Ramsay Real Estate's Impactful Mission as a Benefit Corporation for Good Amplified Through Epique Collaboration

PORTLAND, OR / ACCESSWIRE / November 17, 2023 / In the bustling world of real estate, where profit often takes precedence, Ramsay Real Estate stands out as a shining example of a business with a heart. Charles Ramsay, a man of many hats and a heart dedicated to service, is the driving force behind Ramsay Real Estate, a local Benefit Corporation for Good. In an exclusive interview, Ramsay sheds light on the mission, motivations, and future aspirations of his generosity-driven business.

Photo Credits: Tom Hering and Amy Parkhurst

Benefit Corporations for Good (BCFG) advocates for businesses that prioritize people, planet, and profit. Ramsay Real Estate is proudly a member of this movement, distinguishing itself as one of the Oregon Benefit Companies committed to social responsibility, environmental impact, and community engagement. Ramsay, a fourth-generation Principal Broker, emphasizes the triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit. "We take into account people and the environment in our business decisions. We believe in making a difference while making a profit in an effort to create meaningful change in the world," he affirms.

But what inspired Ramsay to infuse generosity and community-building into the real estate business? For him, "being of service" is ingrained in his DNA. It's not just a mission; it's a way of life. "Looking through a lens of social and environmental impact when making a business decision is second nature to me," he shares. Ramsay's commitment to service extends beyond business; it's a guiding principle in his personal and professional life.

Joining a local Benefit Corporation aligns seamlessly with Ramsay's values. "Throughout my personal and professional life, the idea of being of service has been a north star for me," he reflects. "Helping my clients, my stakeholders, and my community is where I've found true meaning and purpose." The belief that businesses have an obligation to contribute to positive change resonates deeply with Ramsay. He sees his commitment as a key brand differentiator, appealing to the growing demographic of socially conscious consumers.

Being a part of the Benefit Corporation for Good community offers tangible benefits. Ramsay Real Estate gains trust and builds relationships with customers who share similar values. A recent Nielsen poll underscores this, revealing that 68% of global consumers would remain loyal to a brand that practices social responsibility. Ramsay notes, "Our commitment and practices help us stand out."

Beyond consumer loyalty, Ramsay values the connections made within the BCFG community. "I'm able to connect with other purpose-driven leaders, learning from them, strategizing with them, and advocating for them and vice-versa," he enthuses. The sense of community among purpose-driven businesses fosters collaboration and shared growth.

The partnership between Ramsay Real Estate and Epique Realty is another testament to Ramsay's commitment to meaningful collaboration. Friends with Sam Rodriguez, a member of Epique Realty's Board, Ramsay was intrigued by their shared values. Despite his contentment at his previous company, Ramsay found Epique's focus on supporting Realtors exceptionally appealing. The comprehensive benefits package offered by Epique, including free healthcare, transaction coordination, unlimited car washes, stock options, and more, aligns seamlessly with Ramsay's goal of creating generational wealth for his team and clients.

"My goal for my entire professional career has been to pave the way for every client and Realtor on my team to create generational wealth for their families," Ramsay shares. "Once we are able to thrive, we are freed up to be more generous and help others at a higher and higher level." The collaboration with Epique brings this goal closer to reality. The array of benefits, from healthcare to stock options, not only enhances the success of Ramsay Real Estate but also elevates the well-being and prosperity of individual Realtors.

Looking ahead, Ramsay envisions a future where Ramsay Real Estate thrives on a robust network of partners devoted to providing top-notch service. The technological advantages offered by Epique Realty position them to compete at the forefront of the industry. Ramsay's vision extends beyond individual success; he sees the potential to help thousands thrive. "This, along with the technological advantage Epique offers, positions us all to compete for the top spot and help others thrive by the tens of thousands," he declares.

In a world where business success is often measured solely in financial terms, Ramsay Real Estate's commitment to being a Benefit Corporation for Good is refreshing. It's a reminder that success can be defined by more than just the bottom line. Ramsay's journey, fueled by a dedication to service and community, showcases the transformative power of business when driven by values that extend beyond profit.

About Ramsay Realty Estate

As a certified Benefit Corporation for Good, Ramsay Real Estate operates with a triple bottom line, prioritizing people and the planet alongside profit. Born out of Charles Ramsay's inherent commitment to service, the company is deeply rooted in social responsibility and community engagement. The collaboration with Epique Realty further cements Ramsay Real Estate's commitment to enhancing the well-being of its team and clients, offering a practical and generous approach to the often profit-centric real estate landscape.

Country: USA
Media Contact Name: Charles Ramsay
Company: Epique Realty
Email: ramsayrealestate@gmail.com
Phone Number: 503-819-9191
Website: http://charlesramsay.epiquerealty.com/

SOURCE: Epique Realty

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