The Great Escape: The Mortimers, the Tower of London and the Crown

The Society’s most ambitious event to date commemorates the 700th anniversary of Roger Mortimer’s escape from the Tower of London on 1 August 1323.

Tuesday 1st August 2023

Banqueting Suite in the New Armouries, Tower of London

Tickets £40 including:
• A morning of presentations by eminent historians
• Mid-morning refreshments
• All-day access to the Tower of London (usual price £30)
• Book launch: The Mortimers of Wigmore 1066 – 1485: Dynasty of Destiny (commissioned by the Mortimer History Society)

Optional lunch (£18:75)

For full details of the day download our programme
here ☛☛

Agenda at a Glance
9:00 Registration and free access to Tower of London begins
10:30 Welcome and launch of The Mortimers of Wigmore 1066 – 1485: Dynasty of Destiny
10:40 Presentations
11:40 Refreshments
12:10 Presentations
13:45 Lunch (optional)
13:45 – 17:00 Free access to Tower of London

Access to the Tower and Banqueting Suite

Entry to the Tower grounds is via Middle 
Drawbridge at the bottom of the enclosed map 

Banqueting Suite in the New Armouries, Tower of London


Single ticket price for members and non-members £40

Optional lunch (sandwiches, salad, crisps, fruit platter) £18.75

Online Booking

Book now

By telephone
0333 666 3366
(£2 booking fee)

By cheque
Make out to Mortimer History Society and post to Philip Hume, Waterloo Lodge, Orleton Common, SY8 4JG including contact details (email preferred) and names of all attending participants. Remember to tell us if you want lunch.