Camping Malmö

Vælg type

Følg dine favoritter gennem EUROS 2024 Championship på Camping.
Book for at få den bedste udsigtsplads på øverste etage. Vi vil reservere plads i den nedre bar til spontane besøg.

Kom iført din holds fodboldtrøje og spil minigolf gratis.
Kommende events

Test your knowledge at Camping's Music Bingo! Join us for an evening of minigolf and Bingo! Listen out and fill up your Bingo card with the songs you hear while you're playing. Your booking includes our fantastic Bingo Night and a round of minigolf. You can choose if you want to play before or after. Our Bingo will start at 7 pm, and will always be in English. Great prizes to be won!

01/05 Eurovision
15/05 Taylor Swift
29/05 Disney
12/06 90s Hits
Test your knowledge at Camping's Quiz Nights! Join us for an evening of minigolf and quizzes! Your booking includes our fantastic Quiz and a round of minigolf. You can choose if you want to play before or after. Our Quiz will start at 7 pm, and will always be in English. Great prizes to be won!

24/04 Classic Movies
08/05 Eurovision
22/05 Gaming
05/06 General Knowledge
19/08 Football Fever
Annuller en booking
Camping Malmö
Stortorget 6, 21134 Malmö
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