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Raven Duet #2

Fallen Raven

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From award-winning author Diana A. Hicks comes the captivating conclusion to the Fallen Raven duet. I should've stayed dead.
I should've run when he challenged the winning bid.
I should've said no to his contract.

But the ruthless Don Enzo Alfera gets what he wants.
He wants revenge.
More than anything, he wants me.

A Note from Diana : Fallen Raven is book two in the Raven Duet and is part of the Crime Society World. I highly recommend you read book one first.

432 pages, Paperback

Published December 3, 2022

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About the author

Diana A. Hicks

36 books715 followers
Diana A. Hicks is an award-winning author of dark mafia romance and romantic suspense. Her latest release Fallen Raven is out now!

When Diana is not writing, she enjoys hot yoga, kickboxing, traveling, and indulging in the simple joys of life like wine and chocolate. She lives in Atlanta and loves spending time with her two children and husband. Connect with Diana on social media to stay up to date on her latest releases.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews
Profile Image for Veronica Ticker.
901 reviews56 followers
March 12, 2023
The ending of the first book seemed quite final, I didn’t really know what to expect in the second part of this duet. But we get all the clues fast, and this book is mostly experiencing an eventful journey until the happy ending Aurora and Enzo deserve.

And eventful it was. We had a glimpse of what a mess Enzo had become after Aurora’s alleged death in the previous duets in the series, and we delve more into that at the beginning of this book. To say the guy never moved on is a euphemism: he’s downright obsessed with her, even ten years later. He’s moved from looking for her–not really accepting her death, but giving up nonetheless–to looking for the man responsible for her death, and making him pay. And that’s the main plot.

As there’s a ten year gap between both books, we get a lot of flashbacks, both in Aurora’s and Enzo’s point of view. They explain what happened to them in the meantime, but also the various actors that played a role in their staying apart for so long. And that’s where betrayals and mafia politics enter the game. Some were quite interesting, like Rex’s indiscretion, or his father’s power play, but signoria Vittoria’s schemes were quite confusing in the end–and probably inconsistent if I thought about them a little longer.

Since the series is about century old mafia families, filiation has always been an important part of the story, but I felt it was even more prominent here. With the presence of another generation–Enzo and Aurora’s son–legacy is at the forefront of the story. We know what Enzo’s childhood was like, and with a similar setting as his, his newfound family with Aurora and Leo could meet the same ending, unless he makes some changes. And Enzo’s choices are clearly at the center of this book.

With human and sex trafficking as a background, plus Enzo’s dreams of revenge and Angelo’s sickly nature, there’s plenty of unsavory content. Be warned.

But, on the other end, it’s rather sexy, and seeing Enzo somehow rediscovering intimacy was nice.

Also some actions from the main characters didn’t make sense.

But all in all, it’s a good conclusion to this duet, and it was nice to see again Enzo’s softer side, especially with his son.


- Series: Raven duet #2 (directly follows the previous book)
- Hashtags: #mafia romance #second chance #single mother #surprise baby
- Triggers: violence and death, torture, human trafficking, sexual assault, stalker
- Main couple: Aurora Vitalli & Enzo Alfera
- Hotness: 4/5
- Romance: 4/5
- + I felt for Enzo’s years of suffering and the way he coped
- – too many betrayals and manipulations, and in the end I wasn’t sure who was an ally and who was an enemy
Profile Image for Shannon (litmuggle).
307 reviews17 followers
December 4, 2022
This duet will give you whip lash it’s such a rollercoaster. High school bully romance meets mafia romance with this duet.

Enzo can be such a a@@ at time but for Aurora he would do anything. This book picks up years later when there world has been torn apart. Enzo tortures her for a bit, but he does not know the hells she has survived and there journey will have you staying up all night reading to see where it goes.
December 21, 2023
5+🌟..𝑬𝑷𝑰𝑪... 𝑬𝑷𝑰𝑪... 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕-𝑹𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑹𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒐𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 🔥🔥🔥


❤️‍🔥 Mafia Romance
❤️‍🔥 Second Chance Billionaire Romance
❤️‍🔥 Star-Crossed Lovers
❤️‍🔥 She's On the Run
❤️‍🔥 Mind-Spinning Secrets & Twists


EPIC FREAKING EPIC. This one has absolutely blown me away and I couldn't have even guessed to the extremes this one would take me.😲😻😻🤯🤯

We meet Enzo and Aurora now, years later, battling their own demons even after all this time. Because we are not even close to understanding the deep entangled web of secrets and lies that have been spun around them both, unaware of the level of danger surrounding them.

