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Volume 8, Issue 5, May – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Evaluation of Signalized Intersection at Sultan Adam

Street in Banjarmasin City
Ginanjar Priadikusumah 1*, Muhammad Yasin2
Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Planning, Nahdlatul Ulama Kalimantan Selatan University
Colleger, Postgraduate Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University
Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Abstract:- The design of traffic lights at an intersection is next lane during the red light queue, because of this also the
an alternative form of solution to the problems that occur next lane becomes closed and causes delays to other incoming
on roads in urban areas. In particular, the intersection of intersection lanes.
Jalan Sultan Adam Banjarmasin is one of the As a result of the congestion, there are many conflicts
intersections that uses alternative control of the problem. such as accidents, congestion, and long queues of vehicles.
The dominant problem at this intersection is the large This certainly results in a high level of saturation for the road
amount of traffic flow that occurs during peak hours. user. As one of the alternative ways to overcome congestion
These problems cause opportunities for traffic accidents, and saturation, there is a need for a traffic arrangement to
both serious and minor accidents. To evaluate the traffic overcome it.
lights at this four-way intersection, data such as road
geometric conditions and traffic flow volumes are Based on field observations, traffic conditions at the
required, which are the basic data supporting traffic Sultan Adam intersection in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan
evaluation. Data processing procedures include are quite congested. Especially at certain hours. For example,
determining the phase of the intersection, the calculation in the morning around 07.00 - 08.00 WITA, in the afternoon
of signal time, cycle time, road capacity, and degree of around 12.00 - 13.00 WITA, and in the afternoon around
saturation. all of which are the core of this traffic light 16.00 - 17.00 WITA, because at these hours many people
evaluation calculation, where the calculation for 1 cycle carry out activities from several directions of the intersection.
time that is feasible in MKJI is 130 seconds using the This is the basis for evaluating the traffic lights at the Sultan
calculation of 4 (four) phases based on the Webster Adam intersection in Banjarmasin City by emphasizing the
method, until the calculation of existing conditions on the calculation using four phases.
Jalan SPBU C = 724. 50 pcu/hour and DS = 1.35
pcu/hour, Jalan Sungai Andai C = 207.66 pcu/hour and In the MDP 2017 guidelines [3] [4], the design of
DS = 2.62 pcu/hour, Jalan Benua Anyar C = 341.95 pavement thickness based on the ESA value of rank 4 should
pcu/hour and DS = 2.38 pcu/hour, Jalan Sultan Adam C be used based on Pt T-01-2002-B guidelines [2]. In addition,
= 256.05 pcu/hour and DS = 1.98 pcu/hour. Also obtained if subsurface drainage cannot be provided in the MDP 2017
is the calculation of setting conditions on Jalan SPBU C = guidelines, the thickness of the aggregate foundation layer
1220.97 pcu/hour and DS = 0.80 pcu/hour, Jalan Sungai must be adjusted by using the drainage coefficient (m) value
Andai C = 684.74 pcu/hour and DS = 0.80 pcu/hour, Jalan according to Pt T-01-2002-B. Then in a special case where
Benua Anyar C = 1018.58 pcu/hour and DS = 0.80 there are many design variables and it is difficult to
pcu/hour, Jalan Sultan Adam C = 632. 31 pcu/hour and accommodate all of them using a design chart, the
DS = 0.80 pcu/hour. reconstruction design solution for heavy traffic must be
determined using the mechanistic design procedure, namely
Keywords:- Signalized Intersection; Traffic Light; Road the Pt T-01-2002-B method.
Capacity; Saturation Degree.
Based on the above, the old method can still be used to
I. INTRODUCTION provide a comparison of design results. Therefore, this
research will compare the design of flexible pavement
Banjarmasin City is one of the fastest-growing thickness between the Pt T-01-2002-B method and the MDP
municipalities and has the potential to become a trade center. 2017 method which aims to provide a comparison of design
This certainly triggers an increase in traffic volume along with results and find out which method is considered more
the increase in time and progress. Of course, many traders conservative in pavement design.
from outside the area come in and out of Banjarmasin City
with various needs. Especially at the Sultan Adam II. RESEARCH METHODS
intersection, intersection is a heavily populated area. In this
area, there are gas stations that cause side obstacles, and due The method used is the observation method, namely
to the narrow road conditions, it often causes traffic jams. The direct observation and recording in the field. This observation
absence of lane dividers also affects the course of traffic, emphasizes more on direct field data collection, the data
because of the absence of these dividers many people take the required is primary data. Primary data collection includes,

