WWWC Incident Report Form
 Incident Report Form
Please fill out as thoroughly and completely as possible. We take all incident reports very seriously and will investigate to the best of our ability and escalate this as necessary.
If you feel this is a matter that requires law enforcement, please do not hesitate to contact them immediately.

Reporters may choose to remain confidential, however, please understand that this may affect the ability to add any further details to the report, or for them to be involved in any follow-through actions. All incident reports are handled with discretion and confidentiality.

Accuracy and detail are important so we may investigate this situation completely.
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Your name (optional)
You may submit an anonymous report and we will respect your privacy.
Your cell phone number and/or email (optional)
This is so our incident report staff may contact you as per your contact preferences below.
Would it be OK for us to contact you to discuss or ask more questions about this incident report for our investigation? *
Would you like us to follow up with you on the progress and/or resolution of this incident report? *
Your involvement in the situation being reported: *
Incident Date *
Incident Time *
Incident location *
Where did this situation occur?
Please describe what happened in detail *
We appreciate as much information including times, and all specific details you can recall. There is more space down below under "additional notes and information" you may use.
How did this situation make you feel?
Witnesses or other people involved *
This can be anyone who is involved in this situation in any way. Names (legal or character) and clear descriptions to help us greatly.
Contact info of other people involved (so we may contact them and investigate this situation)
At the time this occurred, did you report this to anyone (convention staff, security, hotel staff, friends, etc?) and if so, how did they help? *
It's perfectly fine if you didn't. This question is partly to make sure that if you did reach out for help immediately that you were helped as best as possible in that time.
Specific action you would like the convention to take? *
We can not guarantee an outcome, but we want to know what you think would be an ideal resolution. If you asked for us to follow-up with you, what actions we take will be part of that follow-up.
Additional notes or information
Thank you, we very much appreciate your report.
Your incident report will be investigated by our WWWC Inspector General (IG) department.
This department works to successfully and completely resolve situations related to incident reports while maintaining discretion and confidentiality.
The IG department is located in the Inspector General's Office next to Salon B, on the bottom-right of the map. 
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