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  May 2021 NEWS
We would like to keep you informed 
We are planning a new regular email newsletter, which will enable us to keep you informed about things like: new events, meetings, competitions, what’s in Sprint, competitions, partner promotions and membership benefits. Some examples are shown below.

So we have a favour to ask… if you would like to receive this newsletter and update emails from the TVR Car Club, please confirm that you agree by replying to the email address below.
Please could you add your name to the message text we have provided in the email link above.

As a thank you for opting in we will enter you into a draw to win a years free membership to the TVR Car Club

Thank you for taking the time to reply.
We look forward to seeing you at local and national events soon.

The TVR Car Club
Whats in Sprint - May 2021
The award winning full colour magazine for TVR Car Club members with over 64 pages of fresh TVR content every month:

News on the Oliver Winterbottom tribute run.
We gear up for Cadwell Track Day, have you booked yet?
The road to Tuscan Heaven, with highs and lows on the way.
The Rep. of Ireland region tell us what they have been up to.
Munich to Lancashire, let the final journey begin... Danny’s Chimaera Roadtrip 
The full story of bringing a Griffith back from the dead.
Plus the following articles:

Nigel’s Classic Cars magazine fame for his very special S4

The lost works car - BEM 885 found, saved and being restored to its former glory

Three men and a 3000M, a family affair

Club Members Competition

Stand out from the crowd in this Motul branded mask and embroidered baseball cap, in this month’s members’ competition.To enter - email, mentioning the word ‘MASK & CAP’ and your membership number before 20th May 2021


Sprint Picture This winner

The winner of the monthly photo competition in Sprint, who will receive a free A1 poster print courtesy of Treble3 Design & Print is: 

Charlie Walford
for his photo of his stunning TVR T350

In the meantime why not check out what’s new in the TVR Car Club