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
traffic volume data collection is carried out with a manual  Approach Code
recording device (counterhand) by counting vehicles passing Arm A: Sultan Adam Street (gas station)
through the intersection from each approach. Arm B: Sungai Andai Street
Arm C: Benua Anyar Street (Bridge and Ufik Futsal)
The survey time was conducted for 2 days, Monday and Arm D: Sultan Adam Street (towards SMA 5 Banjarmasin)
Tuesday. The survey was carried out every one-hour period
which was carried out for three hours, from 07.00 - 08.00  Approach Width
WITA for the first section, 12.00 - 13.00 WITA for the second Arm A has a street width of 3.85 m
section, and 16.00 - 17.00 WITA for the third section. From Arm B has a street width of 3.10 m
the survey results, the busiest day is the first day of Monday at Arm C has a street width of 4.15 m
07:00 - 08:00 WITA. Arm D has a street width of 3.35 m

The records for the types of vehicles passing through the

intersection on each approach were categorized into four types
of vehicles, namely:
 Light Vehicle (LV): four wheel motorized vehicles
including passenger cars, minibusses, pick-ups, sedans,
and jeeps.
 Heavy Vehicle (HV): Motorized vehicles with more than 4
four wheels including buses, two axis trucks, three axis
trucks, or more.
 Motor Cycle (MC): All motorized vehicles with two
wheels and three wheels including motorcycles, bajaj, and
 Unmotorized (UM): Non-motorized vehicles including
bicycles, tricycles, and carts.
Secondary data collection, carried out directly in the field
which includes lanes, lane widths, and intersection

Fig. 2. Road geometric condition

Fig. 1. Research Flow Chart


A. Field Data
 Geometric Condition Fig. 3. Road geometric shape
The intersection of Sultan Adam Street in Banjarmasin
City has four arms of intersection where there are no
sidewalks and road medians.

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
For calculations at the intersection of Sultan Adam
Banjarmasin, maximum traffic flow data was used. From the
survey data for two days, the maximum flow was obtained
during the observation period on Monday, at 07.00 - 08.00

Fig. 4. Phase Form


Arm Movement
Straight 176 78 2004
A Right 69 5 695
Left 3 2 383
Straight 26 2 1172
B Right 16 6 629
Left 8 3 600
Straight 138 26 1920
C Right 7 2 343
Left 41 6 663
Straight 6 1 444
D Right 63 14 739
Left 59 4 588

B. Experiment Results  Intersection C (Benua Anyar street) = 4.15 meters + 3.5

After several trials of signal timing and road widening. meters = 7.65 meters
The road width that is suitable for the current traffic flow at  Intersection D (Sultan Adam street) = 3.35 meters + 3.5
the Fourth Intersection of Sultan Adam Banjarmasin, namely: meters = 6.85 meters
Roads were widened to 3.5 meters each and used MKJI
feasible cycles For the calculation of green time settings with a four-
 Intersection A (Sultan Adam Gas Station) = 3.85 meters + phase cycle on the Sultan Adam Banjarmasin intersection
3.5 meters = 7.35 meters based on traffic flow data obtained from the field, the
 Intersection B (Sungai Andai street) = 3.10 meters + 3.5 following results are obtained:
meters = 6.60 meters


Red Yellow Green (C)

Intersection (DS)
(sec) (sec) (sec) pcu/hour

A 93 3 38 1220,97 0,80 < 0,85

B 107 3 24 684,74 0,80 < 0,85
C 99 3 32 1018,58 0,80 < 0,85
D 111 3 20 632,31 0,80 < 0,85

From the results of the calculation it can be seen that the each intersection, which on average exceeds the ideal limit of
green time for existing conditions is no longer effective, this <0.85. thus it is clear that at these intersections congestion has
can be seen from the magnitude of the degree of saturation per occurred, meaning that in each section of green time, the

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
length of the queue is not entirely exhausted, there is still a there is no more vacant land to widen the road. However, if
queue left behind and must wait again until the next cycle. the road widening can be fulfilled, there will certainly be no
conflict at all. With a feasible cycle time according to MKJI
The widening of the road in the setting conditions is (130 seconds) and the degree of saturation can also be said to
indeed considered difficult to reach, because judging from the meet the requirements, namely <0.85.
existing situation, especially at the Sultan Adam intersection,


Existing Condition Setting Condition
Red Yellow Green Red Yellow Green
A 105 5 50 93 3 38
B 133 5 18 107 3 24
C 124 5 23 99 3 32
D 134 5 20 111 3 20


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 Intersection D: 1.98 > 0.85 (saturated)
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 Intersection B: 0.80 < 0.85 (safe)
 Intersection C: 0.80 < 0.85 (safe)
 Intersection D: 0.80 < 0.85 (safe)

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