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Date of Birth
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Date of Birth (local time):
14 September 2021 - 20:53  (GMT)
Universal Time (UT/GMT):
14 September 2021 - 20:53  
Julian date (JD):
Local Sidereal Time (LST):
House system:
Whole Sign system
Latitude, Longitude:
0°0'N, 0°0'E
Manually place: 0°0'N, 0°0'E
Interpretations - Ascendant, Medium Coeli, House rulers
Before reading the following interpretation done by a computer it is good to note that any planet position or aspect mentioned in your horoscope may be insignificant. You should always remember the rule:
Nothing should be evaluated separately, things should always be considered in a broader context and with regard to other planet positions and aspects of the horoscope.
House Rulers:
1st house - Ascendant (ASC)
Physical personality
Ascendant (ASC) - Symbolizes basic personality traits such as physical appearance, temperament, behaviour, relationship to life and the first impression the person gives.

Ascendant in Taurus (Taurus ruler is Venus)
People who have Taurus Ascendant enter life slowly and relentlessly. They do not rush. They make plans, build and work systematically in order to achieve their goal. However, they might become lazy, or they want things to stay the same even though they have no longer purpose or meaning. ... more

The ruler of the Ascendant - Venus
These people tend to act in accordance with their feelings, love, or passions. They like luxury, wealth and beauty. They do not like living alone and they need to be accepted by other people. They often take the path of the least resistance. They are good companions; they like good food and drinks.

The ruler of the Ascendant (Venus) in Scorpio
These people act in seclusion and in accordance with their creative abilities. They are able to reveal the unknown and they have penetrating but bitter sense of criticism.

The ruler of the Ascendant (Venus) in the 7th House
These people have a tendency to play important social roles. For these people, contracts, politics and foreign events are significant. There may be problems in their marriage. They arouse resentment, passion or adoration.

Planets in the 1st House

Ascendant aspects
Trine Moon (4°16’, Separating)
Opposition Venus (5°05’, Separating)
Square Saturn (2°15’, Separating)
Conjunction Uranus (4°49’, Applying)

10th house - Medium Coeli (MC)
Career, prestige and reputation
Medium Coeli (MC) - Symbolizes social status, career, reputation, honours, fame, success, authoritative personality, father.

10th house in Aquarius (Aquarius ruler is Uranus)
People with Aquarius on the tenth house cusp are without prejudices and they tend to be highly intelligent. These people want the truth and they want the old traditions disrupted and new ways to replace them. They may work for some organisation, or have a career in arts, finance or electro technology.

The ruler of the 10th House (Uranus) in the 1st House
These people actively try to improve their social status and they identify with it. They are very ambitious and they will often achieve leading position at a mature age.

Planets in the 10th House

MC aspects
Square Venus (0°20’, Separating)
Trine Mars (5°02’, Separating)
Conjunction Saturn (2°29’, Applying)
Trine Node (0°18’, Applying)

Interpretations - Planets in Signs, Planets in Houses
  • Planets describe a certain process of what is happening - eg. Mars fights, Saturn limits, Jupiter expands..
  • Sign in which the planet is located determines how the planet is manifesting itself, for example Mars may manifest itself in a way Aries would behave (vigorously and irritably) or in the manner of Taurus (more slowly, gradually and consistently)
  • Houses show special areas of everyday life, in which all this takes place. Location in a house shows whether, for example Mars manifests in relationships (7th house), employment (6th house), family (4th house) or elsewhere.
Planets show us what is happening;
Signs show us how it is happening;
Houses show us where it is happening.

Sun - Self, individuality, personality
The Sun symbolizes a personal identity. It shows us areas where the person should learn to be independent, where he should fulfill his potential, differentiate himself from others and shine. The position of the Sun may tell us which profession would best suit the character of a person.

Sun in Virgo
Distinctive feature of people born under the sign of Virgo is their sense for order and system. They are practical people with great design and manual skills. They are always able to fully concentrate on their tasks. They tend to be charmed by well thought-through and functioning systems and they try to ensure that everything around them has been properly arranged, because order makes work easier and faster. This characteristic can change into pedantry if their sun is badly illuminated by planets. more

Sun in the 5th House
The Sun in the fifth house creates very creative people with a very strong desire for self-expression. It can be art, development or fertility. These people need others to notice and appreciate them. They may have a tendency to brag or they at least try to look their best. They are happy and merry people that have many friends. They may be a bit childish and sometimes they try to be more mature and subtle in order not to be so theatrical or selfish. The Sun in the fifth house gives people considerable amount of self-confidence. These people often focus on their own children or on children in general. They tend to spoil children or they pass their dreams on to them.

