Возможно, вы имели в виду: "Blu Bold Text"
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Elements from the first markup language are identified using BLUE, bolded text. Elements from the second are presented as RED, italicized text. A news site ...
18 апр. 2024 г. · ... Blue bolded text, Spreading the message of neurodiversity. Regular blue font reads, Exploring learning differences and why neurodiversity ...
15 мая 2020 г. · These revisions are highlighted in blue bolded text. Applicability. Not all micro-purchase thresholds are increased by this deviation. In ...
The blue bolded text in your search results is called the Title element. The system uses the first string field that is not the Number field as the Title ...
14 сент. 2020 г. · You can click this blue, bolded text to jump to the student page at any time. 3. You can also now reply to comments and notes tied to ...
The dates with drawings that you purchased tickets for have blue, bolded text and a dot. To see more information about the tickets that you have purchased ...
Elements from the first markup language are identified using BLUE, bolded text. Elements from the second are presented as RED, italicized text. [begin ...
29 мар. 2022 г. · Gradient white background with blue bolded text on top and red contact us button next to. Treat Acidic Water with MACH Engineering. No matter ...
concise proofreading tool example, paragraphs with blue underlined text and blue bolded text. Concise proofreading. Text-shortening tool that makes your text ...