Enzo is now Don Alfera and drinks away his time in fantasy of loving his soulmate and other times being the ruthless and fearful leader that he is now.

Aurora has a completely different life now to what she was prior to the tragedy that robbed her of everything precious in her life.
A twist of needful circumstances brings Aurora back, right where it all started years ago.

Enzo had all but given up on ever finding anything resembling love, and now bids his time for revenge only on the one who stole everything away from him.
But never did he think, that the ghost of his past would become a reality and smack him in the face when he's least expecting it.

Now Enzo has to race against time and also battle his own basic nature and his raw emotions, if he doesn't want to lose his entire world all over again.

But the stakes this time are at an all time high, and one wrong move might wreck it all.

OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS..... I was wrecked, I cried and then hoped against hope and I must have felt an avalanche of emotions reading this one.

On one hand, my mind was spinning with the secrets that were blasting left and right, leaving me stunned and shocked and on the other hand, I was yearning with all my heart for Enzo and Aurora to be able to be together without the shadows of their enemies.

The Steaminess in this one was so deliciously raw and unrestrained wild love and a yearning passion that has been hungry for years.
Enzo made me gulp with his unapologetic desires and his mannerisms were goosebumps inducing with the way he wanted to own and love Aurora.
Ahhhh.... I was definitely melting from the Spicy hotness🔥🥵🥵

A MUST READ ROLLERCOASTER RIDE of two lovers all wanting to just be together but get embroiled in Dangerous Mafia Politics and Family Legacies and unknowingly becoming Chess pieces in a deadly game of Throne Wars and Obsession of a Madman all played by one Master player after another.

A truly magnificently written Romance that is Angsty on fire Wild ride of a Yearning love and destinies crossed inevitably.
Loved freaking loved loved loved this one. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for kreadsoften.
721 reviews53 followers
May 20, 2024
Fallen Raven Book 2 second book in the Fallen Raven Duet and cannot be read as a standalone.

After the ending of the first book, I was excited to see what happened next for Aurora and Enzo.

There was a time jump, and the they didn’t see each other for years. But once they were in each other’s lives again, it was obvious that they never got over each other.

I was glad that Enzo and Aurora finally got their HEA. But there was also other man drama. That whole thing honestly didn’t make sense to me.

Anyway, this is still packed with tension, angst, and suspense. Enzo and Aurora both went through a lot during their time apart, but they found healing and love with each other.

Narrators: Rose Dioro and Dane Anderson
Style: Dual

Rose and Dane narrated the first book as well, and they again didn’t a great job bringing the story and characters to life. And since the characters are older in this book, their voices are better matched.

Note: This is mostly dual-POV with a few chapters from another person’s POV.
Profile Image for Kourtney.
102 reviews4 followers
November 29, 2022
This book will have you in a trans. I was unable to put this down and it invaded my mind. The first book left me wanting more, I needed all the answers. Well I got them and still want more.
It will send you on a emotional rollercoaster ride. You’ll have love and hate and want to jump through into the book and handle things for yourself.
There were times when my husband came running into the room because he thought something happened because parts pissed me off or shocked me.
This is the first duet I read from Diana Hicks and now I’m hooked. I will definitely be going back to read all the read of the duets.
Profile Image for Kayla.
409 reviews
November 29, 2022
This book is a roller coaster ride! Honest to goodness, after this duet my thoughts on mafia romances has changed dramatically. Even though they won't be my first choice, I'm certainly more likely to give them a chance after these books.

