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3D Resin Printing : Best Midrange Printer

Midrange printers are ideal for those that love to print items that are a little bigger, or maybe print more smaller items at once. They’re often a favourite with print farms as well as mini lovers who relish printing an entire army on one build plate.

Here I’ve listed the Midrange Resin printers that I’ve personally owned and thoroughly tested, and even ranked them in order of recommendation. Prices aren’t included as these change too frequently, but I have included convenient price links so you can check the money side of things out for yourself.

VogMan’s Midrange 3D Resin Printer Picks

W x D x H
Phrozen Sonic Mighty Revo 14K #1 17 / 24 µm M 223 x 126 x 235 mm My YouTube Review Probably the best printer Phrozen have made since the Mini 8K, this is an expensive machine, but its very well put together. It truly impressed me.
Anycubic Photon Mono M5s Pro #2 17 / 24 µm M 223 x 126 x 200 mm My YouTube Review This 14K printer is excellent. Great detail and a mid range plate. Coming with a heater, Anycubic really set the standard here.
Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra 12K #3 19 / 24 µm M 219 x 123 x 220 mm My YouTube Review Lots of innovation on this model getting the most from its 12K screen.
Creality Halot Mage S #4 17 / 24 µm M 223 x 126 x 230 mm My YouTube Review A step up from the Mage Pro, the print quality of this machine really impressed me, thanks to its 14K screen.
Elegoo Saturn 3 12K #5 19 / 24 µm M 219 x 123 x 250 mm My YouTube Review A very impressive printer that, whilst lacking extra features, prints beautifully.
Anycubic Photon Mono M5S 12K #6 19 / 24 µm M 218 x 123 x 200 mm My YouTube Review A large plate and 12K printing power, this almost equals the printing power of the Phrozen Mini 8K, but also comes with a self levelling build plate.
Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra 12K #7 19 / 24 µm M 219 x 123 x 260 mm My YouTube Review Accuracy with a larger built plate. For me an equal performance to the Phrozen Mini 8K, but much larger.
UniFormation GKtwo #8 29 µm M 228 x 128 x 245 mm My YouTube Review The first to include a resin heater, I really love this printer.
Elegoo Saturn 2 3D 8K #9 29 µm M 219 x 123 x 250 mm My YouTube Review Good price, good build and a great performer.
Anycubic Photon M3 Premium #10 29 µm M 219 x 123 x 250 mm My YouTube Review With ball screw double threaded rods, the premium sold out initially within days of launch.
Phrozen Sonic Mighty 8K #11 29 µm M 218 x 123 x 235 mm My YouTube Review A great midranger with a very helpful UI. Just a tad expensive in comparison to others. Use the code VOG10 for 10% off at the official store.
Anycubic Photon M3 Plus #12 34 µm M 197 x 122 x 245 mm My YouTube Review Midrange quality print performance with an improved UI and the first Auto Resin filler I came across.
Anycubic Photon Mono X 6K #13 34 µm M 197 x 122 x 245 mm My YouTube Review Quickly surpassed by another version, this printer is not easy to get hold off - but well worth it if you can.

Obviously my ranking decisions are personal and many may disagree with them. In essence, I tend to favour print quality above all else and for that reason higher ranking K numbers and lower rated XY numbers will appear higher on my lists. Where these things are similar or equal, I then list items in terms of build quality, practical add-ons, etc. For example, I think I was amongst the first YouTubers to spot and inform folks about the Uniformation GKtwo, a printer that whilst not the most accurate, is still amongst the best in terms of its user-friendly additions.

XY Resolution and K Numbers

I cover these topics more fully in this video and quite honestly I don’t want to invest pages of waffle covering those topics here. But in a nutshell the “K” number represents the number of thousand pixels associated with the X side of a printer screen. The XY resolution represents the number of pixels on both the X and Y sides of the screen, expressed in relation to the physical size, measured typically in microns (µm). So, to make this less complex, we want to ideally see high K numbers and low xy µm numbers. Confused? Yes, it is a bit of a pig, but honestly the mentioned video makes it clearer.


And don't forget resin! Check out my recommended resins!

About the Price Links

IF YOU ARE going to buy one of these printers, I’d be grateful if you could do it by clicking one of the links I provide. This will not cost you any extra but in some cases it can generate a small commission for me. And before the cynics say anything, no, my ranking system is NOT biased in favour of commissions… that’s not my style. These commissions aren't enough to change anyone's life, though they can help me cover the costs of this website and my various channels. However, I'd prefer to lose these commissions and speak honestly, rather than deceive someone out of hundreds so that I can earn pennies.



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