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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Impact of Digital Marketing Dimensions on

Customer Satisfaction
Mustafa Naeem Sabeeh 1; Ridha Kareem Sihab Alaboodi2; Hussein Faisal Ghazi Al-ARAJL3

Abstract:- This study aims to examine the role of digital diverse plans and programs to ensure the rapid progress of
marketing in customer satisfaction at Al-Warith Al- their products and services to achieve customer satisfaction.
Anbiya University and Al-Zahra University in the holy city
of Karbala. Due to the scarcity of studies and research Hence, the primary task for institutions has become to
attempting to understand the role of this topic, this study is find potential customers, work on satisfying them, and retain
considered one of the first to address these variables. current customers due to changing tastes, leading to the need
Moreover, this study addresses a real problem that to apply marketing concepts.
directly affects the educational sector in the relationship. A
questionnaire was used to collect data, with (40) Marketing activities, like other enterprise activities, have
questionnaires distributed and (32) responses obtained been influenced by these technological changes and the
from employees at Al-Warith Al-Anbiya University and development of the Internet, especially with the emergence of
Al-Zahra University in Karbala, using a random sampling electronic marketing, where organizations conduct commercial
method. The study concluded that there is a positive and transactions such as buying, selling, exchanges, and others via
significant relationship between the use of digital the Internet and other global networks. Marketing through this
marketing and customer satisfaction in the researched network is a recent phenomenon that emerged with the advent
universities. The report makes many recommendations, of the web in 1993. One of the most prominent aspects of
including expanding the use of digital marketing as a electronic marketing is its impact on customers' desires,
successful strategy for achieving customer satisfaction and purchasing habits, and needs, including the quality and prices
offering staff members ongoing training and development of goods, etc., thereby affecting their satisfaction with the
opportunities to advance their knowledge of digital products and services of the organizations.
marketing and stay abreast of technical advancements in
the industry. The report also suggests doing more II. METHODS OF RESEARCH
extensive research in the future to determine the digital
marketing tactics and best practices that these colleges  Research Problem
might employ to raise customer satisfaction. The research adopts an important topic as a philosophy
involving how to enhance customer satisfaction through the
Keywords:- Digital Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, availability of digital marketing elements in the researched
Customer, Modern Marketing, Marketing Dimensions. company. Considering the increasing acknowledgment of the
importance of digital marketing elements as a significant
I. INTRODUCTION factor in enhancing customer satisfaction, it can lead to
success in business and outperforming competitors, amidst
The world has witnessed a huge revolution in the field of technological changes, increasing competition, and changes in
information and communication technology, especially with customer tastes and needs. Through this survey conducted by
the opening of markets, leading to a shift from traditional the researcher, the following questions can be posed to express
marketing based on direct selling and buying to electronic the content of the problem as follows:
marketing based on the use of the internet. As a result, various  Do the company's customers have a clear perception of
institutions have adopted this concept in order to save time, digital marketing elements?
effort, and money to gain customer satisfaction.  How do digital marketing components and customer
satisfaction in the organization under investigation relate to
In the midst of the world's development and the changes each other?
happening in the economic environment, various institutions  Which element of digital marketing has the most impact on
are striving to maintain a permanent position, attract more customer satisfaction?
customers and consumers, all in pursuit of maximizing profits,
expanding and increasing their branches, and extending their
influence in as many markets as possible. Therefore, different
institutions adopt various and different strategies by setting