Fair warning that this one is going to chew you up before it spits you out. So many emotions! Be prepared before you dive in, but know that in the end it's all worth it. The characters are fantasy, and though the story is presented out of order in this one, it's well done and when it all finally falls together it's impressive the twists and turns your carried through to get to that point. Make sure you give this duet a try!
Profile Image for Brandi Exline.
92 reviews1 follower
December 2, 2022
This duet gives you the anxiety ride of your life. Reading this I was on pins and needles the whole time. This book picks up 11 years after Enzo is shot and Aurora is presumed dead. Enzo never fully believes that Aurora is dead and continues to search for her. Only when he shows up to a sex club does he get the surprise of a lifetime. This is a dark mafia romance. Be sure to check for trigger warnings.
Profile Image for Hollie Senn Bookish Reviews.
363 reviews10 followers
November 30, 2022
Diana brought her A GAME with this second book!!!!! This story had me from the first book and grabbed me immediately… the way this story is woven around and keeps you flipping the pages so dang fast. It’s a must read…
Profile Image for book_fairy13.
465 reviews7 followers
January 12, 2023
The twists and turns in this book were epic!
Aurora and Enzo are finally gonna have their happily ever after, but they have to face their past!
Profile Image for Carrie Lamison.
95 reviews3 followers
December 1, 2022
I definitely recommend reading the fallen raven series you definitely will be just flipping through the pages and not being able to put the books down for sure! ❤️ You definitely will love the characters as well! I kinda want more lol ❤️ Can’t wait to read more by Diana A. Hicks 📚🥰
Profile Image for Megan.
101 reviews2 followers
May 23, 2024
Fallen Raven Books 1 & 2
By Diana A. Hicks

Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5)

The Fallen Raven duet is so good, and the audio companion brought the characters to life in the best way. As I was listening + reading, I was instantly captivated by Aurora and Enzo’s connection to each other. Throughout book one, when the characters are actually in high school, I got very strong Cruel Intentions crossed with Romeo & Juliet vibes, so naturally I was all in, waiting with bated breath to see how bad Enzo and his crew would haze Aurora while simultaneously becoming infatuated with Enzo’s internal thoughts about her. Narrators Dane Anderson and Rose Dioro brought these characters to life with perfect intonation especially when it came to every emotion they experienced via the author’s writing.

Aurora is new to town, NYC, having moved from Las Vegas before the school year begins. Las Vegas is the only place she’s called home and is torn between missing it and being thankful for being given a new slate to start over with her parents in a new city. What she is concerned with, though, is how her father (who is basically a con artist) managed to find good favor with the Italian mafia in NYC to move them cross country and put them up in a swanky apartment & enroll her in the best academy in the city. Often times throughout the book, Aurora ponders what her father is up to and worries about her safety as well as her mother’s, and she’s not wrong to be worried, but it’s not exactly what you would immediately think as a reader. I appreciated the unpredictable twist the author gave us.

I read + listened to both books in the duet back-to-back. I don’t even remember how much sleep I got in between each book because book one leaves you on such a cliffhanger that you don’t want to believe what’s happened, prompting you to immediately jump in to book two!

When I made it to book two, I knew there would be a jump in time based on how book one ended, and I also knew I was guaranteed a happy ending. The second book has many chapters that are based in the past, and these chapters are intermingled with the present time chapters throughout the book. These chapters focusing on the past were necessary to explain the development of the characters through a decade. I understand it was necessary to do this and each one of these chapters honing in on the past gave new details of significant events that happened prior to “now” but I found myself getting antsy a few times in these chapters from the past filling in the gaps. I wish the past chapters could have been a little bit shorter because I was more concerned with what is happening now and where the characters would progress and it made me a little restless. I didn’t skip anything; I’m not that kind of reader, plus I have major FOMO so I physically could not make myself skip to the current chapters.

As adults who find their way back to each other, Aurora and Enzo are still crazy attracted to each other and despite Aurora’s hesitancy, and maybe a little bit from Enzo, they cannot deny their chemistry has not dissolve over ten years apart. There are several discoveries made throughout book two that I did not predict, and I cannot express enough in any review how much this means to me. I do not like reading books that are highly predictable! With that said, when I was finally in what I’ll call the meat-and-potatoes of the “now” in book two, I was living for Aurora and Enzo reconciling and cheering them on as they worked together with a common goal to save someone very important to them. Subsequently, said important character was incredibly sweet the way he took to Enzo and I was really hoping we’d get the treat of that happening versus harboring bad feelings and being a jerk.

