Is Timothy Heller lying?

Timothy Heller Opened up on Twitter back in December 4 2017 about being assaulted (allegedly) by Melanie Martinez. Now, this isn’t the first time that Timothy used twitter to talk about the topic of sexual assault. a month before this she posted on Twitter that she was afraid of opining up about her story because she was afraid of the reaction from others since this person was know and loved by others. If you did not see her initial tweets, here it is:

Now, my first thought after reading this (similar to others) is that I was deeply saddened by it. Truth be told, I am a Melanie Martinez supporter. but after hearing the allegations and giving it time to sink in I did delete all of her music and photos of her from my Phone. As a child I did experience abuse from my father, sexual, mental and psychical abuse. I still to this day suffer from it, it still affects me and how I react in different situations with others. I would never support a Rapist- nore will I ever make the victim feel as though that she may be lying. but truth be told, there is minimal evidence and the evidence that was provided along side the story that was given by the “victim” Timothy Heller seemed to change when ever someone would question her.

Some of you may not know but the following day after speaking about her rape allegations she’s done an interview with Newsweek. This is the first time that the mention of any sort of text messages between both Timothy Heller and Melanie Martinez was brought to light. when i first read this article I skip over this part but now going back my only question is “Why wouldn’t she want to show the text messages if she knows that it can completely back up her story?”

FIVE days after she came out with her statement she decided to have an interview on YouNow with a Melanie Melanie Martinez supporter that goes by the accounts “Melsupdates” on Instagram and “SophiaSorella” on Instagram and Twitter.[ }

I would recommend you read the article and view the video. Now I do want to say that Melanie’s reply was not the smartest, it was brief and i kind of wanted her to say more. I still do, but the line that I do think was important in her statement towards Timothy’s allegations was “She never said no to what WE chose to do TOGETHER” Now I know that all of this has happened over a year ago, so why am I bringing this back up again?

well it it is because on March 20th Timothy and her friends Abigail Breslin and Maddie Carina brought it up again because people still don’t believe Timothy’s story. And honestly, if there weren’t for so many inconsistencies such as the date the assault happened , the photos that was used to prove that it happened on that date, The Facebook that timothy swears wasn’t hers (which i would get to in a minute), and just other details that just did not add up.

Now, this is the second time that someone has mentioned that there’s text messages that can corroborate with Timothy’s story. Yet she or her friends does not want to publish them??? I don’t see why not. she was able to show us her “broken” I cloud to show us that the reason she chose the dateof when Melanie raped her was because of the picture in her icloud (which is incorrect because she told Sophia on YouNow that the picture that the picture of her wearing Melanie wig was the same week where Melanie allegedly raped her. ) so why did she submit the photo of Melanie in handcuffs to Newsweek ? in case I’ve lost you, here are the images that i am talking about:

The picture that Timothy submitted to newsweek was to prove that this was the date it happened. the caption under the photo timothy submitted to them stated ” Martinez on the night in question in 2015, allegedly playing the sexual game Heller says she took way too seriously.COURTESY OF TIMOTHY HELLER ” yet in the interview she was sure it happened the week that she took the photo wearing Melanie’s wig, (which on the picture above shows that it was within the week of April 6 which was a month before they decided to play the sex game (on may 6).

I don’t want to dig too much into this because again this happened a year ago but i do want to say for someone who has been sexually assaulted before, why would you stay over a second time if the night before made you feel uncomfortable? in my experience since i have been sexually assaulted by my father, in any situation I’ve been in that made me feel uncomfortable i would freeze, but after i would find a way to get out of the situation which timothy had two days to. No one forced her to stay over at meanies house, especially if she knew that the night before made her feel uncomfortable because Melanie “begged” her for sex

But I do want to talk about the whole Facebook fiasco because many believes that it was made up. I would like to say I was able to view Timothy’s Facebook account before she decided to change her profile picture, here it is:

Back to the Maddie, Abigail and Timothy situation. Abigail and Madalene defended Timothy again because Timothy was still getting hate from people who are calling her out for lying about her allegations towards Melanie Martinez. Their main points were that the “Crybaby fandom” make it so hard to believe victims or that we are victim blaming Timothy. but should we really be held accountable for not believing timothy? she lies and no matter what proof that she provides there is always something to debunk her (either it is something that she’s said previously or more proof that what she has said isn’t true). BUT apparently there is proof. According to Abigail, Timothy has text messages that can prove that everything she has said about Melanie Martinez is true! so why not show it?