Sun aspects
Conjunction Mars (7°39’, Applying)
Trine Uranus (7°43’, Separating)
Opposition Neptune (0°28’, Separating)
Trine Pluto (2°10’, Applying)

Moon - Emotions, instincts, roots, mother
Place in the horoscope where the Moon is tells us what gives the person a sense of security, and where to find it. It describes how sensitive we are and how we instinctively interact with our surroundings. The Moon also tells us about our childhood and our experiences with our mother.

First Quarter Moon (Waxing Moon)
(103°10’ Moon Phase Degree)
Change, Action, Seize the day, Expression, Growth

Moon in Capricorn
You see safety in being useful to the society and you look for justification in the outside world. You may underestimate what you want from yourself and for yourself. Shyness may be accompanied by resentment of the fact that others ignore you. more

Moon in the 9th House
The Moon in the ninth house creates an understanding and imaginative mind. These people are great dreamers and thinkers who have novel ideas. Their views are solid and sincere, but they change their minds easily. They have a variety of interests and hobbies; they like to lecture other people. The Moon gives these people inner self-determination, which gives them the energy to lead and direct those who lack the same degree of awareness.

Moon aspects
Sextile Venus (0°49’, Separating)
Square Mars (5°31’, Separating)
Trine Uranus (9°05’, Applying)
Trine Ascendant (4°16’, Separating)

Mercury - Thinking, communication, intellect, learning
Mercury is the planet that brings us interest in intellectual things, about teaching and learning. It also indicates into what depth we want to study things. It gives us natural intelligence and the ability to analyse and reproduce.

Mercury in Libra
People with Mercury in Libra love the balance between theory and practice. They often make funny, but diplomatic remarks about people and situations. Their original way of thinking is reflected in their writing. With a bit of exaggeration it can be said that while people with Mercury in the Gemini prefer writing reports, people with Mercury in Libra go straight into writing a novel because they need to develop their ideas instead of putting some information on the paper. It can also be said that Mercury feels the best in air signs, but it can be a bit shallow in them - these people do not like to study things into the greatest detail. Air, the ruling element, which is definitely not a solid substance, is responsible for this, probably only one, shortcoming. Their intelligence serves their judgment and forces them to often rethink their beliefs. It gives them extensive education and ease of expression.

Mercury in the 6th House
Mercury in the sixth house is related to health and help to other people. It tells us about methodological mental abilities and great ability to work mentally. It means that these people are likely to have a job that requires a specialisation or physical skills, for example working with computers or electronic devices. They have the tendency to become perfectionists and worry unnecessarily, especially about their duties, health and diet. They hate mess.

Mercury aspects
Trine Jupiter (5°13’, Applying)
Square Pluto (5°33’, Applying)

Venus - Sensuality, love, harmony, pleasure
Venus symbolizes attractivity. Sign in which Venus is tells us what we are attracted to and this enables us to give or receive love and affection, beauty and happiness, values and principles. The negative side is that it represents weakness and shallowness.

Venus in Scorpio
People with Venus in Scorpio need to control their strong sense for what excites people - and also what gets on their nerves - because it is hard for others to resist. With such a supply of sexual tricks, they might think that they can make anyone do anything they want. On the other hand, however, it is likely that they will get caught in their own trap. Venus in Scorpio is about the Power of Love, and these people will eventually force others to do what they want, not vice versa. Their feelings of love are accompanied by a trace of desire, which means that there is something desperate and crucial in their life. They radiate strong sexual energy and they have a deep sense for the emotional state and sexuality of others.

Venus in the 7th House
Venus in the seventh house suggests social people and usually also happy marriage. Most personal relationships will be harmonious and friendly. Marriage and friends play an important role in the lives of these people and they greatly contribute to their success. Marriage usually brings wealth. This position is favourable for jobs that require dealing with public, such as psychology, sales, advertising, and so on.

