Creator: TheGamerASD || First Published: 10/14/2021 || Players: 2 || Size: 21x15
Categories: A-Rank, Base Light, Fog of War, Live Play
Rating: 4.17 in 35 ratings
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TheGamerASD (10/14/2021 05:09am | Edited: 10/14/2021 01:34pm):
This is a fog of war map which is an edit of Walker's map, Cross-Town Rivalry:

Kindle should probably be banned here.
QuietFarmer (10/19/2022 05:48pm):
Unggoy Slaya (12/27/2022 01:02pm):
HQ's need to be slightly more exposed IMO. Swap them with the city that's two squares north and south respectively. As it
stands, kind of hard to threaten them with the really fast reinforcements.

Two bases also sucks donkey nuts, but I wont hold it against the map. I just don't understand the draw to them :/
PowerofShmoney (12/29/2022 01:27am):
Rachel main wet dream
QuailQuail (01/11/2023 12:12pm):
Shit map
Thavidu (01/21/2023 02:56pm):
Equal income (both player tied in income) = 18K

Capris (02/01/2023 09:27am | Edited: 02/02/2023 09:01pm):
This map isn't very dynamic and leaves little room for mistakes. There's barely any strong/weak side. You have no choice
to build an artillery to rush and kill the enemy missile. If you don't you are at a disadvantage. Front shifting potential is ok.
JohnLocke77 (03/24/2023 02:34pm):
A Jess map
koneshoe (03/29/2023 01:25pm):
T3 has rachel and kindle banned.... basically meaning its always an andy mirror. there is little terrain to make lash viable and
andy hard counters drake.
koneshoe (03/29/2023 01:26pm):
T3 has rachel and kindle banned.... basically meaning its always an andy mirror. there is little terrain to make lash viable and
andy hard counters drake.

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