According to Timothy’s friends they don’t want to release the text messages because “its Timothy’s choice” Yet she’s your friend. If she were my friend I would push her to show the text messages. If you can show us your camera roll you can show us the text messages that Melanie has sent you that can prove that you are telling the truth. The real reason Timothy doesn’t want to show anyone the photos of the text messages are because they simply don’t exist.

Going back to the YouNow interview, she says that she wishes that there was something that she could say so that way people can believe her, HEY, MAYBE IF YOU SHOW THE TEXT MESSAGES PEOPLE WOULD BELIEVE YOU. Instead of crying on Instagram live because people don’t believe you or becoming upset because people decide to stay neutral instead of taking sides, show us why we should believe you. Show us the real Melanie Martinez so that way everyone can finally “un-stan” her . If Melanie Martinez really did assault you I’d think you would do anything possible to prove it. Just think about the little girls who look up to her? If you and Madalene claim that she forced you both into sex why would you still allow her to continuously be around her fans even when some of them are really young?

Its like if your rapist was a male would you want young girls to still support them? no. Because when ever Timothy gets the chance she wants to remind everyone of how horrible Adam22 is or even going after xxtenation (when he was alive.) Also going after Billie Eilish because according to Timothy the fame is “going to her head”.

She talks about children (in this case Billie Eilish) being sexualized but her little sister takes pictures on Instagram practically naked and making out with other girls in hot tubs. She doesn’t care enough about all the grown men who may be sexualizing own sister but she cares about who Billie Eilish talks to or about how terrible Melanie’s music is because she romanticizes mental illness.

Lets not forget the fact that she is extremely biases. She bashes Melanie’s music for glorifying mental illness which isn’t true (like Melanie said, YOU. JUST. DON’T. GET. IT) but Timothy’s music video is somewhat similar? now I’m not talking about the music part of the scenery but the concept itself. Timothy likes to Mention that Melanie doesn’t deal with any sort of mental illness (which I feel like is false but I wont talk about it as much in this blog because I want to keep this mainly on Timothy Heller) and that Seems to be a problem to her because Melanie uses music to talk about topics that she has never bee though before… Yet timothy makes a music video (That she completely blamed on Hanna) about being kidnapped? And as far as I know, Timothy Heller has never been kidnapped before. So way was it okay for her use that concept fro her music video (yes it was “Hanna’s idea” but she CHOSE to go along with it. it is HER music video) but Melanie isn’t allowed to talk about unstable homes, relationships and mental illness?

No one wants to feel as if they are victim shaming, but Timothy Heller isn’t a victim. No matter how neutral I wish I could be, there is just way too many evidence proving that this story is just a STORY. Her friends are there to just back her up on this story because they are bitter about their own personal relationship they may have had with Melanie Martinez.

Ofcorse there is other evidence and shady things that Timothy Heller has done such as her blaming the Crybaby fandom for getting her music removed (without doing thorough investigation on why it was taken down), the fact that she dropped Frankie who basically idolized her or the fact that she basically made anyone who decided to stay neutral in this situation feel like crap. but I chose not to add too much, maybe in my future blogs I would talk about all of the evidence that I have found and analyse them.

I know that this is a touchy subject for a lot of people, including myself. I would like to say if there is anyone out there who is in a abusive relationship or knows someone who is in a abusive relationship. please seek help. ALSO if you ever have thoughts about suicide or know someone who is suffering with depression, here are a lost of numbers that I have found:

(800) 799-7233 – Domestic Violence Hotline; 741741- crisis councilor;
1-800-273-8255 – National suicide prevention;

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