If you enjoy a duet romance with heavy mafia themes, heartbreak and emotion, plus some deceit and manipulation, this is the book duet for you. The narration was very enjoyable and I felt like I was with these characters as I listened along with reading the KU version of the books.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

BookIG: @tequilamockingbirdlady
GR profile: mvporter
Profile Image for Chloe Leigh.
143 reviews3 followers
May 19, 2024
4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️& 3🌶️🌶️🌶️. This opens around 10 years after the events of part 1. The ending of the previous book is a bit of a cliffhanger and I honestly didn’t really know where the story would go. The opening chapters made my brain catch up to how this links with the king of beasts duet. It was indeed prequel to the first duet.

I was kindly sent the audiobooks by the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Even though it’s kinda toxic, I actually prefer Enzo’s character in this. His edges have definitely been hardened after loosing the FMC. He has really grown into his don dom role and I love his masculine sassy dominating vibe. He’s an ass to “rose” in the beginning though, I can’t really understand why they “hate” each other so much. I know there was clearly a lot of misinformation and double crossing going on, so maybe they have been played on eachother. The surprise pregnancy trope did take me off guard and it is not something I enjoy that much. I just think it’s a bit of a cheap excuse to change the plot but I’ll forgive it because it made things a little more complex in terms of the characters decision making. The mr best friend stealing yo gurl angle was not expected tho. I wasn’t expecting Rex to develop feelings for her!

One thing I do have an issue with is how instantly “rose” gave into Enzo’s sexual demands. Surely if she hated him that much and wanted to escape to her son she would have refused somehow? I’m just a little disappointed she didn’t fight it more. She obviously wants him ALOT and he’s obviously irresistible. I also struggled a little with the time jumps but I caught on eventually.

I listened to the audiobook and loved that it was consistent with the same narrators as the first instalment and same style. I was impressed with how the voice actors cleverly aged up the characters. One thing about this series is it’s incredibly cleverly woven between each duet. I’m pretty sure it’s on purpose that it makes you want to read previous duets again just to re-connect the dots.

There was one error with this ARC audiobook in chapter 30 around the 12 minute mark, where it repeated a phrase same for Ch31 @ 13 mins. I swear I had noticed it before too once or twice but I thought it was just me! Overall I did enjoy this, but I did really struggle to stay engaged with the plot enough to follow it to the best of its ability. I will definitely be rereading as I have the physical books ordered at the RARE signing so I’m hoping it will all click once I read them in order again.
Profile Image for Reading by Deb.
934 reviews26 followers
May 22, 2024
Enzo woke up with a massive hangover and when he heard the woman's voice he glanced over his shoulder to see the three women in bed with him. In the light of day, he couldn't pretend that the blonde was Aurora no matter how much he wished it was true.

Because eleven years ago the mansion in the Hamptons blew up with Aurora and her parents inside. Angelo had shot him and left him for dead, but after waking from a six-month coma Rex told him that he couldn't save her.

He pulled Rex’s invitation out of the inside pocket of his jacket glaring at the the bold letters that read Don Alfera requiring his presence at the Masquerade Ball. Rex was the new Don Alfera. After Exzo's father had abdicated his throne as leader of the five families leaving the mafia life behind, Rex's father not wanting to take the chance that Enzo would fight for his birthright told Angelo to make sure his death was made to look an accident.

He didn't care about the throne. Rex was welcome to it. But he would never forgive Rex for letting Aurora die that night.

I absolutely loved Aurora and Enzo's story! Although I read book one of this duet I listened to book two in audio and I now wish I would have also listened to book one as these narrators are amazing! This is the first time I have listened to either of these narrators but they were perfect as Aurora and Enzo.

Dane Anderson brought Enzo to life with his grief, anger and passion. Rose Dioro gave us Aurora's despair and fear. Every emotion was brought through with both of these narrators. I look forward to listening to both in the future!

This is the final book of the Fallen Raven duet so if you haven't read/listened to book 1 stop now and do so or you won't understand the depth of pain these two have suffered.

This book starts out with a 'WAIT, WHAT???' So so many twists to this emotional story! Each relevation leads to more questions as you try to connect the dots. Let's just say that I am now even more interested in starting the series than before. But why? Well, there are too many spoilers, but I will say that this book will take you through the emotional wringer!

This book is action-packed, full of danger, intrigue, secrets and betrayal. And it will light up your Kindle in the heat factor. Beware if you have issues with reading about graphic violence or human trafficking. Highly recommend this book, narrators and the author!
Profile Image for S Celeste.
124 reviews4 followers
May 24, 2024
Page Turning and Fantastic Conclusion to Aurora and Enzo’s Star-Crossed Story

Spoilers Included Possible for Fallen Raven Book 1.

