Creator: walkerboh01 || First Published: 12/19/2010 || Players: 2 || Size: 25x17
Categories: B-Rank, High Funds
Rating: 8.00 in 7 ratings
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walkerboh01 (12/19/2010 11:23am):
Just another day at the map-making factory. Here's another one fresh out of the oven, nothing
too special about it but it should be a fun map to play on. And you're going to have to really want
that tower to bother going for it, it takes a while to get to.
walkerboh01 (12/31/2010 02:58pm):
After a play-test game, a minor edit was made. The tower was placed on the island with the
airport and replaced with a couple cities on the other island. This way the tower can come into
play at about the same as the fronts may start to stall, and along with the airport will help
promote attacking and breaking through lines in the mid-game.
walkerboh01 (01/04/2012 07:44pm):
Edited again for broken battles.
walkerboh01 (09/18/2021 05:26am):
Reworked again for HF.
walkerboh01 (10/24/2022 08:40pm):
This map ended up being disappointing and stalemate-prone, so I updated it yet again. It is still intended for High Funds.

The river-locked preowned base starts out only able to deploy footsoldiers. However, it has help from the pre-owned airport,
and is also responsible for capturing an "unlocked" base further back after a few turns. Later in the game, a lander can be built
that can transport vehicles from the river-locked base to the fronts.

On the lone base side, a cruiser is deployed to protect the contested port. It can also harass early t-copter or b-copter builds
(but watch out, b-copters deal good damage to cruisers too!). It is expected that the port will come under heavy pressure later
in the game as the 2-base side develops.

Advance Wars is (c) 1990-2001 Nintendo and (c) 2001 Intelligent Systems. All images are copyright their respective owners.