Betreff: WWF ALERT: Stop the wolf hunt in Norway
Von: "Passport Control"
Datum: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 16:36:13 +0000 (GMT)

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28 January 2005 - Action Alert

Urgent action needed to help stop the wolf hunt in Norway and push for real protection for this critically endangered animal.

Norway to kill 25% of its wolves

The Norwegian government has decided to kill five of the country's wolves - a quarter of the entire population.

The Norwegian Directorate for Nature has granted licences to hundreds of farmers to kill the wolves as a measure to prevent the loss of domestic livestock, primarily sheep.

Three of the wolves have already been shot.

Wolves are protected in Norway, and are listed as critically endangered. Take action now to help stop the hunt and push for a sound management plan for the South Scandinavian wolf. Read more

Take Action NOW
Email Norway's Environment Minister, Mr Knut Arild Hareide, to express your opposition to the wolf hunt

Wolves. WWF-Canon / Chris Martin BAHR

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