A careful father I want to be,

My little boys they follow me.

  I do not dare to go astray,

   For fear they’ll go the self-same way.

                    I cannot once escape their eyes;

                    Whatever they see me do, they try.

                    They think that I am good and fine,

                    Believe in every word of mine.

                    I must instruct them in the faith, *        

                    Before it comes to be too late.     

                    Lest when they grow up big and strong,      

                   They’ve taken the path that is so wrong.  

                    Our final end is heaven or hell,

                    I must instruct them very well;  

                    Lest what has happened to so many others,     

                    Should ever happen to these little brothers.

                    I must teach them how to pray, 

                   And be the example for them each day;  

                   Heaven must be gained at any cost,

                   I cannot bear to think them lost.

                    I love these boys with all my heart, 

                    Help me Lord to do my part,

                    Give me strength and guide my heart,

                    That we, with Thee may never part.

                    Thank you Lord for these little boys.

                    They are my life, my pride and joy.

                    The bad in me they must not see,

                    My little boys who follow me.

                    I must remember as I go,

                    Through summer’s sun and winter’s snow,

                    I’m building for the years to be,

                    For my little boys who follow me.

Advice for Parents – St. Alphonsus      olrl.org: Writings of the Saints

What kind of father am I? A good one which says, “The glory of children are their fathers.” Proverbs 17:6 , or the one which says, “The children will complain of an ungodly father?” Ecclesiasticus 41:10 . In the book SO HIGH THE PRICE, it said if a child goes to hell for the sins of its parents, it would curse their parents for all eternity.

“Without faith it is impossible to please God.” Heb. 11:6.

“We must pray in order to be saved. He who prays shall be saved. He who prays not shall be condemned. One of the greatest pains of the damned is that they could have saved themselves so easily by prayer, and neglected to do so.” – St. Alphonsus

 “From infancy he taught him to fear God and abstain from sin (Tobias 1:10).                 

Excerpts from Advice from Parents – St. Alphonsus

‘’According to Saint Thomas, scandalous parents compel, in a certain manner, their children to lead a bad life. “They are not,” says Saint Bernard, “fathers, but murderers, they kill, not the bodies, but the souls of their children.” It is useless for parents to say: “My children have been born with bad dispositions.” This is not true, for, Seneca says, “You err, if you think that vices are born with us; they have been engrafted.” Vices are not born with your children, but have been communicated to them by the bad example of the parents. If you had given good example to your sons, they would not be so vicious as they are. So parents, frequent the Sacraments, learn from the sermons, recite the Rosary every day, abstain from all obscene language, from detraction, and from quarrels, and you will see that your children follow your example. It is particularly necessary to train children to virtue in their infancy, Bow down their neck from their childhood, for when they have grown up, and contracted bad habits, it will be very difficult for you to produce, by words, any amendment in their lives… he who has brought up his children badly, will be severely punished, and that he who has trained them in the habits of virtue, will receive a great reward.’’

Our Father, Who Art In Heaven

Let us pray: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.*  And forgive us our trespasses, as we also forgive those who trespass against us.  And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. Amen. 

  • “supersubstantial bread” St. Matthew chapter 6, meaning, Jesus in the Eucharist, the bread of life. drbo.org

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