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Ukraine will unconditionally surrender and then Russia will void any arrangements BlackRock made with the Zelensky regime, Scott Ritter says

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The war will end with Ukraine’s unconditional surrender to Russia or, if NATO intervenes, it will end with the absolute destruction of Ukraine, Scott Ritter said.

Ritter feels it is more likely Ukraine will unconditionally surrender.  On this basis, he said, BlackRock will never realise the investment opportunities it is creating in collaboration with the Ukrainian government.  “Because Ukraine is going to lose the war, and Russia will make null and void any arrangement that Blackrock has signed.”

According to Ritter, Zelensky is a tool of Western intelligence and of Western governments who used him to manipulate Ukraine into serving as a proxy of NATO in a larger conflict against Russia.

“He is an actor who has been ably reading scripts handed to him by his CIA and MI6 masters.  And he had a successful first season, we could say. The show was well written and the product was seen by the viewership as being worthy of continued support,” Ritter said.

“But the second season has not been so successful. The second season, I guess we could have called it the ‘season of the counter-offensive’. And the counter-offensive has failed egregiously, and now the West is stuck with an actor whose script no longer motivates.”

Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union, implementing arms control agreements, and on the staff of General Norman Schwartzkopf during the Gulf War, where he played a critical role in the hunt for Iraqi SCUD missiles.  In July he published a two-part documentary titled ‘Agent Zelensky’.  You can view Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE.

Last week, Ritter joined Global Research News Hour to share his thoughts about the looming demise of the Russia/Ukraine war, the creation of the Ukraine Reconstructive Bank and his trip to Russia earlier this year.

The first half of Global Research News Hour‘s podcast is an interview with Canadian Tamara Lorincz about how Canada’s foreign policy has been shaped by its involvement in NATO.  Ritter’s interview begins at timestamp 29:15.  You can listen to the podcast HERE and you can read the transcript HERE.

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Zelensky Has a Bad Trip

As Volodymyr Zelensky left Europe, we saw Poland begin to turn its back on Ukraine. And this is a very problematic issue for Ukraine, Ritter said.

“Poland serves as a conduit, a physical conduit, of munitions being sent to Ukraine. Polish personnel have fought by the tens of thousands in Ukraine on the side of the Ukrainian army as mercenaries. Poland has turned over significant numbers of tanks, artillery pieces, and riding vehicles. And now Poland has said it will no longer participate in that, that they will no longer send military equipment to Ukraine.

“And so, having Poland turned its back on Zelensky and on Ukraine was basically the precursor for what turned out to be a disastrous trip.”

Zelensky’s disastrous trip began at the 78th session of the United Nations (“UN”) General Assembly.  The theme of the session was ‘Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress, and sustainability for all’.

There are five permanent member states on the UN Security Council – but of all their leaders, Joe Biden was the only one to show up.  Zelensky also showed up and gave a speech.  “I welcome all who stand for common efforts,” he began.

“[Zelensky] spoke … to a largely empty conference room. The people that flocked to hear him in the past no longer care with what he says, because he’s irrelevant,” said Ritter.

Then Zelensky went to Capitol Hill.  “When he went to Washington D.C., he got snubbed by Congress,”  Ritter said.

Slate reported that House speaker, Kevin McCarthy, not only declined Zelensky’s request to address a joint session of Congress but barred him from the chamber’s private meeting room, directing the few House Republicans who wanted to greet him to do so at the National Archives, nearly a mile away.

“And then, with his tail between his legs, he flew off to Canada. Here, he met with Prime Minister Trudeau in the Canadian Parliament and got some arousing ovations from the Parliament as he delivered his presentation. But near the end of his presentation, the camera panned to an individual in the audience who stood up to receive the applause of Zelensky,” Ritter said.

The person who stood up to receive the applause was Yaroslav Hunka, a member of the criminal Nazi SS Galizien formation.

“This gentleman was singled out, he stood up, and he received a standing ovation from Parliament. Parliament literally applauded a Nazi,” Ritter added.

On 26 September, Poland’s Education Minister Przemysław Czarnek said he had “taken steps” toward extraditing Hunka:

Politico reported that in a letter to Poland’s Institute of National Remembrance, a body that researches and investigates past crimes against the Polish nation, Czarnek asked it to “urgently examine” whether Hunka is wanted for crimes against Polish people of Jewish origin, adding that “signs of such crimes are grounds to apply to Canada for his extradition.”

How will the Ukraine/Russia War End?

“This is just going to be unconditional Russian victory,” Ritter told Global Research.  

“That’s the only way this war ends unless NATO intervenes and then this war ends with a general nuclear exchange and it terminates all life on the planet as we know it.