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 The Importance of Research element, while digital marketing includes all processes that
The importance of the study lies in the following: precede, during, and after the receipt of goods or services.
 There is a belief that digital commerce is digital marketing,
Research becomes important when it makes clear how which is not correct as digital commerce involves trading
digital marketing and customer pleasure are related, giving the through digital channels, while digital marketing is a series
studied organization a variety of alternatives for handling of comprehensive specialized marketing functions that are
customers based on reliable scientific principles. not limited to trading in goods and services only.
 Furthermore, marketing with conventional means has lost
 Research Objectives importance in comparison to marketing with digital tools
The research objective primarily focuses on diagnosing due to the notable advancements in information technology
and establishing the causal relationship between digital and the notable shift towards the digital world, particularly
marketing and customer satisfaction, as well as in the area of the internet. This indicates that they are not
comprehending the attitudes of the researched company's the same. The points of comparison between them are
customers toward the digital marketing practices that the shown in Table (6) (Hamadoun, 2018, 120-130).
researched company implements. This is made possible by the
research problem and its significance. Table 1 The Difference Between Digital Marketing and
Traditional Marketing
III. THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF Digital Marketing Traditional Marketing
DIGITAL MARKETING Its tools include online Its tools include print media,
advertising, email marketing, radio, direct mail, and
The significant development that the world has witnessed social media, SMS, and telephone.
in recent decades has led to the emergence of many advanced associated marketing tools
technological innovations, which are the prominent feature of such as SEO.
the twentieth century. At present, a range of new and dynamic Direct interaction with Limited direct interaction
technologies have emerged, and products and services have customers. with customers.
evolved, especially in the field of communications and Results are more easily Results are relatively easy to
information, particularly computer technology, measurable. measure.
communications, and the Internet, which have developed Campaigns can be easily Campaigns are not easily
significantly in the last two decades. This has made the world altered with room for altered and tend to last long.
resemble a small village, enabling continuous communication innovation.
and interaction between individuals and organizations Its costs are relatively Its operations are costly, and
regardless of time and place. Furthermore, this technology has reasonable, and advertising advertising campaigns take a
opened the door to entering the world of digital or electronic campaigns have a shorter long time.
marketing, providing marketers with a set of new methods and lifespan.
innovative approaches through which they can communicate
Source: Prepared by the Researcher based on the Mentioned
with their customers.
Sources Above.
A. The Concept of Digital Marketing Digital marketing has been known since 2009 as the
Despite the transformation of marketing functions into a marketing aspect of digital businesses, encompassing all
new, more effective concept with digital technology, it has not organizational communications to promote and sell products
abandoned or denied traditional marketing theories. Instead, it digitally. It is also known as the process of using data and
has been able to benefit from them and develop innovative electronic applications to plan and execute pricing and
solutions to its problems by reaching new tools and means distribution concepts for products and ideas in order to create
known as digital marketing (Dajjah, 2019, pp. 50-60). This is exchanges that achieve individual and organizational goals
considered one of the modern and contemporary concepts in (Mr., 2017, 150-160). It is defined as the use of digital and
the field of marketing that still faces a kind of mystery and interactive technologies and information technology to
lack of clarity, and the reason for this is the prevailing belief perform marketing activities for business organizations (Al-
that marketing according to this concept is only done through
Obaidan, 2021, 180-190). By reviewing the aforementioned
the internet. Therefore, the following points should be focused definitions, it becomes clear that there are multiple
on before giving an accurate definition of digital marketing perspectives on this concept. Some describe it as a process,
(Al-Sweidan, 2020, pp. 80-90): while others consider it an art and science of selling products
 All digital technologies, such as the internet, extranet, through digital channels, and still others view it as managing
mobile phones, and others, are used for digital marketing interactions between the organization and the customer within
operations and activities.Digital shopping is an integral the virtual environment, etc. Despite these differences, they
part of modern marketing, which means buying and selling share a set of characteristics, the most prominent of which are:
through digital channels, with the internet being its main

IJISRT24APR978 868

Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Communicating with customers and interacting with them  Negotiation of prices, transmission of product
to build deeper relationships in order to retain them and specifications and images electronically, as well as the
earn their loyalty. methods used to deliver these products to customers.
 Using digital channels to promote and sell the
organization's products. It can be said that the importance of digital marketing for
 Striving to achieve common goals for both the organizations comes from the benefits it achieves as a primary
organization and the customer. means to increase their competitiveness and enhance their
 Emphasizing the use of data and digital information in the mental image with customers through:
pricing and distribution process of the organization's  Focus on reducing the costs of services provided by these
products. organizations.
 Continuous efforts to enhance the efficiency of the service
The researcher views digital marketing as the process of provided to the customer and deliver it with the necessary
using digital channels to communicate with customers on a speed and on time.
personal level by the marketing management of the  Contribution to narrowing or eliminating the boundaries
organization, in order to identify their needs and desires between global markets, enabling customers to move and
directly and meet them with the least marketing costs and in enter different markets through various digital channels.
the shortest possible time.
C. Dimensions of Digital Marketing
B. The Importance of Digital Marketing In order to have a comprehensive understanding of all
The important developments and changes in the field of aspects of the search variable, we have discussed the
information and communication have created new and dimensions of digital marketing. The following is an
innovative methods to satisfy the needs and desires of explanation of each dimension of these dimensions:
consumers. One of the most prominent changes is the
significant growth in the field of the internet and digital  Attraction
commerce. As consumers increasingly use these technologies, This dimension refers to how to attract customers and
digital commerce and digital marketing are expected to thrive. steer them towards the organization's website on the internet
The importance of digital marketing varies for business (8:1996, Waitman). This cannot be achieved through
organizations, depending on their entity and their need for it. billboards or other websites on the internet or by utilizing
In the electronics industry, for instance, companies like Cisco marketing communication tools such as advertisements and
place a high value on it because they sell over $10 million product packaging. Rather, it is done by introducing the
worth of computer parts and components online every day. organization's brand by placing the name of this brand or
Conversely, companies like fast-food chains and referring to it in a URL address or a specific website on the
manufacturers of consumable goods place a lower value on it internet. This will help remind customers of the organization's
because the majority of their sales come from traditional name and enable them to easily find its brand because these
distribution channels. Thus, the following succinctly sums up sites are considered intuitive for customers and are very
the rationale behind why commercial organizations need to important in attracting them to the organization's website .
use successful digital marketing:
 Digital marketing looks to the future while traditional The most popular tool for attracting customers is
marketing methods may only be successful in the present. reminder websites that display the brand name in the form of a
 The world has become more connected to the internet than URL, and they are the primary tool for increasing online
ever before, which means an increase in the replacement of traffic. Additionally, they make it easy for customers to access
traditional marketing tools with digital ones. the organization's brand without the need to browse search
 Many customers have adapted to using modern engines. URL listings that include the brand names of
technological devices, as well as expecting organizations businesses rank second in popularity or relative importance in
to be more effective in this field. search engines, as they typically classify organizational
websites based on the products they offer, thus contributing to
According to Hussein (2017, pp. 300-310), other reasons organizing and facilitating the digital marketing process.
for the importance of digital marketing include:
 Electronic exchange of information between organizations,  Communication
suppliers, and intermediaries through the exchange of Communication is one of the most important elements
business documents via digital channels. for the success of digital marketing, defined as the process of
 Transmission of product data, specifications, sales, and transferring information and mutual understanding from one
purchase orders between the organization and customers individual to another. After obtaining customer information,
through digital channels. the focus will shift to the next stage in the digital marketing
process, which involves interacting and communicating with
these customers and providing added value to them. The