Venus aspects
Sextile Moon (0°49’, Separating)
Square Saturn (2°49’, Applying)
Opposition Ascendant (5°05’, Separating)
Square MC (0°20’, Separating)

Mars - Activity, energy, courage, assertiveness
Mars symbolizes the need to get what we want. This means our driving force which includes sex drive, initiative and courage. Mars tells us about our desires, sensuality, courage and will. It also tells us about how we are able to overcome obstacles and how active we are.

Mars in Virgo
People with Mars in Virgo may be quite demanding - they have high expectations of themselves as well as of others. Their work is very precise and admirable, but sometimes they forget that they should not try to do the impossible. Favourably aspected Mars in Virgo gives people ambition and intelligence. They can quickly understand tasks and continually work on them. Their mental abilities are strongly developed. Their scientific dispositions allow them to use their rationality and logic in research and business. Their readiness and creativity ensure progress and success.

Mars in the 5th House
Mars in the fifth house suggests that these people spend a lot of energy on hedonistic and romantic adventures. They are physically strong, impulsive and unstable people who can have a great deal of creative talent. They are inclined to brag. Their behaviour in romantic relationships is vigorous and they may be prone to jealousy. They are competitive and they do not like to lose. These social and active people have talent to work in advertising. They may be quite extravagant, strange or foolish. A considerable amount of their time and energy may be spent on activities with children.

Mars aspects
Conjunction Sun (7°39’, Applying)
Square Moon (5°31’, Separating)
Trine Pluto (5°28’, Separating)
Trine MC (5°02’, Separating)
Trine Node (5°20’, Applying)

Jupiter - Happiness, optimism, expansion
Jupiter symbolizes growth, expansion, laws, faith and ethics that guide it. It represents a sense for development and support, which can lead to opportunities, wealth and faith. However, if Jupiter is damaged, the person becomes immoral and extremist.

Jupiter in Aquarius
Jupiter in Aquarius raises the question of how this world should be like. So these people want to perceive life as democratically and openly as possible. They feel that in order to make plans for the future there needs to be some form of consensus of opinion. They have to make the first steps with their belief on their own, only then they can offer it to others. And then, by mixing the beliefs of other people, they will develop a system of belief that suits the goals and purpose of the whole group. Their idea is that if they continue like this step-by-step, all mankind will eventually share a common ideology. They see God as a world religion. Their philosophy is very similar to the philosophy of the New Age - the Age of Aquarius.

Jupiter in the 10th House
Jupiter in the tenth house suggests people´s prerequisites for a successful career. These people are cautious and foreseeable when they make long-term plans. They will achieve success by doing things their own way. Their moral attitudes will bring them respect and increase their influence on others.

Jupiter aspects
Trine Mercury (5°13’, Applying)

Saturn - Restriction, order, maturity, time
Saturn is our strict teacher who is able to ruthlessly examine our maturity. However, it is not only the despot, but also the archetype of the sage who uses pain as a means to get our attention on what we should focus on and what we should continue to develop.

Saturn in Aquarius
People with Saturn in Aquarius strive for a complex system of life rules because they somehow want to combine freedom with order. However, they may also fight against principles that somebody set in order to achieve liberation. Then they try to make adjustments that suit their actions as well as the actions of other people. They have to learn to free themselves from what limits them. In order to do that they must first of all find out what it was in their past that prevented them from uniting themselves with the concurrent stream of emotions or to preserve that stream - because that is the real cause of their troubles in their search for freedom, not some external factor in their present life. It is likely that the source of this dilemma was their father who did not give them a clear idea of authority or feelings because he did not consider them to be the right individual.

Saturn in the 10th House
Saturn in the tenth house suggests an ambitious character with a desire for recognition, especially after Saturn's transit at the age of twenty-nine. Saturn creates ambitious people with great range of knowledge, excellent organizational abilities and a desire for power and authority.

Saturn aspects
Square Venus (2°49’, Applying)
Square Ascendant (2°15’, Separating)
Conjunction MC (2°29’, Applying)
Trine Node (2°10’, Separating)

Uranus - Originality, freedom, revolution
Uranus is the power of awakening, which often means that there will be some disruption and change. Events under the influence of Uranus are unexpected or unpredictable, forcing us to do things in a new way and face the truth about this or that issue.