“There will be no truce, there will be no ceasefire, there will be no frozen conflict. There will be no forever war.  This war is going to end – I can’t give you an exact date and time – but it will end, and it will end with Ukraine’s unconditional surrender to Russia, or it will end with the absolute destruction of Ukraine.”

On 28 July 2022, during a news conference, Senator Lindsay Graham offered up Ukrainian lives in the fight against Russia: “As long as we help Ukraine with the weapons they need and economic support they will fight to the last person.”

Lindsey Graham ‘We Will Fight till the Last Ukrainian’ (1 min)

When Max Blumenthal, founder and editor-in-chief of The Grayzone, addressed the UN Security Council a year later he noted that Ukraine was well on its way to fulfilling Graham’s ghoulish fantasies about the US fighting “this war to the last Ukrainian.”

Ritter agrees that Graham was being serious about his threat.  “When US Senator Lindsey Graham said that this conflict will be fought to the last Ukrainian, he was serious,” he said.

“This [war] will not end any other way. Either total Russian victory or general nuclear war … To avoid a general nuclear war, the West is going to have to accept the reality that Russia is going to win, and they’re going to win on Russian terms … This war ends when Russia decides this war ends.

“The reason why Ukraine lost this war is because the West pushed it into this conflict and then continued [supplying] Ukraine full of weapons and money to sustain this war. Russia is not going to end this war without achieving the objectives that it set out to achieve.”

BlackRock’s Interest in Ukraine

In June, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase partnered with the Ukrainian government to establish a reconstruction bank. However, it seems BlackRock is more actively involved in the scheme than JPMorgan.  In the third week of June, it was BlackRock and the Government of Ukraine that conducted meetings with public and private sector investors to provide further details on the Ukraine Development Fund’s (“UDF’s”)  progress.

The UDF is designed as a national Development Finance Institution. It aims to attract significant private investment, potentially amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars.  In March, the World Bank’s estimates for reconstruction and recovery in Ukraine grew to US $411 billion, 2.6 times greater than the country’s entire GDP for 2022. Ukraine hopes the cost estimate will continue to rise and rise again, US think tank Wilson Centre wrote.

One of the priorities of the UDF is to “support Ukraine’s role in decarbonisation and the green transition and as the gateway to European energy security. This will strengthen Ukraine’s role as a key partner to the global community in decarbonisation, establishing new sources of energy for Ukraine, Europe, and the world.”

The Ukrainian government is well aware, the United Nations stated in April, that achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) by 2030 requires “ensuring optimal use of its public resources while mobilising and effectively using funding from governments, international organisations, and private businesses.”

With achieving decarbonisation and SDGs high on the list of priorities, we would be forgiven for thinking that the UN, various governments (including Ukraine’s), and BlackRock have forgotten Ukraine is in the middle of a war.

“War is a racket and Blackrock is a racketeer. They’re not there to help Ukraine, they’re there to make money,”  Ritter said.

“The good news for Ukraine is that BlackRock will never have an opportunity to do any of this. Because Ukraine is going to lose the war, and Russia will make null and void any arrangement that Blackrock has signed.

“The Zelensky government will no longer exist when this war is done and the Ukrainian government that will replace it will not be inclined to honour any agreement made with Blackrock. So, it’s totally irrelevant.”

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8 months ago

The TREASONOUS Investment Bankers deserve any and all misfortune coming their way. THIS WAR FOR PROFIT TO LAUNDER U.S. $$$ INTO THE CITY OF LONDON, PHARMA AND THE CCP WILL BE THE DEATH OF ALL THE COMMITTEE OF 300 has dreamed of for a thousand years.

8 months ago

[…] Ukraine will unconditionally surrender and then Russia will void any arrangements BlackRock made wit… […]

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
8 months ago

Fills out what little I knew. Should never have happened and Soros needs questioning.

8 months ago

I fear the globalists won’t roll over so easily: I would even suggest that the reason Putin was told to invade was to further their plans… Is he really going to turn on them now?! The longer the war goes on, the better it is for US, Uk and Israel AI technology development (as well as filling the coffers of the companies who provide the arms and who want to rebuild Ukraine’s infrastructure), I’m sure it will be strung along for a little while yet…

Reply to  soundattitude
8 months ago

There was a Russian guy commenting here, citing from their documents. The BRICKS with Russia build much faster the Chinese total control system then we let them build it in the west. They won’t be our savior. The armies of the 5eyes and who knows what others were poisoned with the vax. Did Russia or China poisoned their armies, too? The plan was all along to implement a China like tyrannical system. The rest is just circus with real sufferers from the ‘plebs’.

