Cloud Gaming Is The Future of Gaming

Ved Prakash Bhaskar
1 min readOct 17, 2022

Cloud Gaming, also known as gaming on demand, gaming as a service, or game streaming, is a style of internet gaming in which video games are hosted on remote servers and streamed to users’ devices. More technically, cloud gaming refers to playing games remotely from a cloud.

Consider online gaming. It’s revolutionary, but it’s annoying. It will have an influence on how you play PC games in a manner similar to how things changed in 2008–2009 when Google and Apple entered the market.

Another driving force for this sector will be 5G, especially for cloud gaming. The complexity of games nowadays prohibits them from being played on a phone.

More than $2 billion has been spent on gaming firms only in the last few years to facilitate these advancements, which has opened opportunities for more research and development and also attracted local talent.

moreover, you can know effectively about cloud gaming……

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