White House savaged for calling illegal immigrants ‘newcomers’


Critics of President Joe Biden’s open borders agenda that has seen millions of illegal immigrants cross into the United States today ripped his characterization of them as simply “newcomers.”

To complement his visit to the Texas border today, the White House released highlights of the unpassable comprehensive border legislation in the Senate. In it, they wrote, “The bill also includes $1.4 billion for cities and states who are providing critical services to newcomers, and would expedite work permits for people who are in the country and qualify.”

The reaction to calling those here illegally as “newcomers” in a week when one has been charged in the brutal beating death of a Georgia nursing student was swift online.

The House GOP caucus wrote on X, “The Biden White House is now referring to illegal immigrants as ‘newcomers.’ Joe Biden is not serious about stopping the illegal immigration into the United States. This is a catastrophe by design.”

Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) said on X, “This is ABSURD. He has no interest in putting an end to this invasion. He just wants to use more of your tax dollars to aid and abet it.”

Turning Point’s Charlie Kirk wrote, “A newcomer just brutally murdered Laken Riley along with 100,000 other Americans every year from fentanyl poisoning. Your government hates you.”

Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) wrote, “While touting the $1.4 billion dollars of taxpayer money they want to spend on feeding and housing illegal immigrants, Biden’s @WhiteHouse just referred to illegal crossers as ‘newcomers.’”

And columnist Tammy Bruce added, “Mr. Orwell is not surprised. ‘A White House handout refers to illegal immigrants as ‘newcomers,’ which provoked sharp criticism from Republicans.’”


Former President Donald Trump is also traveling to the border, where he plans to hit Biden’s dismantling of the hawkish border policies that he inherited.

This has fast become the top political issue in the nation, according to Gallup, and that was before this week’s wave of reporting on violent crimes allegedly committed by illegal immigrants.

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