Betreff: Greenpeace Activist News, Vol 4, No. 10
Datum: Sat, 09 Oct 2004 18:11:51 GMT

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Vote for Squid!

Are you sick of politicians who are all talk and no action? Do you wish that there was someone with POLITICAL BACKBONE who would stand up for what you believe in? Well now there is - VOTE FOR SQUID! Squiddy - as we like to call him - has launched his own campaign to tell the world's foreign ministers that bottom trawling is a bummer of an idea, both environmentally and economically.

Find out more about Squid, his campaign partners and what you can do about bottom trawling.

Urge your foreign minister to ask for a moratorium on bottom trawling at the UN General Assembly meeting in November.

Volume 4, Number 10

You up for an Eco Quest?

Ever dreamed of saving the Irrawaddy Dolphins from extinction? Well now you can - by playing our new Eco Quest game. The game has been created to educate people about the threats to endangered species and will be continually built upon, so that new species will be added over the next few months. Watch this space.....

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Greenpeace legend live in Cybercentre open house

One of Greenpeace's founders, the photographer and journalist Rex Weyler, has just published a chronicle of the organisation's first decade entitled Greenpeace -- How a Group of Ecologists, Journalists, and Visionaries Changed the World. Now is your chance to send him your messages and join an online discussion with him at our action centre. Rex will be hosting an open house discussion on Oct 11,12,13 - post questions and ideas any time (starting now) and Rex will drop by during those days to respond. Don't miss the opportunity to join the discussion with such an experienced environmental activist.

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Take action! Join a discussion with Rex Wyler

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Keep the GE giants out of Rice

The count down to World Food Day has begun, in less that 10 days we need to get our message across to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) that GE rice is not wanted and not needed in the world. It is up to us to remind them that rice is access to life, and that sustainability of rice production is tied to equity and rights, which in turn is linked to environmental protection and ecological diversity.

Thousands of you have already sent letters and emailed your friends the animation but we need more of you to do the same, in the run up to World Food Day on October 16. Let's call on the FAO to get back to the real agenda of 'Rice for Life', and get governments to actively promote ecological and cultural diversity as well as socially and ecologically sustainable rice production.

Take action! Tell the FAO what you think about GE rice

Send an e-card Send an e-card to your friends letting them know about the risks of GE rice

Exxon to Greenpeace: Stay away

The Russian moves to ratify the Kyoto protocol are good news for the planet, bad news for the world's number one environmental criminal, ExxonMobil/Esso. To ensure the US continues to oppose action on climate change, the company is telling its staff, retirees, and contractors how to vote. It's part of the Exxon strategy of putting political friends in power and silencing its critics: Greenpeace among them.

Exxon has secured court injunctions in several countries to keep Greenpeace away from Exxon property. We're actually really happy to do so, and we are asking you to do likewise: please, everyone, stay away from ExxonMobil and Esso properties! To make sure we're all clear about this, send a message now promising Exxon that you'll stay away. Tell them you won't buy their product, won't go near their pumps, and won't contribute to the war chest that they are using to silence critics and to battle the truth about global warming.

Take action! Send a message to Exxon

Send an e-card Send this great e-card to your friends

Cyberaction Victory in Japan!

Japan's biggest beer company Asahi Breweries announced it has suspended the introduction of a newly developed plastic beer bottle thanks to pressure from our cyberactivists in Japan supporting the Japanese Zero Waste Campaign. Greenpeace Japan was working against Asahi Breweries because of its decision to use "recycle-unfriendly and unreturnable" PET plastic bottles for their beer. The brewery was targeted via letters, cyberactions and a web opinion poll. After about two month of campaigning, the company phoned Greenpeace Japan to tell the campaigners that it was suspending its plans.

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Victory: No shipbreaking in beautiful Bolama Beach!

The beautiful Bolama Beach in the West African country of Guinea Bissau will not turn into a scrapyard for old toxic ships. Spanish companies cancelled their plans after thousands of Greenpeace cyberactivists from all over the world sent concerned messages to UNESCO in 2003. 'A major victory!' says Marietta Harjono, Greenpeace shipbreaking campaigner.

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Witajcie Cyber Greenpeacerzy!

A special message to our more than 2000 Polish cyberactivists:

W momencie, w ktorym ten list trafia do Waszych skrzynek aktywisci Greenpeace rozpoczynaja akcje "w realu".

Miejsce: Ministerstwo Infrastruktury w Warszawie (niektorzy z nas na dachu ministerstwa).

Dwa tygodnie temu wyslalismy do ministra list, w ktorym domagamy sie pisemnego poswiadczenia, ze budowa drogi Via Baltica nie doprowadzi do zniszczenia najcenniejszych czesci Zielonych Pluc Polski.

Wasza rola - sprawic, by minister nie mogl zapomniec o naszym zadaniu :) Co wiecej, dzieki Waszemu dzialaniu jak najwiecej ludzi w Polsce i innych krajach powinno sie dowiedziec o zagrozeniu dla przyrody.

Damy Wam znac jak przebiegla akcja. A teraz - podazajcie za linkami na dole.

Do zobaczenia wkrotce - mamy nadzieje, ze w fizycznym swiecie.

Zaloga Greenpeace w Polsce

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