Uranus in Taurus
(Note: Uranus is a slow transpersonal planet and may remain in a single sign for up to many years. The description of Uranus in Taurus is therefore valid for the entire generation of people and is very general. The characteristic of the personality is in the description of Uranus in the 1st house.)
People with Uranus in Taurus may experience great and sudden changes in the area of finance and property. These people usually introduce many new practices in agriculture and real estate. They try to break free from traditional conservatism of this sign and they long for changes in traditional values. They are creative. They are not consistent.

Uranus in the 1st House
Uranus in the first house gives people unstable and deceptive behaviour. It is a position that causes individuality and a desire for freedom. These people may be somewhat strange or eccentric. In some cases are more mature than other people, but often they lack common sense. They are usually very inventive, but their stubbornness and temper impede their progress.

Uranus aspects
Trine Sun (7°43’, Separating)
Trine Moon (9°05’, Applying)
Conjunction Ascendant (4°49’, Applying)

Neptune - Fantasy, illusion, spirituality, imagination
Neptune is called the Lord of the Invisible Empire, which is a mysterious name of a mysterious planet. Perhaps we could describe it as a dimension of life that cannot be experienced by our five senses and we can only understand and perceive it in our imagination.

Neptune in Pisces
(Note: Neptune is a slow transpersonal planet and may remain in a single sign for up to many years. The description of Neptune in Pisces is therefore valid for the entire generation of people and is very general. The characteristic of the personality is in the description of Neptune in the 11th house.)
Neptune in Pisces is in its own sign. These people are idealistic and often very religious. They usually have the gift of natural faith. They are sympathetic and charitable. They have a special ability - the mystical power of prayer, but it only works if it is not used intentionally in order to achieve a specific goal. The most effective prayer is one that is sincere, spontaneous and without expectation of any result.

Neptune in the 11th House
Neptune in the eleventh house influences the dreams and hopes of these people, their friends and companions. These people make friends very easily. Their numerous friends may be somewhat unusual or strange. They are often intriguers and conspirators who have long-term plans and a reliable intuition. They must plan carefully if they want their plans to be feasible.

Neptune aspects
Opposition Sun (0°28’, Separating)
Sextile Pluto (2°39’, Separating)

Pluto - Transformation, regeneration, power
Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth. It is the end of all things, it is the Judgment Day. It can give rise to obsessions or convictions. On the dark end of its spectrum it can manifest as "succumbing to the urge," or it can create an individual who has the ability to get to the core of things, destroy negative things and bring on healing and transformation.

Pluto in Capricorn
(Note: Pluto is a slow transpersonal planet and may remain in a single sign for up to many years. The description of Pluto in Capricorn is therefore valid for the entire generation of people and is very general. The characteristic of the personality is in the description of Pluto in the 9th house.)
People with Pluto in Capricorn will be able to achieve personal transformation through evolution, but the Capricorn sign generally restricts and hinders Pluto, so these people will be forced to make considerable efforts to make progress in their transformation. They put great emphasis on good and thorough organization, process management and efficiency, and they have considerable personal ambitions. However, they must work very hard if they want to see results.

Pluto in the 9th House
Pluto in the ninth house, the house of higher thought, suggests the need to understand the nature of natural forces and humanity. These people have well-developed mental abilities and they are interested in transforming and restoring legal, moral, educational or philosophical institutions and systems. They have the ability to see the causes of the problems in the wider social order. They have great intuition and broad view in this area. These people have strong sense of justice and they cannot stand injustice or hypocrisy. They tend to impose their views on others.

Pluto aspects
Trine Sun (2°10’, Applying)
Square Mercury (5°33’, Applying)
Trine Mars (5°28’, Separating)
Sextile Neptune (2°39’, Separating)


Lunar Nodes - North Node and South Node
The Lunar Nodes aren’t planets, but rather astrology mathematical points, that are directly opposite each other in the chart. It is said, that your life purpose is encoded between them - in the line between North Node and South Node. The South Node indicates your comfort zone, your habitual place, while your North Node shows life lessons and what you’re striving for in this lifetime. Both Lunar Nodes are almost always retrogade.