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

ability to launch a product, and to know feedback about it as to improve the organization's position on the web. Business
quickly as possible, is one of the most important marketing organizations use several sources to obtain the information
opportunities that contribute to creating added value for they need about their customers, including: (Willis, 2017, 290-
customers, and the internet represents one of the most 300)
prominent digital tools that contribute to achieving and  Feedback obtained from online survey studies and through
succeeding in this communication. Therefore, business conventional (non-customized) research.
organizations should consider the necessity of providing  Web page tracking devices.
products designed specifically to meet the desires of customers  Information obtained from new customers.
and then contacting them personally through a digital tool  Virtual communities and websites. E.g., chat rooms and
such as email or other means, in order to understand their forums.
reactions and satisfaction with what the organization offers in
terms of products. Many management literatures have shown a  Retention
close and positive relationship between the organization's Organizations aim to retain clients and encourage them
offerings of products that achieve added value for customers to make repeat purchases on their online platforms in order to
and its brand. (Abdulhamid, 2021, pp. 330-340). establish lucrative and long-lasting relationships with them.
Because this calls for sustained resources and long-term
 Participation commitments, developing and sustaining excellent customer
After attracting customers to the organization's website connections is a crucial component that businesses must take
on the internet, it is necessary to engage them in the marketing into account when putting digital marketing strategies into
process and understand their opinions through communicating practice. It is recommended that marketers take care of and
with them and knowing their perspectives and preferences in update their newly created websites on a regular basis by
order to create the interaction that contributes to completing either adding new material or offering dynamic information
the business process. To achieve this, businesses can benefit like weather updates and stock prices. (Campbell, 2021, 360-
from innovative programs in providing interactive media of 370)
value to customers. Examples of these programs include Java
programs (Roy, 2019, 180-190) and animations that attract the In addition to setting up security devices to protect the
attention of the customer, in addition to what the privacy of their customers and provide fast information
organization's website offers on the web and virtual downloads from their websites on the web and track online
communities and forums of direct contact and interaction with purchase requests, etc. This happens when digitally marketing
the customer on one hand, and among customers on the other organizations are able to provide the information and products
hand (AbdulKarim, 2020, 250-260). their customers need at the lowest cost and in the shortest time
possible, which serves as an incentive for them to return to the
There is no benefit in creating these websites and forums purchasing experience using another digital tool. (Meyer,
in their pursuit of building their brand, as virtual communities, 2019, 210-220)
websites, and forums become less common and less used by
some business organizations, especially those operating in the IV. THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF
food trade or grocery stores targeting the broader market and CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
direct interaction with customers (209:2005, Teo).
Nonetheless, the study believes that social media platforms The client is the company's most important asset since it
like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and others are keeps trying to please and win his loyalty since knowing what
the most widely utilized and well-liked instruments that he needs means the business may expand to its fullest
businesses employ to develop their brands, increase consumer potential. As a result, businesses that can satisfy their clients
loyalty, and entice people to interact. will be able to hold onto their market share as well as develop,
grow, and generate more revenue in the future.
 Learning
Social media platforms offer a number of marketing A. The Idea of Contentment for Customers
opportunities that contribute to building positive relationships According to Kotler, "the customer's feeling of pleasure
with customers because they allow marketers to track and or disappointment resulting from comparing the performance
learn more about the demographic composition of customers, of the product offered to him with his previous expectations of
their attitudes, and behaviors. This information can be this product" (Santos, 2018, 280-290) is what constitutes
obtained by observing customer registration processes or their customer satisfaction. "The degree to which the customer
transaction records. There are many ways to identify customer perceives the effectiveness of the organization in providing
preferences and desires, such as using web page tracking products that meet his needs and desires" is how Hall & Reed
devices and others (Al-Khalifa, 2018, 320-330). One of the defined customer satisfaction (Stratford, 2017, 240-250).
most important key strategies for building a brand online is to Additionally, Caraman affirms the presence of two theories of
understand customer insights, preferences, and desires in order customer happiness: the one emphasizes the difference

