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New York Daily News

By David Hinckleyjust chill.jpg

Finally someone has poor Charlie Sheen’s back. Besides Mel Gibson and the goddesses.

According to a release from Stuntman Public Relations – we don’t make this stuff up – the manufacturers of a “stress relief” beverage called Just Chill are offering Sheen $3 million to become their product spokesperson.

The release quotes Russell Fager, general manager of The Chill Group, as saying, “If there’s one thing that’s clear, it’s that this guy needs to relax. We’ve watched him spiral out of control and accompanied by treatment, we think Just Chill will help him focus on whatever his next steps turn out to be. If this is successful we think he’d be a great spokesperson for the brand.”

Okay, the “conditions” for this offer sound a little strange. Sheen must do “30 days of in-patient treatment at the Sober Valley Lodge,” which is what he jokingly calls his Beverly Hills home, and he must forsake future media appearances.

In other words, he’d have to kick two addictions at once.

But even if some of you cynics might see this as a cheap publicity ploy, Just Chill is an actual beverage. It’s a few months old, it’s made in California – big surprise there – and Fager, who by the way is 23, promises it will give you energy without making you wired and soothe your jangled nerves without putting you to sleep.

It’s described as “citrus-based” and its ingredients include L-Theanine, Lemongrass extract, Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba. It also has just 50 calories, which sounds perfect for a health-conscious guy like Charlie who, you know, works out.

So if you want to try it before they put Charlie’s picture on the can, you can order it on Amazon. It’s $48 for a case of 24, which means they only need about 62,000 orders to get the cash to pay their new spokesperson.

Heck, Charlie got 10 times that many Twitter followers in just a few hours.