This book opens with Aurora and Enzo meeting in a chance encounter where Aurora is being sold at a submissive auction. It’s 10 years after the events at the end of book 1 and Enzo is now the head of his family but has spent years mourning the death of “Aurora” and chasing down her “killer.” Enzo is definitely shocked to see ghost Aurora and he in fact does think she is straight out of his dreams. He is angry and so shocked that she is purchased by someone else. That will not stand and Enzo buys her contract set on getting to the bottom of where she has been for the past decade and more importantly making her pay for tormenting him all these years.

This book is very topsy turvy and twisty, there are lot of references to previous books so there are spoilers to the previous duets, but more importantly you get bits and pieces of exactly what has happened in the past 10 years and both Enzo and Aurora’s life apart. You also finally get the whole sorted tale unraveled and you get to the heart of why Enzo and Aurora were kept apart and eventually all the players involved in their lives and their motivations.

I loved how this book turned out, it was unpredictable in a lot of ways. It also kept me fully engaged and I wanted to keep reading so I could get it all figured out. This duet was definitely worth the read if you like a mystery within a mystery with a Second Chance Romance with a dark edge. Fantastic conclusion to the epic love story of Enzo and Aurora.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Brandi-Lynn Weiser.
1,528 reviews48 followers
February 27, 2024
The first book took me a little bit to get into, but that wasn’t the case w/book 2! I didn’t love how Enzo thought Aurora was dead for 10 years & that they were separated, but I loved how he never got over her. Although I will say when the opening scene of the book was Enzo w/a couple of women, my first thought was there was going to be more of those kind of scenes. But thankfully that was the only one. I would’ve liked more interaction between Leo, Aurora, & Enzo. I didn’t feel much of a father/son connection between Enzo & Leo, or even a mother/son connection w/ Leo & Aurora. I was also left wondering what ever happened to Aurora’s brothers, & who exactly was “aunt Sophia”. All in all I really enjoyed Enzo & Aurora’s story, especially book 2. The action, drama, secrets & spice were all great- especially the spice! Enzo & Aurora were HOT.
Next is Donata & Luca’s story & I’m really excited to see what happens- especially since he supposedly died!
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.4k reviews87 followers
May 20, 2024
This story picks up years after the events that unfolded in the first part of this duet. Enzo is now a Don and although life has continued, he isn’t really living. His main agenda is getting vengeance for what happened and that only intensifies when he realizes that when it comes to Aurora nothing is as it seems.

The years that they have been apart haven’t been easy for Aurora, but she will do anything she can for those she loves. Finding herself back in Enzo’s life she will have to face not only what tore them apart but what has happened since then.

Aurora is no longer the girl she used to be but the strong, resilient woman she has become while when it comes to Enzo, we see a much different side when it comes to Aurora. They take us on quite the adventure filled with surprises and action. The narrators were a great choice for the characters as they brought out their personalities and the depth of their love for each other.
Profile Image for Grace.
186 reviews7 followers
November 29, 2022
Thank you Diana for letting me ARC read this book. This book was so good. The past and present was so well written. This is a mafia romance. This was such a well written book. This book had me so emotional invested this book had so many ups and downs. The way Enzo and Aurora love last for decades just makes you believe in love. The crap that these two went through and the crap people put the through will have you falling and caring for these characters. This book had me on the edge of my feet with all the crazy moments that were throw at me. My heart also hurt for all the years that Enzo and Aurora lost because you can tell they had a deep real love. I read this in a day because this book was so good. The spice moments were so well written. This book is a great twist to normal dark mafia books I have read. As always must be 18 and older.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
73 reviews
May 12, 2024

The second half of this duet is a little darker than the first, which didn't bother me at all but wanted to include that. There is talk of abuse and trafficking, a little more gruesome mob activity, and some dubcon. But the way the author brings Enzo and Aurora back together is perfect. I just love them together, especially how Enzo loves her with abandon, almost like he couldn't stop if he tried.
There is a lot of jumping from present to past and back but it's very easy to track. There is so much meddling from the society which made me want to scream. The author didn't drag out the characters' miscommunication or lack of communication too long. Some great twists to keep you guessing.
I have definitely added more from this author to my tbr list. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Profile Image for L KQ.
2,153 reviews10 followers
May 20, 2024
Audio Review: Reunited in Pain

The voice actors did wonderfully aging Enzo and Aurora and expressing the emotional turmoil that was written. The cliffhanger is later resolved in this book that takes place 10 years later. There was so much going on throughout this book will that have you in tears, both from anger and sadness. I enjoyed the fact that Enzo was still deeply in love with Aurora even after what he thought happened to her. Their love was strong and unwilling to die. The journey to get what they deserve was filled with betrayal, danger, suspense and miscommunication.