North Node (Mean) in Gemini - South Node in Sagittarius
North Node in Gemini brings the conflict between seeking objectivity and lively communication on the one hand, and clinging to a highly subjective understanding, firmly anchored opinions and commands on the other.
These people need to learn how to express complex contexts and ideas in everyday language, how to convey spiritual thinking into practical life, transfer it in comprehensible form and show clearly the connection between the philosophical and noble knowledge and values of everyday life.
Beware of prejudices and stubborn beliefs.

North Node (Mean) in the 2nd House - South Node in the 8th House
North Node in the second house brings the conflict between keeping everything on the one hand, and wanting to leave everything outdated and unnecessary behind on the other.
These people need to learn to trust and they have to accept the need for proximity, confidentiality and physical contact. They need to recognize their own value, feel their own importance, and like themselves for who they are. They should develop everything that promises security: material security, inner security and self-confidence.
They should beware of abusing their powerful sexuality.

Node (Mean) aspects
Trine MC (0°18’, Applying)
Trine Mars (5°20’, Applying)
Trine Saturn (2°10’, Separating)

Lilith - Black Moon - Fascination and Denial
Lilith is a fictional point - the second empty focal point of elliptical orbit of the Moon around the Earth.
In mythology, Lilith refused to submit to Adam, rebelled against the connection between Adam and Eve, decided to escape from the world of people and made a connection with Satan.
In astrology, Lilith symbolizes either fascination or refusal of topics with which she is connected with. Both, the fascination or the rejection of the given topics, can eventually engulf the person and take him "away" from the human world.

Lilith (Mean) in Gemini
Ambiguous communication, fascination with ambiguity and shadows, the search for identity.
These people live in the world of thoughts that are completely free and subject to the constant process of change. Lilith in Gemini emphasises all this more intensely and these people are virtually unstoppable. They have a great desire for knowledge and information. They do not take anything seriously because they think that everything can be changed. They tend to change information and then pass this modified information on. They do not like to live in one place for too long and they make friends easily. They especially like to meet non-conformist, unusual people.
Beware of asthma and injuries of lungs, arms, hands and shoulders.

Lilith (Mean) in the 2nd House
Clear ambiguity between obsession and rejection of material goods.
Chiron - Wounded Healer, inner teacher
Chiron is an asteroid between Saturn and Uranus. Its orbit is very unusual and represents a bridge between material and spiritual worlds.
According to mythology, Chiron was a great healer, wise teacher and one of the immortal Centaurs. Unfortunately, he was "deadly" injured by a poisonous arrow by Heracles, his favourite disciple. He was suffering in great pain but he could not die. Finally, he gave up his immortality for the benefit of Prometheus who was also suffering, and Chiron was sent to the underworld. In the underworld Zeus had mercy for him and he raised him to the heaven.
In astrology, Chiron symbolizes our unhealable injuries and incurable trauma. However, if a person, instead of drowning in his own trauma, is able to accept the trauma and help others who are also suffering, and accept that suffering is part of life, then Chiron may be the key to wisdom, or even to some sort of "Initiation Gate".

Chiron in Aries
These people may be traumatised by the fact that despite all their efforts they are not successful because they are not very proactive and assertive; they lack the appropriate dose of healthy aggression that is needed in a competitive society in order to survive competition with those who are too harsh and ruthless. They usually compensate for this with exaggerated activity, but the results never correspond with the effort they put in.

Chiron in the 12th House
These people believe that the world is a place of great suffering and that there is physical and moral misery, illness, violence and injustice all around us. Even sympathy with suffering people can become unhealable injury because this suffering never ends. These people can react with disgust and resignation, or on contrary, by helping others because by helping others these people can also heal their own irreparable injury.
Main aspects
Sun Conjunction Mars (7°39’, Applying)
Conjunction is a typical aspect of fighters, explorers and researchers. These people often have too much energy. However, they also suffer from sudden energy losses.

Sun Trine Uranus (7°43’, Separating)
This harmonious aspect brings conventionality and independence. It also gives these people creative dynamics and independent creativity. They like to work on projects that benefit their society; they are idealistic, progressive, intuitive and original. They have the need to be different and they want to show their uniqueness. They want to be teachers, mentors and examples to others.

Sun Opposition Neptune (0°28’, Separating)
This aspect creates people that are overly empathetic and too willing to sacrifice themselves, and thus they may easily be used by others or cheated. These people should stay away from drugs, alcohol and tobacco because they have considerable tendencies to use drugs and alcohol to solve their problems.