Reply to  Abigail
8 months ago

I’m not Russian, Abby. Nor Ukrainian (if such a people actually exists, a controversial issue..). I’m not and from a country that’s “notoriously Russophobic,” ory, on the contrary. But I thank you for noticing me and I agree with the rest of your comment.
Good to see you on the line. : – )

Reply to  karakorum
8 months ago

There is now a Ukrainian nation. Forging such a nation is one of the most stupid things Putin could do.

Reply to  Abigail
8 months ago

“They won’t be our savior.”

Really agree with that and proud of myself for not adding a U. I’m an old dear who still uses s instead of z etc.

I actually like the personality he presents, he is very intelligent and says many good, logical things. However, despite him seeming to have real reasons for this war with Ukraine, it undoubtedly helps the Globalists completely wreck what’s left of the current system.

Nor is this the first time i’ve looked askance at his actions, personally gobsmacked people still seem to think there are heroes in the corrupt, evil system we endure.

Companies like Blackrock and Vanguard have fulfilled their purpose and are really past their sell by date. It’s the absolute essentials for our existence which are being destroyed now, unnatural disasters seem to be happening in so many food producing countries etc

8 months ago


8 months ago

It’s great to have the assurance of this wonderful upcoming event that one of the biggest multipolar authorities on the Internet, Scott, informed us about. Has he already made 100 unsuccessful predictions about the “war in Ukraine”? Or 200? 300? Fantastic connoisseur.

And, by the way, since Russia cancels the agreements between Blackrock and Ukraine, will it also cancel its own agreements to build the same new world order (and to Blackrock) with the global globalist platforms (behind which and Blackrock stands)?
(Note: Edward acts like a controlled opposition (even if he isn’t), but it’s a long and complicated story, which to understand, you need to know well about things in Russia, from Russian sources. But when Edward quotes documents, he quotes documents, and then there are no doubts.)

Reply to  karakorum
8 months ago

And, by the way, Roda herself recently linked this same article, with a brief summary, in some of her news here. Let me give her the credit.

Reply to  karakorum
8 months ago

Ritter along with psuedopundits at The Gateway Pundit, Johnson, Abelson, Serran, and others who were useful at one time, Burning platform, Gates of Vienna, and many others, have never been right in any of their predictions. All of them simply spew Putin’s propaganda.

Reply to  Quartermaster
8 months ago

: – ) : – )
You described them well!

(Just to note that, for me, personally, there is no “Putin propaganda” and “Western propaganda”, but general propaganda of the NWO (with the aim of building it) of which both Putin/Russia and the “collective west” are part and regularly sign and confirm this in various high-level agreements. But, nevertheless, many of the people and media you mentioned may think that they are spreading “Putin propaganda” or even that they are on the side of the “anti-globalists”, and so on.
But I don’t mind if someone doesn’t think like me, of course.)

Reply to  Dave Owen
8 months ago

Yeah, yeah, source: “just trust me”. Good.

8 months ago

Attributing anything approaching truth to Ritter is a fool’s errand. He’s simply a liar and pedophile. He knows nothing when it comes to what is actually going on. He like several others, simply spews Putin’s propaganda.

8 months ago

After Russia void any arrangements BlackRock made with the Zelensky regime and defeats the globalists, it will relaxly continue to build for its residents what it build before the terrible war and continued to build during the war: earthly paradise. For a little example:


The 6G mobile communication system will provide high throughput in the face of radio interference

July 19, 2023

In June 2023, in Geneva, a representative of the GRFC participated in the meeting of the Working Party 5D of the Radiocommunication Sector of the International Telecommunication Union. One of the main outcomes of the event was the finalization of a recommendation defining the shape of the sixth generation IMT-2030 mobile system.

Sixth-generation communication networks will be based on a set of physical, biological and digital representations, combining human experience in all aspects.

The main goal of the development of the IMT-2030 system is to overcome the existing digital divide as soon as possible by providing everyone with ubiquitous broadband access to socially significant communication services at affordable rates.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies will be widely used in the implementation of the IMT-2030 air interface, including to eliminate mutual unacceptable radio interference. An AI-based radio network will enable intelligent data processing and on-demand resource provision.

Data processing will be carried out close to its sources in order to reduce waiting times for a response, reduce data transmission costs, improve energy efficiency and privacy.

With the help of augmented and mixed reality technologies, the effect of immersing a person in an artificially created environment will be created and a rich interactive video sequence will be provided. Communication for multi-sensory telepresence and holographic communication should be widely used.

The detailed technical requirements for IMT-2030 will be finalized by 2027 and the standardization process will be completed by 2030.”

