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Why Sell on RacingJunk?

The #1 marketplace for Racing and Performance enthusiasts since 1999

What Can I Sell?

New and used race cars, parts, trailers, engines, and everything else motorsports related

Drag Racing


New/Used Cars


Vintage Cars

Car Parts


And More!

Drag Racing


New/Used Cars


Vintage Cars

Car Parts


And More!

Drag Racing


New/Used Cars


Vintage Cars

Car Parts


And More!

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It doesn’t get any simplier than this!

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Sell for FREE

We're Here To Help

For only $59.95 per item we’ll give you all the help you need and:

  • We’ll create your account
  • List your item
  • Upload your photos
  • Answer all your quesitons
  • You’ll talk to a U.S. customer service agent
  • And more!
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M-F 8:30am - 5:00 pm EST

Frequently Asked Questions


Nothing! It is absolutely free to become a basic member of RacingJunk. To experience ALL of the benefits that RacingJunk offers, join Club RacingJunk (CRJ). A Fan Club Membership is only $2.95/month. The Pro Club is $6.95/month or $49.95 for the full year.
Click here for a list of (CRJ) benefits: https://www.racingjunk.com/signup

*If you are a Business we have several options available starting at $55/mo to promote your product or services. Click here to see our Media Kit and learn more: https://www.racingjunk.com/mediaKit/mediakit.pdf


Yes! Registration is simple and it's FREE You can also just post an ad and registration is part of the process. Click here to sell your stuff, it's FREE


ZERO. Unlike eBay we don’t take a piece of the pie. When you sell something you keep 100% of the profit. We do offer people the ability to make honor payments if you do feel as though the website helped you sell your item but there is no obligation to do so


Concierge service is a paid service that we offer to our users that are having trouble or would like us to post an ad for them. We understand that sometimes technology isn't your friend or you simply do not have the time to sit down, create an account and post an ad. For that reason we now offer a concierge service were we do the work for you. If you don't have an account, we will create one for you. We will then sit with you and post your ad for you. The only thing you will have to send to us is photos. To find out more information about our concierce service, you can visit this page: https://www.racingjunk.com/concierge_service


To place an ad on RacingJunk it is completely FREE. Unlike other classifieds websites like eBay where you pay to post an ad, RacingJunk allows users to place ads for FREE. You do have to be a member to place an ad, but we even offer a FREE basic membership. Many users have a FREE basic account, place free ads and sell them without giving {$email_domain} a dime. We do however offer upgrade membership levels and ad upgrades to help sell your items quicker.