It Will Have Been So Beautiful by Amanda Shaw

It Will Have Been So Beautiful

Poetry by Amanda Shaw


Praise for It Will Have Been So Beautiful

It Will Have Been So Beautiful, Amanda Shaw’s wonderful debut, is as interested in language itself as what language can make. With an “ear attuned / to silences,” Shaw explores the complexity of human interactions, of being human, managing illness, home, love, and loss. Energetic, deploying a rich vernacular and music, her collection sings, even, or perhaps especially, in the midst of the most challenge or difficulty. “This shouldn’t be beautiful,” she writes, but to the contrary, it is. —Nathan McClain, author of Previously Owned

About the Author

Since receiving her MFA from the Warren Wilson Program for Writers in January 2020, Amanda Shaw has been a caretaker for her mother. A teacher for over 20 years, she also works as an editor at the World Bank and is the book review editor for Lily Poetry Review. Though she has lived in Brooklyn, Detroit, Geneva, and Rome, she currently divides her time between New Hampshire, where she was born, and Washington, D.C.