By / The Observer Post

Kashmiri students, along with others, reportedly faced attacks at Desh Bhagat University (DBU) in Punjab during protests against the university’s move to transfer their admissions to a college that does not have accreditation from the Indian Nursing Council (INC) and the Punjab Nursing Registration Council (PNRC).

Uzma* , a nursing student from the university, said that tensions escalated on September 14th at around 9 AM when the university authorities and police confronted the students who were participating in the protests.

“Several Kashmiri students were arrested by the police on campus, they are now denying it. Some of us were subjected to lathi charges, a few have suffered anxiety attacks, they have been hospitalized,” Uzma* said while talking to The Observer Post.

“We are Muslims. Our hijabs were forcibly pulled from our heads, with some of them torn,” she added.

The students alleged that the university transferred approximately 70 Kashmiri students who were pursuing various paramedical courses to Sardar Lal Singh College, even though this institution, while affiliated with DBU Punjab, lacks recognition from the Indian Nursing Council.

This story was originally published in Read the full story here