Sun Trine Pluto (2°10’, Applying)
This harmonious aspect gives people decisiveness and good manners. However, these people are also stubborn and secretive. They have a tendency to influence others through effective manipulation at subconscious level. These people have excellent regenerative abilities and extremely strong will. They think that they are able to achieve anything they want and they usually get it at any cost.

Moon Sextile Venus (0°49’, Separating)
This harmonious aspect gives people balanced temperament, charming manners and usually also good looks. Social success is almost guaranteed. These people have creative abilities and they need to create a pleasant home environment.

Moon Square Mars (5°31’, Separating)
These people often suffer from emotional tension and they are ruthless and indecisive. They love conflicts at home and they know how to win them. They are bossy, they lead adventurous lives and find it hard to conform and settle down.

Moon Trine Uranus (9°05’, Applying)
This harmonious aspect brings people the need for considerable emotional independence and freedom in the family environment. These people often lead unconventional life and they do not like to yield to the will of others. They feel separated from society (complex of separation). They often experience stormy emotions and mood swings.

Mercury Trine Jupiter (5°13’, Applying)
This harmonious aspect brings optimism, kindness and openness. These people are often great philosophers. However, they like to satisfy their mental interests even if they do not have the money for it. They like to travel and they do not stay long in one place.

Mercury Square Pluto (5°33’, Applying)
This aspect affects thinking in such a way that these people are overly dominated by their opinions and instincts. This results in biased thinking. These people study sporadically, but when they do, they put all their energy into it and consequently they become very exhausted. When they search for truth they are convinced of their opinions and they do not consider practical aspects much. They often use all the information and intelligence they have into manipulating others. However, they are often unaware of it.

Venus Square Saturn (2°49’, Applying)
People with this aspect are responsible, reserved and hesitant. They also have restraints that are often the result of poor parenting or fear of other authorities. This also causes fear of loss - they are afraid to lose both their property and their loved ones. These people often submit their feelings to practicality (typical manifestation of this is getting married for security). They subconsciously fear unemployment and poverty.

Mars Trine Pluto (5°28’, Separating)
This aspect increases Mars' power, so these people are hardworking and very thorough in all their activities. However, they are also stubborn, and if they have a goal, they are not easily discouraged from trying to achieve it. This harmonious aspect is typical for army commanders and it gives them great talent for strategy. These people´s aim is to control both themselves and others. It is the only aspect that gives people the ability to achieve their objectives despite all possible obstacles.

Neptune Sextile Pluto (2°39’, Separating)
This harmonious aspect is long-lasting and it affects peace-making attitudes. In connection with other aspects it further enhances peace-building and transformative actions on global scale.

Other aspects
Ascendant Trine Moon (4°16’, Separating)
The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people adaptability and mental balance.

Ascendant Opposition Venus (5°05’, Separating)
The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are charming, friendly and they want to please others. The negative side of this aspect is that they are a bit clumsy when they socialise with other people.

Ascendant Square Saturn (2°15’, Separating)
The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are prudent and honest. The negative side of this aspect is that they can feel obstructions and difficulties in gaining popularity among people. They also get tired easily and they may suffer from frequent colds and attacks of rheumatism.

Ascendant Conjunction Uranus (4°49’, Applying)
The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people skilful and original behaviour. The negative side of this aspect is that it gives people desire to surprise and shock others at any cost.

MC Square Venus (0°20’, Separating)
The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are popular at work. The negative side of this aspect is that they tend to be jealous and dissatisfied in their work environment.

MC Trine Mars (5°02’, Separating)
The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people fighting spirit and lot of energy that helps them achieve success at work.

MC Conjunction Saturn (2°29’, Applying)
The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are persistent and honest when they are pursuing their goals. The negative side of this aspect is that they can have doubts about their goals and they often have to face obstacles and delays.

MC Trine Node (0°18’, Applying)
Interpretation is not available.

Node Trine Mars (5°20’, Applying)
The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people vigour and determination that help them achieve their goals. They can fight with passion for what is important to them.

Node Trine Saturn (2°10’, Separating)
The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are focused on overcoming challenges in their life. They are consistent, aware of their responsibilities, and they walks tirelessly along their life path. They have high standards for themselves and they set ambitious goals. They are able to overcome their limits.

