Vulgar note taped to Tampines lift tells resident to be considerate about singing at odd hours

Submitted by Stomper Md

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Passive aggressive or just outright aggressive?

A note pasted in a lift at Block 809 Tampines Avenue 4 was filled with 'please', 'thank you' – and vulgarities.

Stomper MD spotted the note on May 15 and said it is still there on May 16.

The note was addressed to "the f***ing idiot who sings in the toilet" and signed off by "your neighbour".

It said: "You can sing, but look at the f***ing time!!! Please be considerate. Thank you so much :)"

MD told Stomp: "I always hear people coughing and puking in the early morning, as well as people fighting and screaming, but not singing, though maybe it can be heard on other floors.

"I just feel that the person who posted this should at least tell the other person involved and not place a note like this. It is quite the nuisance, l think. Why not just approach the neighbour and speak to them?"