Provider Type: Assisted Living Facility
Inspection Data from January 1, 2008 to present
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Survey DateInspection TypeTrack IDDeficiencyClassRequirement DescriptionCorrection Date
05/17/2013ComplaintBL78A00803TRAINING - CORE & COMPETENCY TESTStaff Training Requirements and Competency Test. (1) ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY CORE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS AND COMPETENCY TEST. (a) The assisted living facility core training requirements established by the department pursuant to Section 429.52, F.S., shall consist of a minimum of 26 hours of training plus a competency test. (b) Administrators and managers must successfully complete the assisted living facility core training requirements within 3 months from the date of becoming a facility administrator or manager. Successful completion of the core training requirements includes passing the competency test. The minimum passing score for the competency test is 75%. Administrators who have attended core training prior to July 1, 1997, and managers who attended the core training program prior to April 20, 1998, shall not be required to take the competency test. Administrators licensed as nursing home administrators in accordance with Part II of Chapter 468, F.S., are exempt from this requirement. (c) Administrators and managers shall participate in 12 hours of continuing education in topics related to assisted living every 2 years as provided under Section 429.52, F.S. (d) A newly hired administrator or manager who has successfully completed the assisted living facility core training and continuing education requirements, shall not be required to retake the core training. An administrator or manager who has successfully completed the core training but has not maintained the continuing education requirements will be considered a new administrator or manager for the purposes of the core training requirements and must: 1. Retake the assisted living facility core training; and 2. Retake and pass the competency test. (e) The fees for the competency test shall not exceed $200. The payment for the competency test fee shall be remitted to the entity administering the test. A new fee is due each time the test is taken. 06/12/2013