Reply to  karakorum
8 months ago

Hey, it’s almost like it:

St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI” named after V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin) SPbGETU “LETI”



within the framework of the PRIORITY 2030 program


New technologies of information connectivity of objects and territories

The goal of the project is to enter the labor division system of the TOP 5 clusters (R&D + production) in the global NewRadio6G market by 2030, in terms of creating new principles and structural components of the NET–2030 ultra-broadband high-speed communication networks, including cognitive, hybrid, adaptive reconfigurable, heterogeneous, solving the problem of mastering new frequency bands, including subTHz.


Objectives of the strategic project


Development of hardware and software complexes of the Internet of Everything (IoE) for the ecosystem of NET-2030 networks.

Who among us has not dreamed of becoming part of the anti-satanist Russian Internet of Everything (that means + Internet of Bodies) in 2030?!? Say honestly.

Blackrock and the rest of the nasty transhumanists tremble with fear, I tell you!

I look forward to next Ritter’s anti-globalist report notifying us of the ultimate humanistic victory of anti-Satanist, anti-Nazi (and others) Russia.

comment image

Reply to  Dave Owen
8 months ago

Wow! WOW! Amazing, Dave!
I didn’t know that! So God has heard our anti-globalist prayers, and now we are all saved? (At least the Russians.)

*Apparently, 6G is harmless and safe, according to Putin. Good.

8 months ago

And the Federal Territory Sirius now has its own the coat of arms.

The coat of arms is anti-globalist and anti-satanic, sustained in the best traditions of Christian heraldry. (Christianity, the values of which Putin and the rest of the Russian leadership tirelessly defend)

comment image

Among other things, in Sirius they train talented young Russians on:

  • Cognitive Research
  • Information Technologies and Artificial Intelligence
  • Ecology and Climate Change
  • Translational Medicine

The scientific center solves the following tasks:


improvement of the experimental legal regime in the federal territory of Sirius in the field of genetic engineering, circulation of medicines, biomedical cell products and medical devices to accelerate patients’ access to breakthrough treatments.

  • Genetics and Life Sciences

The equipment of the Scientific Center makes it possible to conduct world-class research in the field of genomics, immunobiology, biomaterials, create gene therapy drugs, and conduct research in the field of plant genome editing.

The entire spectrum of the industry is not fully represented anywhere else in Russia.

Scientists have at their disposal high-performance next-generation sequencers for genomic research, chromatography-mass spectrometers for characterizing complex biological molecules, state-of-the-art equipment for flow cytometry, climatic chambers for working with plants, high-tech equipment for manipulating animal embryos and much more.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
8 months ago

Is Oil A ‘Fossil Fuel’ Or It Is Abiotic?
Posted By: SpaceCommando [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 3-Oct-2023 10:46:36

By Rhoda Wilson – October 3, 2023

8 months ago


8 months ago

The Ukrainian Gold rush: A Business Opportunity

“The business response has been surprisingly strong, stronger than almost anybody anticipated. I don’t think any of the CEOs we talked to bought Putin’s narrative.”

“Strategy papers obtained from these White House-linked consulting firms appear to call for a “multi-decade” continuation of foreign aid to Ukraine, even admitting the war provided a “window of opportunity” to achieve changes that would have been “politically difficult to achieve.”

“This window also presents the opportunity to reform the distribution of rents from land and other natural resources in ways that would otherwise be politically difficult to achieve.”

And I will add that now former House Speaker McCarthy being removed today is another huge blow against unlimited U.S. Ukraine funding, as he was another war cheerleader.

Tracey R
Tracey R
8 months ago

Ritter is a fabulous analyst of Russia and Ukraine. As head of nuclear weapons inspections, he was sent to Iraq and told The Swamp there was NO WMD repeatedly, but we know that this unfortunate bit of truth did not get in the way for a fabulous endless war and a million or so useless people they want off ‘their’ planet.

8 months ago

[…] hier:  zu finden, das englischsprachige Original findet man hier: Hier kann man erkennen, wie großflächig getäuscht wurde, von Jenen, die das Tricksen und […]

8 months ago

False Flags: The Corporate Gravy-Train must continue at any cost.

“I believe that Ukraine is on the chopping block. There are enough members of the House who are furious over spending billions in Ukraine while the security of the southern U.S. border is ignored. There are even some Democrats miffed over the paltry sums allocated to assist the decimated residents of Maui while Zelensky and his crew are rolling in dough.