I received an Audio ARC of this book and voluntarily leave this review.
Profile Image for Liz Luther.
10 reviews
May 22, 2024
Audiobook Review

The narrators do an amazing job portraying the emotions that Aurora, Enzo, and even Rex feel throughout the entire story. They make you feel like you're there in the story.

This is the second story in the duet of Aurora and Enzo.

Oh my, emotions are all over the place from the very beginning. We finally figured out what happened at the house after the fire. There are moments where we are taken back 10 years to hear what happened to Aurora and Enzo to bring them where they are now.

Aurora and Enzo find their way back to each other after still being in love with one another after all these years.
Profile Image for Veronica.
429 reviews10 followers
December 3, 2022
This is a must read

This is the conclusion to the duet. When I first read the first book I couldn't put it down it was so good. I didn't think it could get any better. Boy was I wrong...this book was EVERYTHING, the mystery, the spice the suspense. I don't know what to say to not give spoilers just go read it. You will not regret it. Diana just has a way of pulling you in and keeping you so interested in the story you don't want to put it down. I can't wait to read more from her.
Profile Image for Kacey Doner.
85 reviews
March 14, 2023
Enzo and Aurora!
We finally get to see these two get the happy ending that they deserved. My favorite couple from all the couples in this Crime Society Series. This book had so many twists and turns and secrets being revealed. Even after finishing the book, I am still reeling from it. Lol. This book will take you on a roller-coaster ride but will be sooo worth it. I love this whole series so much.
Diana A. Hicks
Profile Image for Nagma (Take A Look At My Bookshelf).
1,394 reviews93 followers
May 21, 2024
Book 2 in the Raven Duet takes place 10 years after the first part of this duet. This book had everything! There was emotion, tension, angst, betrayal, danger, suspense, love, and miscommunication.

Even after all this time, Enzo and Aurora were so in love and so perfect together. Their journey to an HEA wasn’t easy, but I loved that they found their way to each other.

Rose Dioro and Dane Anderson were amazing at bringing these characters to life and I really enjoyed that the voices matched the ages of the characters they were portraying.

Rating: 4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
503 reviews4 followers
May 23, 2024
The first book hooks you in leading to this amazing conclusion to the duet. I liked that this book got a bit darker than the first one, it felt like it fit and wasn't just there for shock. This duet has been fantastic and will be a re-read for me.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review
Profile Image for April.
126 reviews
December 3, 2022
����mafia romance
💋enemies to lovers
🖤touch her and I'll unalive you vibes
This 2nd cook concluded the duet perfectly. A lot twister and turns. It has a time jump but the author goes back in to feel those gaps.
Profile Image for Ireadromancetoescape.
329 reviews19 followers
December 1, 2022
Fallen Raven 2 is the conclusion to the fallen Raven duet.
This story had me in an emotional rollercoaster and I when it was over wanted to ride again. Fallen Raven 1 left me with a lot questions and book 2 gave the answers but before I got a lot more questions. I devoured it kept turning the pages on my kindle all the while gong from upset to angry to got. Enzo and Aurora story is a must read
Profile Image for Valarie Gentry .
757 reviews17 followers
December 4, 2022
So good

I really enjoyed reading Fallen Raven. I was completely absorbed into Aurora's story. I couldn't get enough of Enzo. So freaking good
Profile Image for Happyscribe.
840 reviews8 followers
December 21, 2022
I'm in love with this duet. It kept me thinking and feeling right up until the end. The hurt, the feels, the tears, the secrets. Omg.
Profile Image for Tranese.
1,615 reviews7 followers
December 18, 2023
I love it!!!

I definitely need to read the rest of this series, because if Aurora and Enzo story was this amazing and addicting I know the other characters are going to be amazing
Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews

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