Soli-Planets Arcs (Phase Degrees)
Sun-to-Planet Arcs
(Phase Degrees)
Sun-Planet Arc
Phase Degree
Sun-Moon 103°10’43’’ returns
Sun-Mercury 26°37’21’’ returns
Sun-Venus 42°21’18’’ returns
Sun-Mars 7°39’21’’ returns
Sun-Jupiter 151°51’05’’ returns
Sun-Saturn 135°11’02’’ returns
Sun-Uranus 232°16’08’’
Sun-Neptune 179°31’07’’ returns
Sun-Pluto 122°10’24’’ returns
Sun-Node 253°00’08’’
Sun-Lilith 254°13’36’’
Sun-Chiron 199°13’38’’
Sensitive Degrees
Sensitive Degrees
Planet Ecliptic Equator Speed
  Long Lat RA Decl  
ASC39°42’03’’ 0°00’00’’ 37°17’53’’ 14°43’05’’ -
MC304°56’59’’ 0°00’00’’ 307°17’53’’ -19°01’34’’ -
Sun:172°15’13’’ -0°00’00’’ 172°53’09’’ 3°04’22’’ 0°58’27’’
Moon:275°25’56’’ -2°35’16’’ 276°02’11’’ -25°54’37’’ (oob) 13°58’33’’
Mercury:198°52’35’’ -2°42’30’’ 196°22’26’’ -9°53’53’’ 0°55’50’’
Venus:214°36’32’’ -1°05’29’’ 211°57’42’’ -14°05’03’’ 1°08’46’’
Mars:179°54’35’’ 0°49’05’’ 180°14’33’’ 0°47’11’’ 0°38’45’’
Jupiter:324°06’19’’ -1°11’52’’ 326°49’30’’ -14°36’55’’ -0°06’01’’
Saturn:307°26’16’’ -0°48’57’’ 310°03’48’’ -19°11’57’’ -0°02’28’’
Uranus:44°31’22’’ -0°25’18’’ 42°11’26’’ 15°47’29’’ -0°01’13’’
Neptune:351°46’20’’ -1°10’14’’ 352°54’21’’ -4°20’19’’ -0°01’39’’
Pluto:294°25’37’’ -1°38’26’’ 296°39’04’’ -22°50’47’’ -0°00’36’’
Node:65°15’22’’ 0°00’00’’ 63°19’43’’ 21°10’33’’ -0°03’10’’
Lilith:66°28’50’’ 0°06’36’’ 64°36’08’’ 21°29’53’’ 0°06’38’’
Chiron:11°28’51’’ 2°23’59’’ 9°36’40’’ 6°44’55’’ -0°02’30’’
Fortune296°31’20’’ - 298°32’36’’ -20°50’49’’ -
Vertex180°00’00’’ 0°00’00’’ 180°00’00’’ 0°00’00’’ -
Dominant Planets (Modern method)
Planet Sign
Sun+3 +1 +0 +0 +4 8/83 9.64%
Moon+0 +0 +0 +0 +3 3/83 3.61%
Mercury+4 +1 +0 +2 +0 7/83 8.43%
Venus+0 +1 +3 +5 +4 13/83 15.66%
Mars+2 +0 +0 +0 +0 2/83 2.41%
Jupiter+2 +1 +0 +0 +0 3/83 3.61%
Saturn+6 +2 +5 +2 +1 16/83 19.28%
Uranus+1 +1 +5 +3 +0 10/83 12.05%
Neptune+6 +0 +0 +1 +4 11/83 13.25%
Pluto+3 +0 +0 +1 +6 10/83 12.05%
Dominant Element
Element SunMoonASC Pers.
Fire +0 +0 +0 +0 0/83 0%
Earth +9 +2 +2 +0 13/83 48.15%
Air +0 +4 +1 +2 7/83 25.93%
Water +0 +2 +1 +4 7/83 25.93%
Signature Sign (?)
EL: 0xFire, 5xEarth, 3xAir, 2xWater -  MOD: 3xCardinal, 4xFixed, 3xMutable
5x Earth + 4x Fixed = Taurus Signature
Birth - 14 Sep 2021, 20:53
Animate chart
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