The Biden Administration, in my opinion, will be tempted to do something dangerous and provocative in Ukraine, such as launching a false flag attack. For example, rupturing the Zaporhyzhia Nuclear Power plant and blaming it on Putin in order to create a physical disaster that would be used to accuse Republican holdouts of helping Putin rather than sending much needed cash to Ukraine.”

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
8 months ago

Putin is an FSB globalist who was greenlighted to invade Ukraine by Obama (twice) and prevented from the same by Trump. The law of God on stealing your neghbour’s land works like this…

14 Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour’s landmark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance, which thou shalt inherit in the land that the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it. (Deuteronomy 19 KJV)

Putin and Russia and the UK and the US will reap what they have sown. They are presently all a part of the same beast (globalist administration).

2 Now the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard [BRICS], but its feet were as those of a bear [Russia], and its mouth was as a lion’s mouth [UK]. And the dragon gave to [the beast] its power and its throne and great authority. (Revelation 13 NWT)

Russian bear, the BRICS leopard and the UK lion are all on the same side at deep state level. The war in Ukraine is a device being curated into WW3, the purpose of which is to force vaccines and social credit score digital control onto all of us.

However the US eagle is absent from the final beast above (the last globalist administration of mankind) whereas it is present in the 1st beast of Daniel7. So the Americans will pull out of globalism, which means Trump will regain the presidency.

8 months ago

Contact Report 863

The whole thing is a pack of lies, one of the frauds perpetrated on Earth’s humanity, which neither the indoctrinated US populace nor the pro-America people of the world are aware of – which is why all the lowly intelligent, the fake-thinkers, who cheer America and the murderous organisation NATO, are falling for it.

This is despite the fact that America is already in control of many of the world’s states, which do as they are told.

Just take the example of Zelensky in Ukraine, who is murdering and destroying according to American models and orders, with weapons and ammunition that are being supplied to the war fanatic Zelensky unthinkingly and irresponsibly as well as criminally by like-minded Americans, whereby, however, thousands of human beings are being murdered.

8 months ago

Like a demented, rabid weasel that’s cornered, the results are very unpredictable. Virtually everything Biden said he would NOT do regarding Ukraine, he has backtracked and done. And the scary part is he wasn’t lying when he said he wouldn’t do those things. He just changed his mind and did them anyway. That’s not strategic planning. That’s war on a whim, like deciding what someone will have for lunch.

Joe Bribem;
“Hey, maybe I’ll blow up a nuclear power plant today and blame Putin.

General Miley:
But Mr president, we already tried that with the Nord Stream pipelines and it accomplished nothing.

Joe Bribem;
I think I’ll have my Mac and cheese now and a cup of pudding before my nap…no, wait. Make it beanie weenies and animal crackers.

General Miley:
Mr president, time is of the essence.

Joe Bribem;
Well, then let’s blow up the Kakhovka dam.

General Miley:
Mr president, we already did that last year.

Joe Bribem;
Oh yeah. What’s taking so long with my animal crackers!”

8 months ago

This is what happens when you abuse pets. The last two dogs (major & commander) have bitten people 10 times! None of my dogs have bitten anyone. This is from abuse.

Serial Animal Abuser Who “Punches and Kicks His Dogs”

“Biden’s official story is he fractured his mid-foot while chasing his dog’s tail after he got out of the shower. It is unclear if his daughter Ashely was in the shower with him at the time.”

One person commented;

“Put him down. He’s unpredictable and violent.

Then find a good home for the dog.”

8 months ago

[…] Quelle: Ukraine will unconditionally surrender and then Russia will void any arrangements BlackRock made with the Zelensky regime, Scott Ritter says […]

7 months ago

Hopefully with our new house speaker, who is against unending Ukraine aid, the US gravy train will end. And he isn’t for biden’s trick of trying to combine Ukraine and Israel aid into one bill.

4 months ago

[…] din război, doar factura pentru îndepărtarea molozului ajungând la 5 miliarde de dolari. 411 miliarde de dolari este de 2,6 ori mai mare decât întregul produs intern brut al Ucrainei („PIB”) pentru 2022. Raportul a calculat 135 de miliarde de dolari în daune directe aduse […]

4 months ago

[…] and rebuild from the war, with just the bill for removing rubble running to $5 billion alone. $411 billion is 2.6 times greater than Ukraine’s entire gross domestic product (“GDP”) for 2022. The report calculated $135bn in direct damage to buildings and […]

4 months ago

[…] pour l’enlèvement des décombres s’élevant à elle seule à 5 milliards de dollars. 411 milliards de dollars, soit 2,6 fois plus que le produit intérieur brut (« PIB ») total de l’Ukraine pour 2022. Le rapport estime à 135 milliards de dollars les […]