Search results for query: right-wing

  1. multitool

    Gender again. Sorry!

    ...that "The American College of Paediatricians" is the collective authority representing all paediatricians, don't you, rather than the right-wing pressure group that it actually is. They also lobby against gay rights and abortion rights. Human rights groups have labelled them a "hate group"...
  2. multitool

    Gender again. Sorry!

    Yes, we do know. It's because the governing party and their right-wing client media are pursuing a populist campaign against trans people in the hope of attracting support. That is why the graph has changed.
  3. multitool

    Gender again. Sorry!

    Yahoo is an online advertising company. As I've explained to you before, it's all about clicks.
  4. multitool

    Israel / Palestine

    At this point the right-wing of Israeli politics are literally dancing round in circles singing "We're going to do a genocide!"
  5. multitool

    Gender again. Sorry!

    Pretty much, yes* It's a cult. Oh that's OK then. If you've got some views that overlap with Nazis, it's cool. It's just an overlap. She's got form before she hit on the anti-trans gravy train for islamophobia. *with possible exception of some women's sport, although this is largely only...
  6. multitool

    Starmer's vision quest

    What is "right wing" about a national flag?
  7. multitool

    The rise of the far right. Argentina, Netherlands and more.

    It's just each country, one by one, learning the lesson that right-wing populism only ends in chaos and national decline. We learnt it with Brexit. The Dutch and Argentinians are about to find out. Right-wing populism offers simplistic answers to misdiagnosed problems. It doesn't offer...
  8. multitool

    General Election 2024....

    ...View: For a number of reasons, I think this is a good move, not least because it completely disarms not only the Tory attack line over Labour's relationship with the military, but also the right-wing press, and more importantly Farage.
  9. multitool


    UK politics has long reassembled The Thick of It. Trump killed political satire in 2016, and the UK right wing have been living in his shadow ever since.
  10. multitool

    General Election 2024....

    ...what it was that he said that was extraordinarily dim-witted, that got him ridiculed. He may not be thick, it may just be a money-making venture. These fledgling right-wing political parties like Reform and The Heritage Party are unlike the mainstream parties in that they are actual businesses.
  11. multitool

    Gender again. Sorry!

    Ah, DEI. The latest attack code of the US right-wing. You are, of course, so staggeringly dim that won't realise that in opposing diversity, equity and inclusion you are, de facto, a proponent of exclusion, inequality and discrimination against minorities. As if we didn't already know.
  12. multitool

    Gender again. Sorry!

    ...a decline that started months ago, with their shares dropping back down to where they were last year. ie, they've had a peak. Your right-wing news sources are trying to generate a self-perpetuating story claiming that this drop is linked to some nonsense trans aspect. All they need is a...
  13. multitool

    Starmer's vision quest

    Announcement on off-shoring asylum claims is purely for red wall. It won't work, and they know it won't work. I suppose this is yet another legacy of the failure pre-2019 to counter right-wing narratives to such a degree that they are seated deeply in some constituencies.
  14. multitool

    Starmer's vision quest

    ...It doesnt matter what excuses or rationale you make to explain Corbyn's historic defeat. Whoever leads the party has to do so with the right-wing press in mind otherwise its rinse and repeat and the Tories win every time. The Tories love people like you. People were saying the same in...
  15. multitool

    Starmer's vision quest

    Still waiting for all those who object to the UK flag to explain what the objection is. Presumably you object to all these flags too because they are "right wing"? Especially Cuba, I guess.
  16. multitool

    Gender again. Sorry!

    ...was the extreme misogyny of the Anti-trans movement, which denies women agency, and independent thought if they dare disagree with the hate-driven cultists. So called GC is very far from being a feminist movement. That's why they attract actual overt nazis, and pretty much every right-wing...
  17. multitool

    Bye Bye NHS

    That is a rather manicured view of reality. Corbyn was viewed as ridiculous before he became leader.
  18. multitool

    Russel Brand seems to have an situation

    Anyway, I'm sure all the right-wing anti-trans media celebs who are only speaking out because they care passionately about women's safety will be the first out of the blocks to condemn Brand and support his female victims
  19. multitool

    Starmer's vision quest

    What is power, Rusty, and what are the constraints of somebody trying to negotiate the their way around it?
  20. multitool

    BOOM! Gorgeous George Galloway...a thread for all the fedora hatted ones words of wisdom....

    ...deported. This included numerous gas attacks, including on the village of Halabja. Yes, we can all enjoy Galloway running rings round the right-wing media, pointing out the hypocrisy of our government, and humiliating the individuals, but underneath is a very dark man who serves nobody but...
  21. multitool

    The Queen / The Monarchy

    The Police receive a fixed budget. If you resent the small cost of policing a peaceful event like Pride you might want to have a chat with your right wing buddies that go along to cause trouble.
  22. multitool

    Starmer's vision quest

    It doesn't matter what they are, but they don't seem to be trying to hatchet Starmer and his team. I guess they want to be seen backing the winner.
  23. multitool

    Starmer's vision quest

    That isn't really what Starmer is balancing. The outcome for the Palestinians will be the same regardless of what the leader of a non-governing party in a relatively uninfluential country says.
  24. multitool

    Starmer's vision quest

    Still not getting it. Don't be thick then
  25. multitool

    The Nasty Party (AKA the Tories), it's back!

    I see right-wing twitter is chicken full of pundits and politicians punting the line that Raab has been brought down by a CS blob, who run the country, and Raab was just a firm boss with high standards, and the self-proclaimed victims are just woke snowflakes. How unlike the right-wing to be...
  26. multitool

    Gender again. Sorry! that is where I and pretty much the rest of the people here reserve the right to point it out. Of course the irony is that the whataboutery IS the fake trans moral panic, which is why it is being weaponised by right-wing governments in decline, or right wing politicians trying to scare...
  27. multitool

    Israel / Palestine

    ...except that Labour MPs have been sent out to defend the pro-Palestine marchers from the right-wing attacks, including high-profile jewish Labour MPs who make a point of citing their own racial identity. These attacks are not new. Right from the start they were being labelled as "hate...
  28. multitool


    ...hard-right think that they are the natural guardians of the memory of the fallen. Why is this? It makes no sense, other than as a facet of right-wing fetishisation of the military and all that goes with it. At the endpoint of that continuum lies the Nazis. They genuinely assume that the...
  29. multitool

    Let’s talk about BBC

    BBC is run by a man who gave Johnson 800k, just before he got the BBC job. Can you imagine what the BBC would sound like if it was actually left-wing, and not right-wing?
  30. multitool

    Gender again. Sorry!

    Keen is a right-wing catholic bigot. But yeah, crack on and portraying it as feminism. Next you'll be telling us that the Republican ban on abortion in the US was feminism in action.
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