined
through marriage, 
companies, banks, not to mention ties to the Black
Nobility, Freemasonry, 
the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and so on. These
are the people who 
through their surrogates find ways to protect huge
shipments of heroin from 
Hong Kong, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, and to ensure
that they will reach the 
market places in the U.S. and Western Europe with
the minimum cost of doing 


Diplomacy By Deception

By Dr. John Coleman

ISBN: 0-9640104-8-8  (1998)

This is a true and accurate account of treasonous
conduct by the British and 
American governments: An account of how their
citizens are deceived by 
policies provoking actions that are totally
detrimental to the well-being of 
their citizens. Thoroughly researched, the book
provides a great deal of 
hitherto unpublished information and throws new
light on such diverse 
operations as the Gulf War and the Bolshevik
Revolution. The chapter on 
covert actions throws new light on the murder of
Martin Luther King, Pope 
John Paul 1, and other notables marked for
elimination. Diplomacy By 
Deception will forever alter your perception of the
two leading governments 
in Western civilization.

The enemy in Washington is more to be feared that
the enemy in Moscow. Dr 
Coleman traces the thoughts of the :fatal disease"
by the people who are 
causing this goal based on the Communist Manifesto
of 1848. Dr Coleman 
leaves nothing out on how this is to be accomplished
and how this effects 
you. This companion book to The Conspirators
Hierarchy finishes off the 
details on HOW they are accomplishing the goal.

From the Back Cover

The enemy in Washington is more to be feared than
the enemy in Moscow. Dr. 
Coleman traces the thoughts of the "fatal disease"
by the people who are 
causing this goal based on the Communist Manifesto
of 1848. Dr. Coleman 
leaves nothing out on how this is to be accomplished
and how this is going 
to effect you. This companion book to Dr. Coleman's
Conspirator's Hierarchy 
finishes off the details on HOW they are
accomplishing the goal. There is an 
account of the British Fabian Society and goals that
are set by their motto 
"Make Haste Slowly."


One World Order: Socialist Dictatorship

By Dr. John Coleman

ISBN: 0-9640104-9-6

The enemy in Washington is more to be feared than
the enemy in Moscow. Dr. 
Coleman traces the thoughts of the "fatal disease"
by the people who are 
causing this goal based on the Communist Manifesto
of 1948. Dr. Coleman 
leaves nothing out on how this is to be accomplished
and how this is going 
to effect you. This follow-up book to Dr. Coleman's
Hierarchy" finished off the details on HOW they are
accomplishing the goal. 
There is an account of the British Fabian Society
and goals that are set by 
their motto "Make Haste Slowly."

More description:

Formerly titled "Socialism: The Road To Slavery".
How the Socialists in 
Washington are more feared than the Communists in
Moscow. Why some 
Presidents adopted their program.

"THE ENEMY IN WASHINGTON is more to be feared than
the enemy in Moscow" 
Communism did not destroy tariff protection created
by George Washington. 
Communism did not force the United Stales to adopt
graduated income tax. 
Communism did not create the Federal Reserve Board.
Communism did not get 
the United States into WW1 or WWII. Communism did
not force the United 
Nations on America. Communism did not take away the
Panama Canal from the 
American people. Communism did not create the Global
2000 report mass 
genocide plan. It is SOCIALISM that has brought
forth these evils upon the 
United States.

Communism did not give: the world AIDS! Communism
did not give the Americans 
disastrous levels of unemployment. Communism did not
mount unrelenting 
attacks on the Constitution of the United States.
Communism did not force 
America to adopt "foreign aid" that cursed tax on
the American people! which 
is involuntary servitude.

Communism did not force the end to school prayers.
Communism did not promote 
the falsehood of "separation of church and state."
Communism did not give 
America a Supreme Court packed with justices bound
and determined to 
undermine the Constitution of the United States.
Communism did not send our 
soldiers to fight illegal wars to protect the
interests of the British 

While our attention was focused on the evils of
Communism in Moscow, the! 
SOCIALISTS in Washington were busy stealing
SOCIALIST DICTATORSHIP tells how this was, and is
being accomplished.


What You Should Know About the United States
Constitution and the Bill of 
ISBN: 1893157032  (1999)

Book Description

A Book like no other book ever written about the
U.S. Constitution and the 
Bill of Rights. Its gives information that is not
taught a law schools. The 
Reason: Very few lawyers ever read the Annals of
Congress, The Congressional 
Globe and Congressional Record and thus they miss
the crucial evidence 
supporting the Constitution. Dr Coleman has done 26
years of research 
putting this book together.


More on the Committee of 300

More on the New World Order

Immigration Cases and Law

Dreams of the Great Earthchanges - Main Index

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