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

between service quality and the other, satisfaction derived  When customers are happy with the services the business
from cumulative exchanges. The first is accomplished through offers, they are less likely to use other businesses.
exchanges based on the customer's past expectations with the
end product, and the second is based on the user experience as Businesses that put the needs of their customers first will be
a whole over a certain duration (Morris, 2020, 310–320). able to hold off rivals, particularly when it comes to pricing
Based on the information presented above, we can say  If customers are happy with the services they received,
that the degree to which an organization's service meets the they will do business with the company again in the future.
expectations of its clients is known as customer satisfaction. The institution receives feedback from satisfied customers
Among the above ideas' contents, we discover that the about the services they received, which helps the business
majority of definitions concentrated on: improve its customer offerings. By measuring customer
 A sense of happiness or dissatisfaction stems from happiness, a business may determine its market share.
customer satisfaction.
 The outcome of comparing the product's perceived C. Dimensions of Customer Satisfaction
performance to the customer's expectations is customer The fundamental dimensions of customer satisfaction
satisfaction. are: (Kotler, Keller, 2016)

B. The Importance of Customer Satisfaction  Technical Dimensions:

In this context, Kotler claims that in order for an Pertain to the caliber of the good or service rendered and
organization to thrive in the cutthroat marketplaces of today, how well it meets the demands and expectations of the client.
the customer must become the center of its business activities. This encompasses the subsequent elements:
The current marketing idea, which starts and ends with the  The quality of the product or service and its alignment with
requirements and aspirations of the client and how to meet the advertised specifications.
them, should take precedence over the sales-oriented approach  The technical benefits of the product or service and their
(Hofmeister, 2019, pp. 270-280). suitability to customer requirements.
 The strength of the brand and its credibility, and its impact
Any institution's policy should place a high value on on the customer's purchasing decision. (Zeithaml, 2009)
customer satisfaction as it is one of the best ways to evaluate
an organization's success, particularly if the institution is  Relational Dimensions:
quality-oriented. The following passages highlight the  Relate to the customer's experience in interacting with the
significance of customer happiness (Holliday, 2019, pp. 150- employees of the institution and include the following
160). aspects:
 The quality of customer service and the professionalism
In this particular situation, Kotler found four statistics and friendliness of its delivery.
that highlight the significance of customer satisfaction (Curtis,  The extent to which employees in the institution respect
2018, pp. 190-200). the customer and provide prompt responses to their needs.
 The expense to the institution of acquiring new consumers  The level of care shown by employees in the institution
is five to ten times higher than that of pleasing existing towards the customer and their willingness to meet their
ones. needs and provide suitable solutions.
 Extended purchase periods improve client lifetime value; a
5% reduction in customer turnover rate can increase  Temporal Dimensions:
earnings by 25–80%, depending on the business.  Relate to the timing and flexibility in delivering the
product or service, and include the following aspects:
Any institution's policy should place a high value on  The speed of response to customer needs, complaints, and
customer satisfaction as it is one of the best ways to evaluate feedback.
an organization's success, particularly if the organization is
 The institution's commitment to deadlines and the degree
quality-focused. Since these factors represent how customer
of flexibility in meeting customer needs.
satisfaction is conveyed in terms of business success, it is
imperative that you pay close attention to them (Clements,
 Financial Dimensions:
2017, pp. 290-300).
 Relate to the prices offered and the added value of the
 If the client is pleased with the business's performance,
product or service, and include the following aspects:
they will recommend it to others, bringing in additional
business.  The extent to which prices align with the quality of the
product or service.
 The consumer will decide to use the business again right
 The clarity of financial and pricing information provided to
away if they are happy with the service they received from
the customer.

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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IJISRT24APR978 872

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