TCC Apple Picking Trip 2024
On Saturday, September 28, MIT Tech Catholic Community will be holding an apple picking trip to Honey Pot Hill Orchards. Here is the schedule for the trip:

(-Optional daily Mass at St. Clement's at 11 am (we will meet outside W11 at 10:30 am to walk over))

-Leave from in front of W11 at 12:30 (we will be taking a bus)
-Arrive at orchard around 1:30
-Leave orchard around 4
-Return to campus around 5

You can find more details about the orchard/trip here.

Additionally, we're asking everyone who attends to contribute $5 towards the cost of the bus. You can give the money to either Lily or Fr. Michael, venmo @Liliana-Arias-16, or Zelle to (315)730-4653. If this presents a financial hardship for you, please talk to Fr. Michael after Mass or email 

We have limited spots, so it is possible you may be placed on a waitlist, but we will do all we can to make sure everyone who would like to is able to attend. 

Please email with any questions! Super excited to see you there :)
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