Mucocele Occuring in The Oral Cavity - A Review

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Mucocele Occuring in the Oral Cavity- A Review

1. 2.
Dr. Srividhya Srinivasan Dr. Anitha .R
Associate Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology
Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Alapakkam, Chennai Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Alapakkam, Chennai

3. 4.
Dr. Poongodi.V Dr. Ram Shankar
Associate Professor Associate Professor
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology
Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Alapakkam, Chennai Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Alapakkam, Chennai

Abstract:- Mucocele is a frequent condition of the III. ETIOPATHOGENESIS

salivary glands that can also affect the lacrimal sac,
appendix, gallbladder, paranasal sinuses, and oral According to Yamasoba et al. (1990)5, the two main
cavity. The lower lip is a common site for these lesions in etiological reasons for these cysts are Injury and trauma
the oral cavity, although they can also appear on the Salivary gland duct obstruction, Lip and cheek biting, which
tongue, buccal mucosa, soft palate, retromolar pad, and are primarily physical trauma, cause mucin to leak into the
other parts of the mouth. These kinds of lesions are submucosal tissue around them. Mucous that has stagnated
typically brought on by trauma and lip-biting may make later inflammation evident (4),(6)
behaviours. These lesions can be clinically diagnosed and
are not painful. According to Ata-Ali et al. (2010)7, the extravasation
type has the following phases.
Keywords:- Mucocele, Lower lip, Salivary Gland.  Phase 1: Salivary duct mucus leaks into nearby tissue,
which may contain some leucocytes and histiocytes.
I. INTRODUCTION  Phase II. In granulomas with histiocytes, macrophages,
and enormous multinucleated cells connected to a
A mucin-filled cyst known as a mucocele can develop reaction to a foreign body.
in the paranasal sinuses, the lacrimal sac, or the oral cavity  Phase III. Later in the third phase, connective cells will
(1). According to Yague-Garca et al. (2009), mucocele is cause the creation of a pseudo capsule around the
derived from the Latin term mucus, which also implies mucosa without epithelium. Major salivary glands
cavity 2. According to Bagan-Sebastian et al. (1990), a frequently exhibit the retention type of mucocele. It is
mucocele is an accumulation of mucus brought on by a because a sialolith has blocked or obstructed the duct,
change in the minor salivary gland that results in a little causing it to enlarge 7.
amount of swelling.3
According to Bermejo, Mucocele, a frequent condition
Cysts come in two different varieties: extravasation of the salivary glands, is characterised by an accumulation
type and retention type. The main cause of the extravasation of mucoid material. It appears as a well-defined, non-tender,
type, which is frequently observed in minor salivary glands, soft, fluctuant swelling with a bluish tint and varying sizes.8
is the leakage of fluid from the salivary gland ducts and (Bermejo et al., 1999; Eveson, 1988). Common on the lower
acini to the nearby soft tissues. Whereas Retention type lip, however it can also happen elsewhere. The fluid buildup
results from obstruction of the salivary gland duct, related to below and the vascular congestion and cyanosis of the tissue
the obstruction of the salivary gland duct, which is above are the main causes of the bluish hue. They often have
frequently observed in large salivary gland ducts (4).Both intact epithelium covering dome-shaped swellings (6). In the
present as a non-painful swelling in a clinical setting. When first three decades of life, there is no gender preference and
a mucocele (extravasation) develops in the floor of the it is typical (9). Oral hemangiomas, oral lymphangiomas,
mouth, it is referred to as a RANULA and has the and benign or malignant salivary gland neoplasms are
appearance of frog's cheeks (4).These lesions termed among the differential diagnoses that may be taken into
pseudocysts because they lack epithelial lining. account.

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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